Entangled Things

What if a Quantum Computing aficionado with expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning talked to a security expert interested in how Quantum Computing already impacts the world?

Future Frontiers: AI, Quantum Computing, and Beyond

In Episode 86: In this visionary episode, Patrick and Ciprian dive into the evolving world of artificial intelligence. They explore groundbreaking developments in GPT and large language models, assess the commercial stability of quantum computing, and discuss the upcoming discoveries and solutions poised to transform our future. Tune in to Episode 86 of 'Entangled Things' for an in-depth analysis of the technologies shaping our tomorrow.


The Quantum Frontier: Tackling Errors and Exploring Rydberg States with Dr. Steven Girvin

In Episode 85, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Steven Girvin of Yale University. The team discusses error correction, Rydberg states, erasure errors, and dual rail encoding.Dr. Steve GirvinAfter graduating in a high school class of 5 students in the small village of Brant Lake, NY and completing his undergraduate degree in physics from Bates College, Dr. Girvin earned his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Princeton University in 1977. Dr. Girvin joined the Yale faculty in 2001, where he is Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics.  From 2007 to 2017 he served as Yale’s Deputy Provost for Research, overseeing strategic planning for research across Yale.  From 2019 to 2021, he served as founding director of the Co-Design Center for Quantum Advantage, one of five national quantum information science research centers funded by the Department of Energy.  Along with his experimenter colleagues Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf, Professor Girvin co-developed ‘circuit QED,’ the leading architecture for construction of quantum computers based on superconducting microwave circuits.  Dr. Girvin is a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.  In 2007, he and his collaborators, Allan H. MacDonald and James P. Eisenstein were awarded the Oliver E. Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society for their work on the fractional quantum Hall effect.   In 2019, he and coauthor Kun Yang published the textbook “Modern Condensed Matter Physics” with Cambridge University Press.  


Quantum Communications Systems & High Transmission Networks with Ryan Lafler of Quantum Corridor

In Episode 84, Patrick speaks with Ryan Lafler, President and CTO of Quantum Corridor. They discuss communications systems, Quantum key distribution, and high transmission networks.Ryan Lafler co-founded Quantum Corridor, LLC, in early 2022 and serves as the President and Chief Technology Officer of the company. Ryan has more than 20 years of experience developing telecommunications solutions and has had considerable success constructing data and voice networks at scale. He previously co-founded Coeo Solutions, LLC, a managed service provider that has established fiber networks across 39 of 50 states in the U.S. He also founded FIT Telco, a telecommunications consulting firm supplying expertise in critical bandwidth for more than 30 international providers across the country. As President and CTO of Quantum Corridor, Ryan is responsible for day-to-day pathway and asset management, as well as the design, implementation and management of Quantum Corridor’s network. He possesses extensive experience and a comprehensive technical understanding of telecommunications and fiber networks, which will facilitate the advancement of capabilities and efficiencies in Quantum Corridor while providing innovative solutions with new technologies. Originally from Arizona, Ryan is a Tool fan, an auto fanatic and lives in the west suburbs of Chicago. 


Quantum Sensor Networks & Future Quantum Application Opportunities with Dr. Prineha Narang of UCLA

In Episode 83, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Dr. Prineha Narang of UCLA. The team discusses distributed quantum sensor networks, lasers, magnons, and new technology application opportunities through organic conversations.Dr. Prineha Narang is a Professor in Physical Sciences and Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCLA with an interdisciplinary group spanning areas of physics, chemistry, and engineering. Prior to moving to UCLA, she was an Assistant Professor of Computational Materials Science at Harvard University. Before starting on the Harvard faculty in 2017, Dr. Narang was an Environmental Fellow at HUCE, and worked as a research scholar in condensed matter theory in the Department of Physics at MIT. She received an M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Caltech. Her group works on theoretical and computational quantum materials, non-equilibrium dynamics, and quantum information science. Narang’s work has been recognized by many awards and special designations, Narang’s work has been recognized by many awards and special designations, including the 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship in Physics, Maria Goeppert Mayer Award from the American Physical Society, 2023 ONR Young Investigator Award, 2022 Outstanding Early Career Investigator Award from the Materials Research Society, Mildred Dresselhaus Prize, Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a Max Planck Sabbatical Award from the Max Planck Society, and the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Computational Physics all in 2021, an NSF CAREER Award in 2020, being named a Moore Inventor Fellow by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, a Top Innovator by MIT Tech Review (MIT TR35, )and a leading young scientist by the World Economic Forum in 2018. In 2017, she was named by Forbes Magazine on their “30under30” list for her work in atom-by-atom quantum engineering, that is, designing materials at the smallest scale, using single atoms, to enable the leap to quantum technologies. Dr. Narang has held leadership roles in a DOE EFRC ‘Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits’, DOE NQI Quantum Science Center, and the NSF ERC ‘Center for Quantum Networks’, among others. Her continued service to the science community includes chairing the Gordon Conference on Ultrafast and Cooperative Phenomena, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting (2022) and the MRS-Kavli Foundation Future of Materials Workshop: Computational Materials Science (2021), organizing APS, Optica (OSA), and SPIE symposia, and a leadership role in APS’ Division of Materials Physics. Narang is an Associate Editor at ACS Nano of the American Chemical Society, an Associate Editor at Applied Physics Letters of the American Institute of Physics, and the Editorial Advisory Boards of Nano Letters and Advanced Photonics. Dr. Narang is also the founder and Chief Technology Officer of Aliro, a VC-backed US quantum network company. At Aliro, she spearheads the effort in quantum information, towards commercializing scalable quantum networks.


Entangled Things Three Year Anniversary

Episode82In Episode 82, Patrick and Ciprian celebrate three years of Entangled Things.The team discusses different modalities, shifting perspectives, and the importance of the algorithms. 


Quantum Computing in Space with guests Garland Garris & Rima Oueid

In Episode 81, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Garland Garris of Accenture Federal Services, and first time guest Rima Oueid of the United States Department of Energy.The team discusses Quantum Computing in space, international development interest, and complimentary technologies to push development timelines.As Accenture Federal Services Quantum Security Lead, Garland Garris, provides Insider Threat, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, cybersecurity expertise and leadership to help guide the company’s cybersecurity business initiatives. Garland is the former Senior Leader responsible for cybersecurity for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), one of the founders of the FBI’s Insider Threat Center and provisioned implementation of multiple data science, investigative and analytic systems. An expert in Insider Threat Programs, Data Analytics, Cyber defense and operational programs, Garris brings 29 years of professional experience, 15 of which were served within national security agencies.Rima Kasia Oueid is a Senior Commercialization Executive at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Technology Transitions, where she leads market development activities and commercialization of emerging DOE technologies with a focus on quantum information science, transportation, grid modernization, and space-based applications. She builds public private partnerships, identifies use cases, and develops innovative business models to accelerate market adoption and bankability of quantum computing, quantum communications/security, quantum sensing, artificial intelligence, microgrids, and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies. Rima is the architect and lead of the DOE V2X Partnership with major OEMs, utilities, and bidirectional charging companies.  She is also a DOE representative on the board of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QEDC), serves as the chair of QEDCs Use Case Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on Quantum Sensing, and a member of the Quantum Computing and Quantum Networking/Communications TACs.


How Electric Utilities Prepare for a Post-Quantum Future in the Energy Sector with Dr. Sayon Chanda

In Episode 80, Patrick speaks with Sayon Chanda, Senior Scientist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), one of US Department of Energy's leading federal research laboratories in Denver Colorado.The team discusses the NISQ era of Quantum Computing, the complexities of current electric utility configurations, and how electric utilities can prepare for a post quantum future. Learn more: https://www.nrel.gov/news/program/2023/quantum-computers-can-now-interface-with-power-grid-equipment.htmlSayonsom Chanda is a senior scientist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Boulder, Colorado. He works in the intersection of advanced computing technologies and the electric power grid. For last seven years, he has worked extensively in implementation of AI technology for electric utilities in North America. Recently, his work on interfacing quantum computers and power grid simulators for developing industrial applications of quantum computing for solving the complex challenges of our times - including energy insecurity and climate change. Prior to joining NREL, Dr. Chanda was a Senior Data Scientist at National Grid in New York and an electrical engineer at Idaho National Laboratory. He is also the co-founder of two tech start-up companies where he helped them raise venture capital and develop commercial solutions for the utility industry. Over a dozen prominent conferences in the United States and abroad have invited him to speak on AI applications in the Energy industry, including a TEDX talk in 2021. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University, has published more than 18 articles in journals with a high impact factor and holds three patents in cloud computing for power systems. He is also the author of a book “Resiliency of Electricity Distribution Systems," published by Wiley in the United Kingdom.


Patrick and Ciprian discuss Post-Quantum Encryption

In Episode 79, Patrick and Ciprian talk about Post-Quantum Encryption.A fascinating discussion about asymmetric encryption, NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization, and CRYSTALS - the Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices.


Gamification of Educational Concepts through Quander with Dr. Diana Franklin

In Episode 78, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Diana Franklin of the University of Chicago.A fascinating episode where the team discusses gamification of educational concepts through Quander, entanglement, superposition, and the advantages of reframing ideas for Quantum native students.Diana Franklin is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Chicago. When she received her Ph.D. at UC Davis, 2002, her research focus was computer architecture, especially new technologies. She has done research in intelligent memories, memristors, and quantum computers. In 2008, she began her transition to computer science education research. She now leads the CANON (Computing for ANyONe) Lab, specializing in both 3rd-8th grade computer science interventions and quantum computing education for novices of any age with a particular focus towards moving towards more equitable learning experiences. She is currently the co-lead of the Q-12 Partnership, a new initiative by the Office of Science and Technology Programs, the National Science Foundation, industry, and professional organizations to bootstrap K-12 quantum information science education. In addition, she serves on the CRA (Computing Research Association) Board and is the author of "A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity for CS Faculty," from Morgan Claypool. 


Revisiting 'What is Quantum Computing?'

In Episode 77, Patrick and Ciprian meet to revisit old topics with new insights.The team discuss the broad question of, What is Quantum Computing, applications in chemistry, and the search for the right modality.


SPECIAL EPISODE: QuEra and Harvard University discuss groundbreaking advancements in Quantum Error Correction

In this special off-cycle release of Episode 76, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Yuval Boger (QuEra), and first time guests Harry Zhou (QuEra and Harvard) and Dolev Bluvstein (Harvard).The team discusses a historical announcement regarding groundbreaking advancements in Quantum Error Correction utilizing transversal gates to create the first logical Quantum processor.QuEra also announced a special event on Jan 9th at 11:30 AM ET, where QuEra will reveal its commercial roadmap for fault-tolerant quantum computers. Register for this online event at:   https://quera.link/roadmap. Yuval Boger is the CMO of QuEra, the leader in neutral atom quantum computers. In his career, he has served as CEO and CMO of frontier-tech companies in markets including quantum computing software, wireless power, and virtual reality. His "Superposition Guy's Podcast" hosts CEOs and other thought leaders in quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communications to discuss business and technical aspects that impact the quantum ecosystem.Hengyun (Harry) Zhou is a research scientist at QuEra Computing and Harvard University. His PhD work from Prof. Mikhail Lukin’s group at Harvard made key contributions to quantum sensing and quantum many-body physics and was recognized as a finalist for the American Physical Society’s (APS) Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) thesis prize. His recent work focuses on novel quantum error correction schemes for neutral atom quantum computers, with the promise to drastically reduce the requirements for building large-scale quantum computers.Dolev Bluvstein is an experimental physics PhD student working in Prof Mikhail Lukin's lab at Harvard and a recipient of the Hertz Fellowship. He is the lead-author of the original work on programming quantum circuits with the motion of neutral atoms as well as the recent work realizing error-corrected quantum circuits on many logical qubits.


Neutral Atom Technology and the Emergence of National Quantum Computing Programs with Yuval Boger

In Episode 75, Patrick and Ciprian speak with Yuval Boger, Chief Marketing Officer at QuEra. This is a fascinating discussion about room temperature Neutral Atom technology, collaborations with educational institutions, and the emergence of national Quantum Computing programs.Yuval Boger is the CMO of QuEra, the leader in neutral atom quantum computers. In his career, he has served as CEO and CMO of frontier-tech companies in markets including quantum computing software, wireless power, and virtual reality. His "Superposition Guy's Podcast" hosts CEOs and other thought leaders in quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum communications to discuss business and technical aspects that impact the quantum ecosystem.


Exploring Hybrid Quantum Algorithms to find Cancer Biomarkers with Dr. Fred Chong and Dr. Teague Tomesh

In Episode 74, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Dr. Fred Chong and first time guest, Dr. Teague Tomesh of Infleqtion.The is a very exciting discussion about an awarded project from Wellcome Leap to explore hybrid quantum algorithms to find cancer biomarkers in multi-modal data.  The team also discusses solving real problems within the Quantum timeline, and matching hardware to applications.Fred Chong is the Seymour Goodman Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago and the Chief Scientist for Quantum Software at Infleqtion. He is also Lead Principal Investigator for the EPiQC Project (Enabling Practical-scale Quantum Computing), an NSF Expedition in Computing. Chong is a member of the National Quantum Advisory Committee (NQIAC) which provides advice to the President on the National Quantum Initiative Program. In 2020, he co-founded Super.tech, a quantum software company, which was acquired by Infleqtion (formerly ColdQuanta) in 2022. Chong received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1996 and was a faculty member and Chancellor's fellow at UC Davis from 1997-2005. He was also a Professor of Computer Science, Director of Computer Engineering, and Director of the Greenscale Center for Energy-Efficient Computing at UCSB from 2005-2015. He is a fellow of the IEEE and a recipient of the NSF CAREER award, the Intel Outstanding Researcher Award, and 15 best paper awards.Teague Tomesh is a Quantum Software Engineer at Infleqtion working on the co-design of quantum algorithms and hardware. The goal of this work is to minimize the time to practical quantum computing by developing and compiling applications which are tailored to the details and properties of the quantum hardware. Tomesh received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 2023 and is a recipient of the Siebel Scholars award as well as four best paper awards.


Topics including Einstein's Photoelectric Effect & Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle with Noson Yonofsky

In Episode 73, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Noson Yonofsky of Brooklyn College. The team discusses Quantum Mechanics, Einstein's Photoelectric Effect, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and the Quantum Eraser Experiment.Noson S. Yanofsky has a Ph.D. in mathematics from The Graduate Center of The City University of New York. He held a post-doctoral research position in McGill University in Montreal. Currently, he is a professor of computer science at Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center. In addition to writing research papers, he has authored Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists with Mirco Mannucci (Cambridge University Press), The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us (MIT Press), and Theoretical Computer Science for the Working Category Theorist (accepted for publication by Cambridge University Press). He is currently working on a book titled Monoidal Categories: A Unifying Concept in Mathematics, Physics, and Computers. Noson lives in Brooklyn with his wife and four children.Links to his  books can be found at: http://www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~noson/


NISQ era of Quantum algorithms with Mariia Mykhailova

In Episode 72, Patrick and Ciprian speak with returning guest Mariia Mykhailova, Principal Software Engineer at the Advanced Quantum Development Group at Microsoft.The team discuss the NISQ era of Quantum algorithms, resource estimation, and Microsoft's end-to-end approach to Quantum Computing.Mariia Mykhailova is a principal software engineer at the Advanced Quantum Development team at Microsoft. She works on developing software for fault-tolerant quantum computation, and before that she spent five years focusing on quantum education and outreach for Azure Quantum and Microsoft Quantum Development Kit. Mariia is the author and maintainer of the Quantum Katas project – an open-source collection of hands-on tutorials and programming problems for learning quantum computing. She is also a part-time lecturer at Northeastern University, teaching “Introduction to Quantum Computing” since 2020, and the author of the O'Reilly book “Q# Pocket Guide”.


Quantum State of Play with Patrick and Ciprian

In Episode 71, Patrick and Ciprian discuss how the Quantum landscape has changed since they released Entangled Things in 2021. They also dive into changes in industry leaders, the Quantum learning curve, and their predictions for 2024.


Quantum Programming & Hybrid Approaches with Dr. Bob Sutor

In Episode 70, Patrick and Ciprian speak with Dr. Bob Sutor, Vice President and Chief Quantum Advocate at Infleqtion.The team discuss quantum programming languages, hybrid approaches to quantum computing, and planning for worst case scenarios.Dr. Bob Sutor has been a technical leader and executive in the IT industry for over 40 years.  Bob’s industry role is to advance quantum technologies by building strong business, partner, technical, and educational ecosystems. The singular goal is to evolve quantum to help solve some of the critical computational problems facing society today. Bob is widely quoted in the press, delivers conference keynotes, and works with industry analysts and investors to accelerate understanding and adoption of quantum technologies. Sutor is now Vice President and Chief Quantum Advocate at Infleqtion / ColdQuanta, a hardware and software company working on quantum computing and sensing. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo (New York, USA).More than two decades of Bob’s career were spent in IBM Research in New York. During his time there, he worked on or led efforts in symbolic mathematical computation, optimization, AI, blockchain, and quantum computing. He was also an executive on the software side of the IBM business in areas including middleware, software on Linux, mobile, open source, and emerging industry standards.Bob is a theoretical mathematician by training, has a Ph.D. from Princeton University, and an undergraduate degree from Harvard College. He’s the author of a book about quantum computing called Dancing with Qubits which was published in 2019. He is also the author of the 2021 book Dancing with Python, an introduction to Python coding for classical and quantum computing. Areas in which he’s worked: quantum computing, AI, blockchain, mathematics and mathematical software, Linux, open source, standards management, product management and marketing, computer algebra, and web standards.


Entangled Things Revisits Entanglement

In Episode 69, Patrick and Ciprian meet to revisit old topics with new insights.The team discuss entanglement, amplitude amplification, and the rabbit hole of multiverse theories.


Entangled Things Revisits Superposition

In Episode 68, Patrick and Ciprian meet to revisit old topics with new insights.The team discusses superposition, and how our understanding of fundamental concepts have changed and grown over the years.


Industry Applications of Quantum Software with Román Orús

In Episode 67, Patrick and Ciprian speak with Román Orús, Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Multiverse Computing.The team discusses industry applications of Quantum software, material science, Artificial Intelligence, and the future of Quantum disruptions.Prof. Román Orús is Ikerbasque research professor at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in San Sebastián, Spain, and co-founder and CSO of Multiverse Computing, the largest quantum software company in the European Union. After obtaining his degree and PhD in Physics at the University of Barcelona in 2006, he worked as a research fellow at the University of Queensland, Australia, and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany, as well as a junior professor at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany. He was also visiting professor at the Universitè Paul Sabatier – CNRS, France, and at the DIPC. Prof. Orús has achieved several awards for his work, including a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, and the Early Career Prize (2014) by the European Physical Society. He has written a large number of highly-cited scientific articles about quantum research, including foundational contributions to the fields of complex quantum systems and applied quantum computing. He is steering board member of the journal Quantum, member of the ‘Quantum for Quants’ (Q4Q) commission of the Quantum World Association, partner at Entanglement Partners, member of the Scientific Committee of the Pedro Pasqual Benasque Center for Science, and president of the Specialized Group on Quantum Information at the Spanish Royal Society of Physics.


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