Exam Room Rambles

Exam Room Rambles
Author: Tracey Westegaard
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© 2023 Exam Room Rambles
Mixed animal veterinarian, Dr. Tracey Westegaard, takes a deep dive into common questions, concerns and animal health topics that she encounters everyday seeing pet patients in the exam room and treating hooved critters on the farm.
26 Episodes
Mixed animal veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, goes of the most common holiday hazards to cats...and it's not what you think. Hope you learn a lot in this kitty inspired episode.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, shares what she is actually doing as she performs a physical exam on you pet - nitty gritty details. Feel free to multitask while you listen because that's what she doing when she's petting your dog, doing an physical exam and rehashing Friday nights high school football game. Go Lakers!
In this episode, Marshall Animal Clinic mixed animal veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard gives 5 recommendations to help your dog be more comfortable through the allergy season. She will give you actionable steps you can t start immediately...and that does NOT include giving Benadryl. Sorry we are a little late to game publishing this in October.
Mixed animal Veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, talks about Anaplasma Platys, the bacterial infection transmitted by ticks and causes low platelets and bleeding in dogs. You just have to listen to a few minutes on cows before she gets to the good stuff. Hang in there, its been a while since shes recorded and she's a bit rusty and maybe goes on a few tangents. Enjoy the Show!
Oops, we found this podcast from 2021 we forgot to publish. We're sure you'll find lots of relevant information from mixed animal veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard. She discusses one of the most common conditions she sees in daily in the exam room - acute diarrhea - and when/if you need to bring your pet in for a visit or just a poop sample.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Dr. Tracey Westegaard, reviews the Pet Poison Helpline's top 10 toxicities for dog and cats. Tracey elaborates on each toxin for both dogs and cats and filters it down to what you really need to know.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, shares her lofty goal of neutering a gazillion cats in one day on this short but sweet podcast. Tracey normally rambles on forever but she was able to keep it under 10 minutes yet still full of exciting, jam-packed knowledge on what to expect when your male kitty is neutered. This episode is more about the "how" than the "why". We hope you're inspired to make an appointment after listening to this podcast.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, shares behind-the-scenes details about your female dogs' ovariohysterectomies - also known as a spay. This is actually a major abdominal surgery, even though it is done routinely. Listening to this episode will hopefully give you peace-of-mind that your pet is in the best care. This is not a "why" episode but more of a "how" episode.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, explains what goes on behind the closed doors of the surgery suite when your male dog is being neutered, de-sexed, castrated, emasculated. Sounds terrible, doesn't it? it's not so bad, really. Enjoy this first podcast episode in a series on routine surgeries. The sound quality is a bit off in this episode, sorry for the inconvneience.
Mixed animal veterninarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, shares tragic information about rabies worldwide. She doesn't want to ruin your day but she feels there is more you need to know about rabies than what is printed on your pets Rabies Certificate.
Mixed animal veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, knows that no one plans for a pet emergency. In this episode, she gives practical tips for actually planning who to call, what to expect and how to pay for the emergency visit. She also reminds everyone that sugar gets you further than spice especially in a highly emotional, scary, time sensitive emergencies. Don't be a jerk to the people you need help from!
Mixed animal veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, gives you the low down on magnesium crystals that can form in the bladder of dogs and cats and cause all sorts of problems. You'll want to listen to the end to find out if these stones/crystals can be dissolved with prescription diets or have to be removed surgically.
Marshall Animal Clinic veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, talks about fire hazards in your home that involve pets and what to do to minimize that risk and have a plan in the event of a fire emergency. We're all guilty of putting off emergency planning. Listen to this podcast to get a little fire safety motivation.
Marshall Animal Clinic Veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, talks about the best ways to help you dog when they are fearful of loud noises like thunderstorms and fireworks. Noise aversion affects 1/3 of all dogs to some degree. She discusses both environmental modifications and drug interventions.
Marshall Animal Clinic Veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, answers the common question "why do dogs eat poop? what can we do to stop it?" Episode 11.
Marshall Animal Clinic Veterinarian, Tracey Westegaard, gives you both a history and biology lesson in this all-things-giardia podcast. Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans in addition to being a common cause of diarrhea in dogs. You really need to listen to this one. Episode 10.
Marshall Animal Clinic veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, discusses the "what" and "how" of corneal ulcers in dogs, cats and horses. This common eye injury can go south quickly if not treated quickly and effectively. Listen and learn.
Marshall Animal Clinic veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, discusses several topics surrounding water safety - ponds, pools, rivers, lakes and oceans. She covers accidental drowning prevention, infectious diseases associated with water, algae blooms, post- swimming skin and ear care and more. Animals enjoy the water as much as we do but we must take extra measures to keep them safe.
Marshall Animal Clinic veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, discusses the treatment and prevention of heartworm infection and disease. This episode is part two of a two part series that covers diagnosis, prevention and treatment of this deadly yet common parasite of dogs and cats....and sea lions, coyotes, wolves and possibly sasquatch.
Marshall Animal Clinic veterinarian, Dr Tracey Westegaard, discusses the "what" and "where" of heartworm infection and disease. This episode is part one of a two part series that will cover diagnosis, prevention and treatment of this deadly yet common parasite of dogs and cats.
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