Executive Mentoring

Welcome to Executive Mentoring with Christos Tsolkas, where I help CEOs identify pain points, strategize solutions and increase revenue. I started my own advisory to help startups, small and large businesses to expand their business. I’m your host, Christos Tsolkas, an independent business advisor, entrepreneur, and author of The Gift of Crisis: How Leaders Use Purpose to Renew their Lives, Change their Organizations, and Save the World. If you want to continue being a confident CEO, then let’s get started.

#06 6 Essential Steps to Align Your Business and Purpose

The purpose of a business is to create a customer. Or is it to make money, maximize shareholder returns and supply employment? All of the above. And then some. Today, the true purpose of a business is determined by the impact we want our product or service to have on people's lives. Tune into the latest episode of Executive Mentoring, “6 Essential Steps to Align Your Business and Purpose.” You’ll learn, 4 Problems Shifting the Purpose of Business (00:56) The Simple Definition of Purpose Corporations Must Understand (02:23) How to Accelerate Corporate Growth In the Pursuit of Purpose (02:35) ☞ At the end, you’ll understand how to create a competitive advantage and attain sustainable and exponential growth. Please share with a friend who may enjoy! ===   To book a consultation with me to discuss your talent strategy, please visit https://christostsolkas.com/​ to speak directly with me.   Don't climb this mountain alone.  Let me show you the route towards business success.


#05 8 Rules of Seamless Teams

Is your organization struggling to build and manage A-teams (what I call “seamless”)? You’re not alone.  There’s no better way to stress test a team than a crisis. Luckily for me, I encountered two threatening organizational crises that helped me synthesize my 8 Rules of Seamless Teams.  In the latest episode of Executive Mentoring, you’ll learn: 1) The #1 Key to Team Success, 2) The Most Important Organizational Practice to Perfect, and 3) The Leadership Trap I Kept Falling Into.    ☞ At the end, you’ll learn how you can identify a seamless team just by looking at this one thing. Any guesses? Tell me in the comments below!   ===  To book a consultation with me to discuss your talent strategy, please visit https://christostsolkas.com/​ to speak directly with me.  Don't climb this mountain alone. Let me show you the route towards business success.


#04 Strategy You Can Execute + 10 Questions to Ask Before Executing

Is your organization struggling to execute a given strategy? Have you been missing opportunities? Are you forced to change strategy frequently? How do you know if a strategy is worth putting your company on the line for?   You test it for execution.   Tune into the latest episode Executive Mentoring to learn the 10 questions I ask all my clients to stress-test a strategy for execution. In this episode, you’ll learn: 1) The #1 Misconception About Strategy, 2) Top 10 Questions to Determine a Strategy Worth Executing, 3) The Strategy Secret Every Great Organization Should Be aware Of. ☞ At the end, you’ll learn how to take a vision and turn it into a profitable reality. Listen to this episode before your competition finds it!  ===  To book a consultation with me to discuss your talent strategy, please visit https://christostsolkas.com/​ for more talent resources.  Don't climb this mountain alone. Let me show you the route towards business success.


#03 Speed Up Learning with Peer Mentoring

Every organization is essentially a learning organization. I don't care what industry you're in. Maybe you’re in software, retail, manufacturing or finance. Organizations live or die based on how quickly they can pivot with market changes by adopting new:  - processes, - technologies, - efficiencies, and  - innovation. The problem: how do you retool, retrain, develop, align and motivate your people to embrace change and charge forward? Here's a hint: the old way doesn’t work anymore. 60 - 80% of your workforce are millennials and Gen Z who learn differently than Gen X.  You need to retool your organization by adopting a peer mentoring program.  Find out why watching my latest episode, How to Motivate Millennials and Gen Z at Work. You'll learn: 1) How to Motivate Your People to Embrace Change, 2) The Learning Problem for Millennials and Gen Z, and 3) 5 Reasons Why Peer Mentoring Is Better Suited for Their Learning. At the end, you’ll learn about the difference between the old vs. new rule of why people stay in your organization. Don't miss it!  ===  To book a consultation with me to discuss your talent strategy, please visit https://christostsolkas.com/​​ for more talent resources.  Don't climb this mountain alone. Let me show you the route towards business success.


#02 Keeping Top Talent | 7 Rules to Keep Top Talent At Your Company

Getting top talent is one thing. Keeping them is another. This is a struggle of many organizations. There's so much opportunity in the world right now. Competitors, startups, market-adjacent enterprises want what you have: a walking, talking leader. Someone with experience, knowledge, insight, capability and confidence… which by the way, you helped keep around. And your people? This precious resource can just open the door and walk out. So, what can you do to keep them? Find out by watching my latest episode, 7 Rules to Keep Top Talent at Your Company. You'll learn: 1) What Actually Bonds Talent to You and Your Company, 2) The Kind of Qualities You Should Want In Them and 3) How to Partner with Them So They Want to Stay. At the end, you’ll learn how to engage top talent for the long-term. Don't miss this episode and risk your talent moving on to the competitor! === To book a consultation with me to discuss your talent strategy, please visit ChristosTsolkas.com. Don't climb this mountain alone. Let me show you the route towards business success.


#01 Recruiting Top Talent (5 Rules Successful Executives Know)

Is your organization struggling to recruit top talent? Do you have the strategy, product, pipeline and opportunity and want to move fast...but can’t get passed the talent roadblock? Today, I’m going to share with you how I tackled this problem in all of my leadership roles. In the very first episode of my new vlog + podcast series, “Executive Mentoring,” we are going to talk about how to recruit top talent. It may be simpler than you might think… ☞ Checkout how to give top talent five reasons to beat down your door and join you. At the end, you’ll learn how I finally saved my resources on talent recruitment and became a magnet for top talent. You’ll wish you had heard this sooner!


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