
Entitled? Who, me? This is a self-improvement podcast focused on grabbing your goals and reaching for HIGHER. It's what you deserve. Sometimes, we might be misinterpreted as 'entitled,' but we just know our worth, dream big, and work hard towards our goals. Each Friday, this podcast will cover a range of topics through the perspective of a 20-something video producer/filmmaker/content creator who blends past and present experiences to self-reflect and document her journey to... well, living the best life possible. For business enquires, please email margarita.kaminskaia@gmail.com

Eliciting Main Character Energy #7

Welcome to the seventh episode of Entitled! I’m your host, Rita Kaminski. I talk a lot about self-love on both my YouTube channel and this podcast, and to my friends all the time. A big part of that is eliciting main character energy in everyday life. What does this even mean? It means not following anyone else in life, not being a sidekick of life, but truly focusing on yourself, minding your own business and staying in your lane.


The Power of Knowing Yourself #6

Today we’ll be talking about the power of knowing yourself, truly knowing yourself, and using STOICISM on an everyday basis.


Fear vs Love and Distinguishing Between The Two #5

Welcome to the fifth episode of Entitled! I’m your host, Rita Kaminski. Today we’ll be speaking about fear and the many shapes and forms it takes on. Sometimes, we don’t even realise that what we're thinking is fear-based. Let me give you the scoop: Everything you thought you have and every action you take is based on two factors and two factors only: love and fear.


The Power of Persistence Ep #4

In the fourth episode of Entitled, I'll be speaking about what it takes to achieve your goals, the power of relentlessness, persistence and never giving up.


Losing 20kg With Gigi Fitness Ep #3

Today I invite the beautiful Gigi Fitness to talk about her weight loss journey. She went from 94kg to 74kg by taking it slow, enjoying her food, and timing her cuts to perfection.


Why Not Me? Ep #2

Welcome to the second episode of Entitled! Today we speak about the ‘Why not me?’ mentality that could seriously benefit you in competitive situations.


Introduction Ep #1

On this episode of The Entitled Podcast, I introduce a little bit about myself, give a little insight on what this podcast is about, and explain why I titled it The Entitled Podcast.


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