Professor Antonio Donini (Tufts University) gives a talk on 7th November 2012. This is a Oxford Humanitarian Group Event.
Professor Greg Johnson, Pacific Lutheran University gives a talk on 1st May 2013. This is a Oxford Humanitarian Group Event.
Urban Reichhold (Fellow, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin) gives a talk on 4th March 2012. This is an Oxford Humanitarian Group Event.
Elisabeth Decrey-Warner (President, Geneva Call), gives a talk on 25th Feb 2012. This is an Oxford Humanitarian Group Event.
Dr Marcia Byrom Hartwell (Visiting Scholar, United States Institute of Peace, (USIP) Washington DC) gives a talk for the Oxford Humanitarian Group seminar series.
Professor Deen Chatterjee gives a talk for the ELAC semianar series on 21st May 2013. With Professor Cheyney Ryan and Dr David Rodin.
Alice Obrecht (One World Trust) and Philip Tamminga (DARA) give a talk for Oxford Humanitarian Group/ELAC seminar series. Introduced by Hugo Slim.
Bob Seeley, MOD, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 13th November 2012.
Director of Liberal Way of War Program Professor Alan Cromartie gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar series on 9th October 2012. Introduced by Dr Robert Johnson.
25 April 2013, Special lecture co-hosted by ELAC, the new Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations and the Oxford Humanitarian Group by Yves Daccord (Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC).
Professor Jeff McMahan (Rutgers) with Dr Janina Dill and Dr Hugo Slim (ELAC, Oxford) discuss the Just War theory for the Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict seminar series on 8th February 2013.
Dr Aidan Hehir (Director of the Security and International Relations Programme, University of Westminster) and Dr Ann-Christin Raschdorf (Former Visiting Fellow, ELAC 2011), are chaired by Professor Jennifer Welsh on 9th November 2012.
25 Jan 2013, ELAC/Oxford Martin HRFG Programme Discussion Event with Professors David J. Luban, Jeremy Waldron and Henry Shue, chaired by Dr David Rodin.
Professor Hugh White (Professor of Strategic Studies, Australian National University) on 30 Oct 2012, this talk is for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series.
Professor Sir Adam Roberts (President, British Academy and Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Oxford) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 23 Oct 2012.
Cdre Keith Winstanley (CCW RN Hudson Fellow) and Cdr Tracy Vincent (CCW US Navy Hudson Fellow give talks for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 12 June 2012. Introduced by Dr Jan Lemnitzer.
Dr Kristian Søby Kristensen (Copenhagen/ CCW Visiting Fellow) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 6 June 2012.
Professor Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History, King's College London, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series.
ELAC/CCW Seminar Series with Professor James Pettifer (Oxford) on 15 May 2012.
ELAC/CCW Seminar Series podcast with Professor Cheyney Ryan (Oregon/ ELAC Visiting Fellow) on 22 May 2012.