Welcome to Episode 16 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features George Papamatheakis, Co-Owner of Collision Chiropractors in Phoenix, Az.Collision Chiropractors Website We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 15 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features John McBride, Founder of Stewardship for Life, Inc. in Glendale, Az.Stewardship for Life, Inc. Website We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 14 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Nicolee Thompson, CEO/E.D. at Harvest Compassion Center in Phoenix, Arizona.Harvest Compassion Center Website We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 13 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Steve Sunshine Inventor of Shower Clear in Phoenix, Arizona.https://www-shopshowerclear-com.myshopify.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 12 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features J.J. Levenske of Bleuwave in Chandler, Arizona.http://bleuwave.com/about-us/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 11 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Aaliyah Haggard and Aryel Gladden-Banning of Advance and Emerge Women in Phoenix, Arizona.https://www.advanceandemergewomen.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 10 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets Happy New Year! Our first episode of 2020, features Ed Olsen of Line Drive Sports Marketing and Re-thinc Advertising in Phoenix, Arizona.https://www.linedrivesportsmarketing.com/ https://rethincadvertising.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 9 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Jared Simmons of Simmons and Gottfried Law Firm in Scottsdale, Arizona.http://sglawaz.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 8 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Adam Goodman of Goodmans Interior Structures in Phoenix, Arizona.https://www.goodmans.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 7 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Allison Colwell and Michele Shelor of Colwell Shelor Landscape Architects in Phoenix, Arizona.http://colwellshelor.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 6 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Andrew Collins of Phoenix Modern in Phoenix, Arizona.https://phoenixmodern.org/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 5 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Melissa DiGianfilippo and Alexis Krisay of Serendipit Consulting in Phoenix, Arizona.https://serendipitconsulting.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona and sharing their secrets! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 4 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Rab Paquette of Vita Property Serviceshttp://vitapropertyservices.com/about/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 3 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Pat Harfst of Realty Executiveshttps://www.realtyexecutives.com/agents/patrick-harfst We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 2 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets This episode features Fred Noelke of Bakkum NoelkeConsulting Structural Engineers https://bakkumnoelke.com/ We are excited to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Welcome to Episode 1 of Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets! Our first episode features Holly and Megan, Co-Founders of Odyssey Preparatory Academy in Buckeye, Arizona.https://odyprep.com/ We are excited to launch our new podcast, and to be interviewing some of the most successful business/non-profit leaders in Arizona! Our show is sponsored by Sims Business Systems of Tempe, Arizona. For more information and to be considered to be on the show, please visit: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/ Enjoy!
Sims Business Systems proudly sponsors Shawn Sims Bradford and her podcast Exposing Entrepreneur Secrets. For more info: https://www.getsims.com/podcast/