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Environmental Change Institute

Author: Oxford University

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These online audio resources consist of lectures, seminars and interviews from the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University. Topics include: climate change, energy, tropical forestry, environmental governance and general topics related to environmental change.
11 Episodes
Professor Jim Hall, Director of the ECI, gives a brief introduction to the work of the University of Oxford's interdisciplinary research institute looking into the processes, solutions and partnerships relating to global environmental change.
Professor Joshua Farley (Vermont University; ODID-ECI Astor Visiting Lecturer) gives a entitled "The Political Economy of Ecosystem Services".
A special lecture organised by the Environmental Change Insitute at the Sheldonian Theatre, University of Oxford.
The Chief Environmentalist at the European Investment Bank talks on 'Banking on Biodiversity: the Experience of the European Investment Bank'.
Professor Britaldo Soares-Filho (Centro de Sensoriamento Remoto/UFMG, Brazil) delivers one of the 2012 ECI Climate Lectures.
Professor David Grey (University of Oxford) delivers one of the 2012 ECI Climate Lectures.
Professor Sir David King (University of Oxford) delivers one of the 2012 ECI Climate Lectures.
Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011.
Several of the UK's most influential environment correspondents from the BBC, the Financial Times, The Guardian, The Sun and The Science Media Centre to discuss the challenges of climate change reporting in the coming months. The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ), the School of Geography and Environment and the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at Oxford University, and the British Council Climate Change Programme are bringing together several of the UK's most influential environment correspondents to discuss the challenges of climate change reporting in the coming months David Adam, The Guardian, Environment Correspondent Richard Black, BBC News website, Environment Correspondent Fiona Harvey, Financial Times, Environment Correspondent Ben Jackson, The Sun, Environment Correspondent Chair, Fiona Fox, Director, Science Media Centre
An ECI organised panel discussion following the Copenhagen international climate negotiations in December 2009 to review what happened at the negotiations and what happens next.
Students Max and Astrid give their insights on this MSc programme, including why they applied, what they learned, the fieldtrips, the students and more.