Ethical Machines

<p>I have to roll my eyes at the constant click bait headlines on technology and ethics.  </p><p>If we want to get anything done, we need to go deeper. </p><p>That’s where I come in. I’m Reid Blackman, a former philosophy professor turned AI ethics advisor to government and business. </p><p>If you’re looking for a podcast that has no tolerance for the superficial, try out Ethical Machines.</p>

Data Privacy Isn’t as Important as You Think

Privacy is important. But I think we mostly misconceive the nature of privacy and data privacy. I argue we should rethink data privacy so that we can both focus better on how to protect people and so we can enable legitimately desirable innovations.


Existentialist Risk

Technologist’s are racing to create AGI, artificial general intelligence. They also say we must align the AGI’s moral values with our own. But Professors Ariela Tubert and Justin Tiehen argue that’s impossible. Once you create an AGI, they say, you also give them the intellectual capacity needed for freedom, including the freedom to reject your given values.


Is Equity Always Valuable?

Of course, decreasing racial disparities in healthcare is ethically imperative. But does it sometimes require too great a moral sacrifice? If it costs more lives than an non-equitable distribution of healthcare resources, should we really do it? Professors Guha Krishnamurthi and Eric Vogelstein argue that equity is not always a moral trump card.#ai


The Moral Weight of Online Sexual Assault

Could online sexual assault be as morally bad as in-person sexual assault? Honestly, that initially struck me as a bit crazy. But Professor John Danaher makes some very compelling arguments.


Welcome to Ethical Machines

Welcome to Ethical Machines—a weekly podcast from author and ethicist Reid Blackman. Episodes drop June 27th.


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