Everything under the Son

We are married and we love conversation. We aren't experts on any one thing, but we sure do love talking about everything. And we do it through the lens of our faith in Christ, the SON. Join us!

Episode 7: Forgiveness, Injustice & The way of the Gospel

In light of all that has taken place with the #BothamJean trial, we share our thoughts on the intersection of forgiveness, injustice and the way of the Gospel.  Other Resources: Pastoral Response to the Hug seen around the world - Rich Villodas Southside Rabbi Podcast Ep 3 The Scandal of Grace (Botham Jean, Forgiveness, Justice, & the Gospel) - KB + Ameen Hudson


Episode 4: Faith, Race & Identity

 Join us as we share the reader's digest version of our journeys with regard to faith, race, and identity. These issues can be both complex and very straightforward, personal and societal, polarizing and bonding. Our hope is that our brief chats can get the conversation started for you - or at least cause you to think more deeply about the issues we cover.  Resources cited in the episode: - 5 Reasons you should celebrate Black History Month (Tisby) - Racism: There's Something in the Water (Propaganda) - Racial Equity Institute: The Groundwater Approach


Episode 2: Adoption Talk Pt.1

On this episode, Dwight, a trans-racial adoptee, shares his story and his thoughts on some of the myths and truths about adoption. Here is the link to Dwight's piece that we reference during the episode about the intersections of identity, race and adoption: https://link.medium.com/ldjuXDiMgS Intrigued? Want to read and learn more? Here is a short list of articles, resources and experts: - https://www.npr.org/2018/10/13/657201204/code-switch-transracial-adoptees-on-their-racial-identity-and-sense-of-self - http://iamadopted.net/ - http://www.theadoptedlife.com/ - https://www.pactadopt.org/resources/resource-library.html - https://newrepublic.com/article/127311/trouble-christian-adoption-movement


Episode 1: First Year Marriage Lessons

Welcome to our very first episode! On this episode we share the honest lessons we've learned during our first year of marriage! You don't want to miss this ;-)


Episode 6: Navigating a Long Distance Relationship

Join us on this episode as we talk about the many lessons we learned from navigating our long-distance relationship. We also answer questions we received from you all regarding this topic. 


Episode 5: The Shoulders We Stand On

As we close out Black History Month, this mini-episode is dedicated to sharing stories about those whom you may not read about in the History Books. Enjoy the episode and please check out our source material linked here: 1951 USF Dons Fred Crawford Honored at St Bonaventure "Bob and Fred" Video [audio used in the episode] Intro to Athanasius of Alexandria Lemuel Haynes - The Black Puritan Phillis Wheatley


Episode 3: Social Media-A Love/Hate Relationship

On this episode, we talk transparently about the ways in which social media has the power to impact us positively or negatively. From being able to connect with the world and make a positive impact to the ways in which it can lead us into the pit of comparison, depression, distraction and so much more.


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