Ennoble | A True Charity Podcast

Ennoble | A True Charity Podcast

<p>A podcast of True Charity where we explore effective charity practices and policies, uncovering innovative strategies and success stories that celebrate dignity. From the dust of poverty to the seat of nobility, let's embark on another empowering journey together.</p>

Doing Them Well By Being With Them First: The Power of Presence in Effective Charity

In this excerpt from his new book, The Crisis of Dependency … True Charity CEO & Co-founder James Whitford powerfully illustrates the importance of being with people we want to help out of poverty. Help people gain lasting freedom from dependency! For more of these key principles, order your copy of James’ book today. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and infl...


The Power of Collaboration: Strengthen Your Poverty Alleviation Ministry Together

Have you ever felt like something wasn’t quite right in your charitable efforts? You’re not alone. One team member shares her past struggles and how she’s come to realize there is a trusted community—connected across the nation and united in person each year–linking arms to holistically serve the poor. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a memb...


Achieving Advantageous Outcomes with Self Assessments

Effectively assessing the circumstances of those seeking help is key to their long-term stability. True Charity’s client self-assessment survey will help you prioritize the dignity of the people you serve as you help them foster lasting change. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions: A Synopsis

If you belong to an American church, chances are you’ve been on a short-term mission trip — or supported one somehow. Helping Without Hurting sheds light on how those trips may cause more harm than good and offers practical tips on how to effectively support existing congregations in low-income communities. Purchase on Amazon This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influen...


Respecting Agency and Truth in Relationships

Ministry leaders often navigate the tension between respecting an individual’s agency and upholding absolute truth, particularly when guiding those in poverty toward wise and moral choices. Effective mentorship requires balancing encouragement and accountability—listening first, celebrating progress, pointing to biblical absolutes, and respecting lived experience—all while allowing individuals to take ownership of their decisions. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical r...


Five Ways to Improve Children’s Safety at Your Ministry

Is your organization equipped to ensure the safety of every child who walks through your doors? From background checks to clear policies and ongoing safety training, practical steps make all the difference. Protect My Ministry shares five ways to equip your ministry. Contact Protect My Ministry This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a m...


A Framework for Flourishing: A Synopsis of When Helping Hurts

When Helping Hurts is a rallying cry for the Church that simultaneously convicts and compels. Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert set out to awaken American Christians to the stark contrast between their beach vacations and the grinding poverty in foreign slums. Sequel: Salvation, the American Dream, and Becoming Whole: A Sequel to When Helping Hurts – True Charity Amazon: When Helping Hurts can be purchased at Amazon. If you purchase the book through this link, True Charity will earn a sm...


When Social Capital Moves in Next Door: The Best Evidence on Gentrification

The evolution of neighborhoods from working class to higher income is often an occasion for alarm among advocates for the poor. However, the best evidence shows gentrification is a net positive for the poor and a harm to far fewer than most believe. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


The Maker Versus The Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics

Economist Jerry Bowyer examines Christ’s teachings on social justice and economics from a biblical and historical perspective, concluding He spoke against redistribution of wealth by those in power. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


The Emotional and Mental Health Crisis in Poverty

Misuse of relief has caused a mental and emotional health crisis among those in poverty. Leading them to go back into a deeper exploration of family-of-origin issues will help them go forward to more complete, integrated healing. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


A Resurgence of Republicanism: Reclaiming Self-governance in a Season of Opportunity

As a new administration reins in government overreach, a crisis of dependency is sure to come to light. With a generation withdrawing from an over-reliance on federal relief, a unique opportunity will arise to reclaim self-governance and revive private charity. The question remains: “Will we seize this moment?” James Whitford calls us to action. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, ...


Partnering with Landlords for Affordable Housing

Charities often face challenges in providing affordable housing due to limited resources, but partnering with landlords who share a heart for ministry provides an innovative way forward. Hear about two ministries that combine housing with support services. Avery West shares. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits...


Forgotten Faces: A Call for the Church to Engage the Elderly

The growing elderly-isolation crisis in the U.S. presents churches and nonprofits with a unique opportunity to honor our aging Image Bearers. By creating relational communities where needs are seen and met, and encouraging the elderly to use their gifts, we can honor them with the dignity and hope they deserve. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Alrea...


What’s Justice Got to Do With It? How Justice Works With Charity to Uplift the Poor

Justice is a hot topic with wildly divergent interpretations. Charity is an enigmatic and even questionable virtue to many. This article cuts through the modern moral cacophony and outlines a clear, essential role for both in poverty resolution. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


After The Storm: How to Shape Our Mercy Ministries for Long-term Success

The storms have passed, but the damage remains. Relief is being given, but deeper needs are surfacing. The people you serve need support, restoration, and long-term independence. How can your mercy ministry help them write their success stories? This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


Second Chances: Helping Returning Citizens Reintegrate

Imagine a world where former prisoners have a second chance to thrive — becoming powerful, societal contributors through steady employment. Guest contributor, Eric Cochling, shares. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


Is Your Mission Statement B.I.G. Enough?

A good mission statement should serve as a brief, inspirational action guide for your organization. It’s important to get it right. This simple framework will help you maximize the impact of this crucial component of your brand and strategy. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


Is Healing From Childhood Adversity Possible? A Review of the Book Created to Heal.

In a world full of mental health news, Created to Heal offers hope that neuroplasticity — the brain’s capacity to heal — can heal childhood trauma! And it gives caregivers guidance on how to foster resilience and support families. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


How to Locally Support Refugees

Immigration is a controversial and complex topic. While we can’t offer solutions to all those issues here, we can address a key question: How should we love immigrants the way Jesus wants us to? Here are practical ways to do that, even from your hometown. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the m...


How Do I Truly Help Panhandlers?

James Whitford, True Charity's CEO, explores the best ways to help panhandlers in your community. This article is just the tip of the iceberg for practical resources available through the True Charity Network. Check out how it can help you learn, connect, and influence here. Already a member? Access all your benefits through the member portal.


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