We’re changing content on the show to make Excuse Me more relevant and true to those two words Excuse Me!
Here are 4 excuses that end up being a vicious circle of excuses!
Here’s a list of some crazy, idiotic excuses from a list of 99 excuses to leave work. I wouldn’t try any of these!
Do you really want to get out of work or something else? Is an excuse the only way out?
It’s not a good excuse, but it’s honest. Plus a few of the worst Excuses an employee could and has used.
Want to abandon ship on your friends going out this weekend? Here’s a few suggestions to consider.
Here’s 3 more for your list of reasons not to work out. See you all Monday
Here are a few of the best, worst, and bizarre excuses for being late to work. Tomorrow more excuses for not working out!
Need to leave work early? Need to just get away from your boss? We have you covered.
You want the best and worst excuses for work? Well here they are.
Need an excuse for Monday morning workout blues? We have 3 for you today. More coming later in the week. Tomorrow some excuses for skipping work.
It’s the final 2 excuses of the top 10 and their both on track my friends. Be careful of 9 and don’t be scared to use #10.