The pet market in the United States is quite large and continues to grow. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), Americans spent over $103.6 billion on their pets in 2020, up from $97.1 billion in 2019. This includes spending on pet food, supplies, veterinary care, grooming, and other pet services. Additionally, the APPA reports that approximately 70% of U.S. households own a pet, which translates to around 85 million families. Dogs and cats are the most commonly owned pets, but there are also many other types of pets, such as birds, fish, reptiles, and small mammals, that make up a significant portion of the pet market. If you want to start a business in the pet market continue listening to this podcast. EPISODE NOTES: How To Start a Pet Business
¿Cuál es el mejor collar para mi perro? ¿Un arnés? ¿Un collar de ahogo? ¿Un collar retráctil? ¿Unas carlancas? Son preguntas habituales que le surgen a quien tiene un perro. Escoger el método ideal para controlar y conducir a tu perro es algo que no debes tomar a la ligera. Collars And Leashes for Dogs What is the best collar for my dog? A harness? A choke collar? A retractable collar? Some spiked collars? These are common questions that arise for those who have a dog. Choosing the ideal method to control and lead your dog is something that you should not take lightly. EPISODE NOTES: Correas Y Traíllas Para Perros
Nutritional supplementation is essential to guarantee the good health of dogs and cats during all stages of their lives. A puppy, a pregnant queen, an old dog or a pet with joint and immunological problems, sooner than later, will require nutritional supplementation to cope with the challenges that each stage of life brings. EPISODE NOTES: Superfoods and Strategic Supplementation in Pets
¿Quién no conoce a la loca de los gatos de Los Simpson? Este personaje exhibe un comportamiento compulsivo de acumulación de animales, que cada vez es más evidente en nuestra sociedad. Este, que es en realidad un problema psicológico, causa inmenso sufrimiento tanto a las personas como a los animales. Who does not know the crazy cat woman from The Simpsons? This character exhibits compulsive animal hoarding behavior, which is becoming more and more evident in our society. This behavior, also known as Noah´s syndrome, is actually a psychological problem, causing immense suffering to both people and animals. EPISODE NOTES: Síndrome de Noé
Maybe it is true that pets are first class animals. But why don´t we think about the way of allowing other animal species into first class too? EPISODE NOTES: Are Pets First Class Animals?
Dentro de todos los problemas de comportamiento de perros y gatos el comportamiento destructivo es uno de los más relevantes, porque es quizás el que mayores problemas acarrea a los propietarios de mascotas y se constituye además en un importante factor generador de abandono y sacrificio. Among all the behavior problems of dogs and cats, destructive behavior is one of the most relevant, because it is perhaps the one that causes the greatest problems for pet owners and is also an important factor that generates pet abandonment and sacrifice. EPISODE NOTES: Comportamiento Destructivo En Mascotas
Sleeping must be taken seriously, it is the moment when you recharge energy. Living with pets is also a serious task. Sleeping with pets can strengthen links of a solid relationship or can create chaos within you and your furry friend. EPISODE NOTES: Sleeping With Pets
Despite the advances that humanity has achieved, the current human seems to need the dog, just as the caveman did. The role it plays as a pet has been associated with a better quality of life for its owners. Regardless of the fact that dogs have been with us for thousands of years and have shown their loyalty in various roles, dog abandonment rates continue to be a concern for foundations and entities in charge of animal welfare. EPISODE NOTES: The Role Of Dogs In Our Society
Pretender hacer vegetariano a mi perro o a mi gato puede estar afectando su bienestar animal. No importa lo fundamentados que sean nuestros argumentos, siempre debemos tener presente que humanizar a nuestros animales de compañía puede afectar su calidad de vida y su propia naturaleza. Pretending to make my dog or cat a vegetarian may be affecting their animal welfare. No matter how well-founded our arguments are, we must always keep in mind that humanizing our companion animals can affect their quality of life and their very nature. EPISODE NOTES: ¿Está Bien Hacer A Mi Perro O A Mi Gato Vegetariano?
Depende para quién. Factores como comportamiento y nivel de actividad determinan qué raza es la que más se ajusta al estilo de vida de cada quien. What is the best dog breed? It depends for whom. Factors such as behavior and activity level determine which dog breed is the one that best suits each person's lifestyle. EPISODE NOTES: ¿Cuál Es La Mejor Raza Canina?
Los gatos son un misterio. Su comportamiento, su papel ecológico, su nivel de domesticación, su relación con la sociedad humana aún tienen campos misteriosos por descifrar por el hombre. Mientras los gatos siguen conquistando hogares a nivel mundial, los desafíos en torno a su manejo persisten. Cats are a mystery. Their behavior, ecological role, level of domestication, relationship with human society, they still have mysterious fields to be deciphered by man. As cats continue to conquer homes around the world, management challenges persist. EPISODE NOTES: Misterio De Los Gatos
Reviso todos los factores que se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de escoger una mascota. In this episode I review all the factors that must be taken into account when choosing a pet. EPISODE NOTES: ¿Cómo Escoger Una Mascota? (How to choose a pet)
Este programa trata sobre las relaciones y las actitudes que los latinos tenemos hacia las mascotas. También revisa qué consideraciones debe tener el mercado de mascotas para conquistar a la comunidad latina en Estados Unidos. This show is about the relationships and attitudes Latinos have toward pets. It also reviews what considerations the pet market should take into account to conquer the Latino community in the United States. EPISODE NOTES: Mascotas Entre Latinos
Este programa revisa la evolución histórica de vivir con animales y cuestiona las razones de vivir con una mascota. This show reviews historically the evolution of living with animals and questions about the reason for living with a pet. EPISODE NOTES: No Estamos Obligados A Vivir Con