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Equalign Podcast

Author: Equalign Wendy Coren DC and Dave Lundquist DC

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Bringing Tools Techniques and Ideas to you for Animal Health and Fitness
171 Episodes
One More Thing

One More Thing


Sometimes as a practitioner when you get done working on an animal you notice that is still not quite right. What do you do? Now this takes present time consciousness to be aware of the animals communication and behavior. Some are really good at letting you know that you are not done. Others may take a little more sleuthing. Listen along and learn how we assess and reassess our work.
Colby Tucker is a certified personal trainer and nutritionalist that works with equestrians in the Ocala area. We found her on Instagram and had to meet her and talk with her about her work as it is in line with our philosophy of being Fit to Be First. Listen along as she discusses how her work can improve your riding and you everyday life.Colby can be reached on Instagram at Athletic_Equestrian@instagram and www.beachand bridge
Video Evidence

Video Evidence


Take before and after videos of the animals you are working with so you can see and demonstrate the affects of your techniques. I can't tell you how many times we have said "Wow, I wish we had a before video!" Video is a great educational tool and a great way to show people your work on social media for building your practice. Listen along as we discuss the use of video in treatment and education.
Feet are the first proprioceptive organ to make contact with the ground giving you important information before you begin movement. Thhis is true in the humans, horses and dogs we treat. Evaluating the movement and support structures (shoes and nail) needs to be part of your routine. Listen along as we discuss feet for humans, dogs and horses.
Whether you believe you can or can't do something you are right. In order for you to be capable of something you have to be in the right mind set for it to happen. Listen along as we discuss mind set for accomplishing your tasks.
Lifting Your Canine

Lifting Your Canine


We watch a lot of people that come to see us for their dog getting in and out of the cars. We like to observe how the animal and its owner perform the maneuver of getting in and out of different vehicles. People are either part of the problem of part of the solution. Listen along as we discuss proper lift techniques for the human and the canine companion,
Red Light Research

Red Light Research


Red light therapy is getting splashed all over the health market and with good reason. The research is there to back up the claims. Not all red light is the same and which ones are the most beneficaial and how does it work? Listen along as we discuss red light and its effectiveness and the research that supports it.
Rest and Rehab

Rest and Rehab


Probably one of the most common questions you will get as a practitioner is what kind of exercises can I do for my injury? New injuries require rest and a chance for the healing process to begin. Exercising immeidately after an injury can create further damage. There are other alternatives to exercise that can be used to aid the healing process. Listen along as we discuss rest and rehab.
Video for Evaluation

Video for Evaluation


The use of video to help in evaluating movement is a greet tool for the practitioner, trainer and owner. Videoing an animal in work or in play can give us as practitioners a better insight to causation and also help us locate areas of imbalance. With horse rider combos it gives us a chance to see if it the horse of the rider creating the issue. Listen along as we discuss how we use video in practice.
Are you in it for the long haul? As a client, practitioner, owner you are building a lasting relationship. What do you want out of it and how long do you want to be in it? Listen along as we discuss the different aspects of relationships of health care today.
Your ability to listen and learn how animals relate to you when you are evaluating them will be directly proportional to your ability to get the results you desire. Animals can communicate very clearly if you are paying attention to the cues they give you. Listen along as we discuss how animals will clue you in on what is going on with them.
Equalign interviews Reese Koffer-Stanfield of The Dressage Radio Show about dressage and how horses trained. Reese is a Grand Prix dressage rider with her horse, Big Mike. Reese has been training horses for 25 years and is a very accomplished rider/trainer/podcaster. Listen along as we discuss the benefits of dressage training across disciplines to create a more balanced horse. Please follow Reese on the Horse Network on The Dressage Radio Show.
Equalign is a company based on prevention. We as chiropractors base our practice on prevention. The number one cause of injury in the elderly is from falls. The number one reason we see horses is back pain and behavior changes. With proper chiropractic care and exercise and nutrition much of this can be preventable. Listen along as we discuss the necessity of prevention.
Good Stress

Good Stress


Stress is an everyday event for most of us. How we deal with the stress or how we perceive stress is what makes stress good for us or bad for us. Increasing cortisol levels in the body can do bad things. How is stress then good for you? Listen along as we discuss the benefits of stress and how best to control it.



Proprioception is a sensory awareness of position in space. It is important for your body to deal with the natural stressors of the environment properly and for safety. From walking to chewing food it is what keeps you from stumbling (most of the time) to avoiding biting your tongue or crushing your own teeth. Listen along as we discuss proprioception and what we do as chiropractors to increase your proprioceptive ability.
A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress


We are all a work in progress. We have been adjusting humans and animals for over 40 years each and we still have so much work in progress. What are you working on in your life and practice? Where do you go to find help working on yourself and your life? Listen along as we discuss our work in progress.
We have a tendency to create patterns that we then get stuck in without realizing it. If you want different results than you have to do something different. What patterns do you have in your life that could use some change. Listen along as we discuss pattern interrupts and how it can change the way you do things for better results.
The beginning of a New Year gives us a chance to reflect on days gone by and begin to think about what we want out of the coming days of 2024. Listen along as we discuss happy thoughts and how they can create the life you would like to have this year. We love you all. Happy New Year from Equalign and thank you all for taking the time in your busy schedules to listen to us.
Increasing Awareness

Increasing Awareness


Increasing awareness is a necessity in creating health and wellness. Injury will create a lack of awareness in the body that can lead to chronic suffering. In this podcast we discuss the options we use to increase awareness in our canine, equine and human clients.
Today we welcome our guests Dr Claus and Dr Karen. Dr. Claus is and MD PhD and engineer professor at Northwestern and Dr. Karen has her PhD in biology and is an equine body worker. We have spent a few days together doing some scientific work and discussing movement. Claus brought up a good point about extra movement that leads us to our discussion today. Listen along as we discuss human and animal movement.
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