Extreme Marketing Show Podcast

The Extreme Marketing Show is about performance based marketing. What works, what doesn't and marketing best practices. Topics include internet marketing, qr code marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing and other trending topics in the world of traditional and online marketing.

Location Based Marketing and Reviews

Location based marketing encourages customers to visit your local business, allowing users to share their location with friends which generates foot traffic to your business. We also discuss reviews and their importance in ranking your business on the web. Continue reading →


QR Code Marketing

QR Code Marketing is about connecting your internet marketing and your traditional marketing. Ideas and examples for using in your local business marketing. Episode 3 is all about QR codes, QR code readers, QR code generators and QR code ideas. Continue reading →


Mobile Marketing for Businesses

Text message marketing (mobile marketing) is on the rise. Episode 2 of the Extreme Marketing Podcast discusses how to transition your business to this low cost, highly targeted advertising channel. Continue reading →


Search Engine Marketing for Local Businesses

Learn how your business can standout on all search engines thru the effective, measurable and accountable local Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Continue reading →


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