Ethics Untangled

<p>Ethics Untangled is a series of conversations about the ethical issues that affect all of us, with academics who have spent some time thinking about them. It is brought to you by the IDEA Centre, a specialist unit for teaching, research, training and consultancy in Applied Ethics at the University of Leeds. <br><br>Find out more about IDEA, including our Masters programmes in Healthcare Ethics and Applied and Professional Ethics, our PhDs and our consultancy services, here:<br><br><br><br>Ethics Untangled is edited by Mark Smith at Leeds Media Services. <br>Music is by Kate Wood.</p>

Ethics Untangled: Trailer

A short trailer to let you know what Ethics Untangled is all about, including an extract from episode 1.Ethics Untangled is produced by the IDEA Ethics Centre at the University of Leeds.Twitter: @EthicsUntangledFacebook:


Archive episode [Season 4 Episode 4]: Borderline personality disorder

This podcast discusses the ethics of the controversial medical condition of Borderline Personality Disorder, examining whether the high prevalence of diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder in female patients who have experienced trauma is the result of implicit biases around gender, and whether excessive blame towards patients with Borderline Personality Disorder constitutes a form of hermeneutic injustice. Along the way, we discuss the specifics of BPD, and explain the cutting-edge phi...


Archive episode [Season 4 Episode 3]: Moral responsibility and the psychopath: the value of others (Part 2)

In this episode, Dr Andrew Kirton talks to Dr Jim Baxter about the issues explored in Jim’s new book, Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath: The Value of Others. Are psychopaths morally responsible? Should we argue with them? Remonstrate with them, blame them, sometimes even praise them? Is it worth trying to change them, or should we just try to prevent them from causing harm? And how should society treat them, particularly if they have committed crimes? To answer these questions, we...


Archive episode [Season 4 Episode 2]: Moral responsibility and the psychopath: the value of others (Part 1)

In this episode, Dr Andrew Kirton talks to Dr Jim Baxter about the issues explored in Jim’s new book, Moral Responsibility and the Psychopath: The Value of Others. Are psychopaths morally responsible? Should we argue with them? Remonstrate with them, blame them, sometimes even praise them? Is it worth trying to change them, or should we just try to prevent them from causing harm? And how should society treat them, particularly if they have committed crimes? To answer these questions, we...


Archive episode [Season 4 Episode 1]: Can mandating moral enhancement for health care professionals as a means to deal with racism and implicit biases in the field be ethically justified?

In this episode we have special guest Panashe Chinya. Panashe is a medical student at the University of Leeds, who previously intercalated on the MA in Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics at the IDEA Centre.The presentation and subsequent discussion are based on the dissertation that Panashe completed during her MA at IDEA which asks if mandating moral enhancement for health care professionals as a means to deal with racism and implicit biases in the field could be ethically justified. Could mor...


Archive episode [Season 3 Episode 5]: Reflecting on the ethics of sex work in the Covid-19 pandemic

In the fifth and final episode of the third series of the IDEA Pod podcast, IDEA alumna Georgina reflects on the conversations and interviews that have made up the series and considers what she has learned from her exploration into the ethics of sex work in the Covid-19 pandemic. Released November 2021. Presented by Georgina James. Georgina is a final-year medical student at the University of Leeds and is also a graduate of our Campus MA Biomedical and Health Care Ethics. Georgina return...


Archive episode [Season 3 Episode 4]: The potential harms of sex work

IDEA alumna Georgina speaks to Anna Westin. Anna is a philosopher, artist, and musician. She is a Visiting Lecturer at St Mary’s University Twickenham, and also at LST, Canterbury Christ Church University and Azusa Pacific University. In this episode, Georgina and Anna discuss Anna’s research into the potential harms of sex work, including physical and psychological harms, and the risk of objectification. They also consider the notion of transactional relationships and Anna’s work with v...


Archive episode [Season 3 Episode 3]: The gender power imbalance in cis-hetero sexual transactions

IDEA alumna Georgina speaks to Scott A Anderson, Associate Professor of Social and Political Philosophy at the University of British Columbia. In this episode, Georgina and Scott discuss the philosophical argument that the gender power imbalance between men and women can impact the sexual autonomy of sex workers in cis-hetero sexual transactions, and could have further-reaching impacts on sexual harassment in the workplace in other carers. Released November 2021. Presented by Georg...


Archive episode [Season 3 Episode 2]: Outreach services for sex work in Nottingham

In this episode, medical student and IDEA alumna Georgina returns with guests Jude and Carys who work closely with sex workers in Nottingham. Jude is the Sexual Health Outreach and Health Promotion team lead at Nottingham University Hospital Trust. Carys is the operations manager for POW Nottingham, a voluntary organisation supporting those in the sex work industry. In this episode, Jude and Carys explain the outreach services that POW provides, and how this is supported by the Se...


Archive episode [Season 3 Episode 1]: The impact of Covid-19 on sex workers’ health

The IDEA Pod returns with special episodes on the ethics of sex work, with particular focus on the impact of Covid-19 on sex workers’ wellbeing and health. These episodes are produced, edited, and presented by IDEA alumna Georgina James. In this first episode, Georgina speaks with Bea Piper of the English Collective of Prostitutes about the issues faced by sex workers in the UK, both generally and those that have been brought into particularly sharp focus in light of the pandemic.  ...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 8]: What's wrong with formalising ethics for AI?

Meet special guest Christian Herzog, a researcher at the Institute for Electrical Engineering in Medicine at the University of Lübeck and Head of the Ethical Innovation Hub. Christian recently completed an MA in Applied and Professional Ethics at the IDEA Centre and published two papers based on his research for this course, linked below.Graham Bex-Priestley interviews Christian about his work on the problems with formalising ethics for implementation in artificial intelligence. What seems at...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 7]: Integrity

In this episode, we explore the concept of identity. It’s a buzzword that many businesses and institutions use and present as part of their ethos, but do we really have clarity as to what integrity actually is or what it implies?Dr Jim Baxter (IDEA Centre) and Tracey Groves (Intelligent Ethics) walk us through understanding what integrity is, how it impacts businesses and how the role and impact of integrity has changed over time.Released 27 April 2021. Presented by Gabriela Arriagada Bruneau...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 6]: AI and Philosophy Workshop

In this episode, we comment on one of the latest events held at the IDEA Centre, the AI and Philosophy Workshop. Postgraduate Researcher Gabriela Arriagada Bruneau speaks with Zach Gudmunsen, fellow co-organiser of the event and Michael Cannon, co-author of one of the presented papers. This episode covers different talks in the workshop, dividing them into two themes:Theory: Dr David Strohmaier - "Ontology, neural networks, and the social sciences"Professor Vincent C. Müller - "Orthogona...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 5]: Is it permissible to incentivise the sterilisation of addicts?

‘Project Prevention’ is a growing organisation in the US that aims to achieve the sterilisation of addicts, and offers monetary incentivisation to do so.In her dissertation, Georgina James engages with the question of whether it is morally permissible to incentivise the sterilisation of addicts, and whether something similar may be introduced to the UK. The talk discusses the concepts of autonomy, best interests, public interest and issues of exploitation and commodification. Georgina’s disse...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 4]: The ethics of policing

What does an ethical police officer look like? How ought we to judge the “Dirty Harry” style cop who gets results by any means? Should police to see themselves as “good guys” out to catch villains? And, must police officers “dirty their hands” in order to be truly ethical?Detective Garda and MA in Applied and Professional Ethics, Thomas O’Connor, offers a unique and compelling perspective on these questions in conversation with his former MA supervisor, Dr Josh Hobbs.Released 2 March 2021. Pr...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 3]: In search of a ‘good death’ – How best should doctors care for dying patients?

In this episode we have special guest Matt Murray. Matt is a medical student at the University of Leeds, who previously intercalated on the MA in Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics at the IDEA Centre. The presentation and subsequent discussion are based on the dissertation that Matt completed during his MA at IDEA on the duties and ethics surrounding end of life care for the medical professional. Matt’s dissertation was supervised by IDEA lecturer Sarah Carter-Walshaw, who joins him in thi...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 2]: Enron and corporate responsibility

Our special guest for this episode is Ken Lewchuk, a chartered accountant who worked for Enron before its collapse. Ken's first degree was in theology, he has an MBA from Heriot-Watt University, and he recently completed an MA in applied and professional ethics with the IDEA Centre. Graham Bex-Priestley interviews Ken about the issue of responsibility for corporate failure. In the context of Enron, Ken argues against the common view that it was "a few bad apples" that brought the house d...


Archive episode [Season 2 Episode 1]: Should information about a patient’s genetic condition be strictly confidential?

The IDEA Pod returns as Dr Natasha McKeever, programme director for the online MA Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics, interviews Amaal Maqsood-Shah, an alumnus from our campus MA programme, about her MA dissertation topic – the confidentiality of information about patients’ genetic conditions.Despite guidance permitting clinicians the discretion to breach confidentiality, clinicians maintain confidences against a backdrop of litigation fears. As genomic medicine advances to return more informat...


Archive episode [Season 1 Episode 8]: Needs and reflective equilibrium: possible solutions to the trolley problems in the Covid-19 pandemic

In this episode, we welcome Dr Andrew Stanners - hospital doctor and healthcare ethics teacher at the IDEA Centre. He is also a trustee for the UK Clinical Ethics Network.This episode is a continuation of our previous discussion about real trolley problems, and we explore two possible solutions to the complexity of decision-making when we have to choose who gets treatment. Andrew presents an account for needs and another for reflective equilibrium as a way of confronting this issue.Released 3...


Archive episode [Season 1 Episode 7]: The real trolley problems, the doctrine of double effect, and the Covid-19 pandemic

Join us for a discussion with Dr David Molyneux, medical doctor, medical ethics tutor and current postgraduate researcher at the University of Leeds. In this episode we introduce the thought experiment of the trolley problem and the doctrine of double effect to discuss three cases of 'real trolley problems' we have seen in the Covid-19 pandemic.We explore the issues of delaying care for non-Covid-19 patients in attempts to minimize exposure to the virus, the strategy of herd immunity, and man...


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