Every Day Live

Every Day Live

Every morning around 0730h MDT, Ben Vizy and Ryan Scott greet the day with a song, a country, and a whole lot of assorted nonsense. Check out the weekly archive of the daily variety show!

週25。2 A C T F I N A L E ! ! ! 。日169−180。

Nothing Gold Can Stay, and with this slew of 12 Episodes, Every Day Live comes to an end. Enjoy the last of the 180 consecutive days: the last songs, the last skits, and the last of the countries on our wild globe!ACT I.169。7月17日。"We've Got a Lot to Do"170。7月18日。A Hard Stance171。7月19日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "The Merchants"172。7月20日。Real Music173。7月21日。Kids174。7月22日。Act I Finale: "The End of the World"ACT II.175。7月23日。Country Barrage, pt. 1176。7月24日。Country Barrage, pt. 2177。7月25日。What does the Future Hold?178。7月26日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "EDL, Washed Up"179。7月27日。Memories180。7月28日。The Grand FinaleUzbekistan | Marshall Islands | Mauritius |Dominica | Iran | Malaysia | Samoa | Micronesia| Costa Rica | Kyrgyszstan | Ukraine | Uruguay |Syria | Somalia | Slovakia | Sint Maarten | Morocco| Monaco | Palestinian Territories | Sudan | Japan |South Korea | Sweden | The United Kingdom


週24。T A B O O。日162−168。

What are the rules of our society? And what happens when you break those rules? Ben and Ryan explore these questions and more on this penultimate episode of Every Day Live!162。7月10日。Playing Taboo163。7月11日。The Taboos Invade164。7月12日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "The Austrian Flesh-Eater"165。7月13日。Vice Intaboo166。7月14日。Kid Taboos167。7月15日。Witchcraft168。7月16日。A New TabooniverseLithuania | Yemen | Austria | Rwanda | Tonga | Kenya | Liberia | Guinea | Guinea-Bisseau


週23。I N D E P E N D E N C E。日155−161。

It's the week our beautiful country was born, and Ryan and Ben get into the spirit of Independence as they leave each other to do their own thing for five days. Enjoy this special Double Episode!155。7月3日。"Let's Be Independent!"156。7月4日。Be Free! (Ben) // The Facts on America (Ryan)157。7月5日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "Freedom Like a Shopping Cart" (Ben) // "The Story of Trace" (Ryan)158。7月6日。Freedom from Worry (Ben) // Freedom from Attachment (Ryan)159。7月7日。Skate Boy's Teen Advice (Ben) // Little Johnny's Confidence Problem (Ryan)160。7月8日。Can We Go it Alone? (Ben) // Building Yourself (Ryan)161。7月9日。Independence Wrap-UpVietnam | America | Central African Republic| Antigua & Barbuda | Haiti | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Russia | The Republic of the Congo | Spain | Macau


週22。C O M P E T I T I O N 。日148−154

ARE YOU PUMPED? You better be! DOMINATOR goes HEAD TO HEAD with HAMFIST ROGERS -- This week on Every Day Live!148。6月26日。"Go DOMINATOR!"149。6月27日。FIFA ⚽️150。6月28日。"The Grand Tennis Match" (presented by Theatre Thursday)151。6月29日。Apple 🍎152。6月30日(kiDsday)。The War Expert153。7月1日。David & Goliath154。7月2日。UFC FINALEAlgeria | Portugal | Holy See | Uganda | SriLanka | Saudi Arabia | Columbia | Turkmenistan


週21。H E A L T H 。日141−147

It's more important than W E A L T H。It's about H E A L T H。141。6月19日。”We Gotta Get Healthy"142。6月20日。”Feats of Fitness"143。6月21日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "Testing Xanthamil"144。6月22日。Gabriel Dobbins, Fitness Expert145。6月23日 (kidsday)。School Lunches in Other Countries146。6月24日。The Cheat Day / Alternative Medicine147。6月25日。Avocado/Talenti FinaleDominican Republic | France | Macedonia| Albania | Cuba | Ecuador | Cambodia | Malawi | Iraq | The Gambia | Hungary | Suriname


週20:Week of Wealth : 日134−140

It's Week 20, and Ben and Ryan have finally hit it big, landing a huge new recording deal with Def Jam. Join the two geniuses in their new Studio as they discuss the ins and outs of wealth acquisition and management!134。6月12日。What would you do with $1,000,000?135。6月13日。The Heist of El Centro Banco de Fortaleza136。6月14日。Theatre Thursday Presents: "Tony the Lotto Winner"137。6月15日。Money Games138。6月16日。A Wealth Advisor--For KIDS!139。6月17日。Mega-Churches140。6月18日。Klout CultureSolomon Islands | Solvenia | GuatemalaSerbia | Vanuatu | Zambia | Indonesia


週19:Storytelling Week : 日127−133

Once there were two young boys named Ben and Ryan who spontaneously decided to make going live every day a consistent part of their lives. After 126 days, they realized it was finally time to share their story-telling expertise with the world. In the meantime, the boys get their second sponsor: Thermopolis, WY.Namibia | Bangladesh | Iceland | Hong Kong | Libya | Lebanon | Comoros127。6月5日。Favorite Aspects of Storytelling128。6月6日。Storytelling in Music129。6月7日。Theatre Thursday Presents: Iceland Elder Apocalypse Advice130。6月8日。Stories of Persuasion131。6月9日。Kid's Day Presents: The Story of Ronnie the Narwhal132。6月10日。Jerebediah, 1:1 to 2:20 -- A Lost Passage133。6月11日。Thermopolis Finale


週18:Dis Week : 日120−126

It's a regular Dis-Fest as Ben and Ryan disrespect everything from Bad Habits to Yung Lit. P L U S Every Day Live finally gets it's first Sponsor: Amazon's new Drone-Food-Delivery-System!Chad | Cabo Verde | Grenada | St. VincentBahrain | Ghana | Malta | Tajikistan120。5月29日。The Philosophy of Dis121。5月30日。Yung Lit gets DISSED!122。5月31日。Theatre Thursday Presents: The Organization of eastern Caribbean States Dis-Off123。6月1日。Bad Habits get DISSED!124。6月2日。Kids gonna love DIS125。6月3日。The Show gets DISSED!126。6月4日。The Drones get DISSED!


週17:Role Model Week : 日113−119

For Week 17, Ryan and Ben talk Role Models--what does it take to be someone looked up to? In the meantime, Fruit Flies invade the apartment, prompting a week-long battle with the infestation.Luxembourg | Kiribati | MozambiqueMoldova | The Bahamas | India | Curaçao113。5月22日。Ben's Role Models114。5月23日。Ryan's Role Models115。5月24日。Theatre Thursday Presents: Rock Idol #1116。5月25日。The Role Model Matching Game117。5月26日。Kid's Role Models118。5月27日。Divine Role Models119。5月28日。Role Model Aspirations


週16:Start Up Week : 日106−112

The Boys have passed 100, and now it's their time to build their very own MoTown... Cuz Ben and Ryan be deprived of executive 9-5. So they have taken Start Up Week into their own hands. This week, learn from the best how to build the world.Brazil | Canada | Montenegro| Panama | UAE | Guyan | Maldives106。5月15日。Where are all the Problems?107。5月16日。Ryan's Brainstorms Klout Dissemination108。5月17日。Theatre Thursday Presents: Shark Tank109。5月18日。Ben Reimagines the Housing Market110。5月19日。Kid's Day: Child Entrepreneurs111。5月20日。Start It Up.112。5月21日。Keep It Up.


週15:The Week of Experts : 日99−105

IT'S THE WEEK OF 100 DAYS! And in celebration of this monumental occasion of Daily Liveliness, we have brought on experts every day of the week. PLEASE enjoy the following:Germany | Greece | Taiwan | ZimbabwePoland | Croatia | Liechtenstein99。5月8日。The German Expert100。5月9日。The 100-Day Musical Spectaculaire!101。5月10日。The Rap Expert: Mike Pence vs. Kanye West102。5月11日。The Dream Expert: Dr. Flossbomb103。5月12日。The Parenting Expert104。5月13日。The Divinity Expert: Hector Macho105。5月14日。The Basketball Expert: Bubba Smith



Rain. Rain. Rain.It's the week of the Great Storm, and Every Day Live covers it every step of the way.Switzerland | Czech Republic | Angola | Jamaica |Brunei | Afghanistan | Argentina | Senegal92。5月1日。The Week of the Great Storm93。5月2日。Great Cities94。5月3日。Theatre Thursday Presents: Basketball in the Great Storm95。5月4日。The Authentic Self96。5月5日。Pokemon Battle: Yung vs. Principe97。5月6日。Weekend Wrap Up98。5月7日。The Great Storm Report



Ben and Ryan have been here for 13 Weeks, and we are Far From Unlucky.Here's the Skinny on the Week of 24 April:Venezuela | Nigeria | Vatican City | New Zealand | Tunisia | Bhutan | Bulgaria85。4月24日。What I Want to Be.86。4月25日。Review of Seven Pounds & Isle of Dogs.87。4月26日。Theatre Thursday Presents: The Pope and the Hat Thieves.88。4月27日。Freedom of/from Thought89。4月28日。Teen Day: How to be Cool90。4月29日。Kanye's Controversy91。4月30日。Relaxation



The Best Week Yet. #2. Kazakhstan | Australia | Azerbaijan | Netherlands | | The Philippines | Nicaragua | Papua New Guinea月4日。17。The Black Dahlia Murder月4日。18。Review Wednesday: Democracy月4日。19。Theatre Thursday: The Secession of Texas月4日。20。Kanye's Twitter Wisdom月4日。21。Kid's Day: Ground Squirrel Gang月4日。22。Expertise月4日。23。Meaningful Monday: Grace


Every Day Live, Week 11 (Days 71-77)

Check out one of the best weeks so far!  Thes ongs are bomb, the skits are funny, and the countries are... still going.  Here's what you can expect on Every Day Live, Days 71-77:71.  10 April | Ryan's Return from Nebraska | Hindiland72. 11 April | Burundi & Benin | Review Wednesday: Kazuo Ishiguro's The Buried Giant and The Quiet Place73.  12 April | Saint Lucia | Theatre Thursday: The Prince and the Plumber74.  13 April | Denmark | Productivity through Repetition75.  14 April | Niue | Kid's Jokes | Cartoon Role Models | Fable: The Fox and the Nuggets76.  15 April | Israel | Memories of the Sabbath77.  16 April | A Short Japanese Lesson | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Meaningful Monday


Every Day Live, Week 10 (Days 64-70)

Welcome to the DecaWeek!  Ben and Ryan are at it again for another week of countries, stories, and thoughts.  Peep this week to learn about:64. 3 April | Swaziland | Childhood Injustices65. 4 April | Squirrel Report | Finland | The Golden Age of Television66. 5 April | South Africa | Theatre Thursday: The Story of Brad the Elephant67. 6 April | Oman | Anime68. 7 April | 0400hCast! | Barbados | Kid's Day: The Story of Big Baby Snail69. 8 April | Kuwait | Scholarly Sunday70. 9 April | Kosovo | What Makes a Great Leader?Note: 7 April's Audio is a little low-quality--but it is one of the best episodes this week, so tough it out!


Every Day Live, Week 9 (Days 57-63)

After a long drought, Ryan is finally back on Every Day Live!  Enjoy all the songs, news, and silliness of Week 9, where we talk about:57. 27 March | Pakistan | Ideation: Where do Ideas Come From?58. 28 March | Seychelles | Return to Boulder | Reflections on Athens, OH59. 29 March | Sierra Leone | Ryan's Journey to Moab60. 30 March | Good Friday | Sao Tomé and Principe | The Near Future61. 31 March | Djibouti | Kid's Day Story: Benedict, the Big Ol' Baby Bull62. 1 April | Romania | Easter Cast63. 2 April | April Fools' Recap | Lesotho | College Basketball | Marketing Monday: Snapchat


BONUS EpIsOdE #1: The Peanut Butter Cast

One Saturday night, 24 February 2018, Ben half-heartedly challenges Ryan to a peanut butter challenge:  Who can down a jar of peanut butter first?  After having his challenge unexpectedly accepted, Ben and Ryan go live and memorialize the whole experience.  Who will win?  Check out this Bonus Episode from Every Day Live to find out!


Every Day Live, Week 8 (Days 50-56)

It's time to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Every Day Live!  Join us for a week of new content, covering everything from Diaper Problems to Sophisticated Marketing Tactics.  And enjoy four episodes this week alone with Ben, as he takes over the Live Cast for a brief spell.  Here's the breakdown:50.  20 March | Happy 50th Anniversary! | Tuvalu | How Famous We Are51. 21 March | Ireland | Class Clowns52. 22 March | 4am Podcast | Palau | Pirate Resumes | Diaper Issues53. 23 March | Ben Goes Solo, Day 1 | Italy | The Pros of Ohio54. 24 March | Kid's Day | Fiji | John-Boy the Gremlin55.  25 March | Allergies | Armenia | Sunday Confessional56. 26 March | Chile | Marketing Monday


Every Day Live, Week 7 (Days 43-49)

It's another wacky week of music, countries, and speculation on Every Day Live!  This week, Ryan's mysterious disappearance launches a solo monologue about fear, March Madness gets underway, and Ben and Ryan finally clear up the true history of St. Patrick.  Enjoy!The breakdown:43. 13 March | Punctuality | Bolivia44. 14 March | Mali | Strange Experiences in Dreams45. 15 March | Aruba | The Mysterious Absence of Ryan | Fear46. 16 March | Burkina Faso | The Bracket Standings | Waking up at 0500h47. 17 March | Celtic Music | Gabon | The Story of St. Patrick | Kid's Jokes48. 18 March | Nauru | Being Fat | March Madness Report49. 19 March | Estonia | Pagan Gods | Romanticizing Crime 


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