F the Nice Guy

Welcome to the F the ”Nice Guy” Podcast where we unload all our stories about the ”nice guy”. You know... the guys who tricked us into believing they were nice... until they didn’t get what they wanted and proved how not nice they really were. There will be sharing sessions, interviews, and viewer submitted stories! If you have a ”nice guy” story to share that is trauma lite (no crimes or violence) send it to ftheniceguypodcast@gmail.com.

Pushing Boundaries Like Baldoni

With the lawsuits between Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively being all over the news, it's time to talk about a specific type of "Nice Guy". The Spiritual, Reformed, Enlightened Nice Guy. We're not saying Justin IS that guy, but he has admitted to several behaviors that lean that way. Pushing boundaries isn't okay, even if it's for the sake of "openness" and "spirituality"... like telling your co-star and lead actress that you are communicating WITH HER DEAD DAD!  F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page


Krampus is Coming For the "Nice Guy"

It's the last episode of the year so we're giving you a very special gift... stories about men who give the WORST gifts for Christmas. And when the wives aren't pleased with said "gifts" they aren't upset with themselves, they are furious at their wives. How DARE they be so selfish! By the end of this episode, you'll see why these men deserve a one way ticket into Krampus' sack!    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page


How "Nice Guys" End Up On The Naughty List

Nothing brings out the "Naughty" side of a "Nice Guy" like the holiday season. On this week's episode we've brought Payton back to talk about all the things that men do around the holiday season that earns them a permanent spot on the naughty list.  F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page


When The "Nice Guy" is Actually A Manipulative Mom-fluencer

Let's be real... mom-fluencers are everywhere. And while Kate and Regan always have issues with the way these moms care more about monetizing their children than protecting their privacy, some moms have taken it even farther. Actively putting their kids in harm's way to grift for gifts and rage bait for views. And if you haven't guessed already, we're talking about the Resilient Jenkens and the 17 Diapers Mom aka Nurse Hannah. 


What Happens When A Popular "Girl Dad" Gets Called Out

What happens when an ex-football player turned podcaster "Girl Dad" gets critiqued online? Well, apparently a lot and none of it is good. Just ask Paige Connell aka @Sheisapaigeturner. Paige dared to use a video from this "girl dad" to critique some common issues we see with moms vs. dads. It's amazing how quickly men who "love women" change their tune when they're met with criticism. And that's not even mentioning the thousands of men who jumped into her comments and dms.    PAIGE'S INFO Across platforms at @sheisapaigeturner Paige's Substack   F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page    


Dealing With The People Who Back Narcissistic Abusers

Lately, one question has been on a lot of people's minds. How can they support this man when they know the horrible things he has said and done? So we've brought back Eleni to talk about the people who stand by abusers, why they do it, how it makes us feel, and what to do about it.    Eleni's Links Tiktok & Instagram: Nonarcsense  Eleni's AMAZING book! https://calendly.com/no-narcsense-healing   F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page


The Men Are Emboldened, Enraged, And All Up In My Comments Section

      F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Tiktok Youtube: F the Nice Guy Youtube Page   Rat Girls Links Rat Girls Podcast  Abby's Vibe Slut Tiktok


Tales from The Crypt-ic "Nice Guys" Of Our Past

On this week's very special HALLOWEEN episode, we're swapping truly haunting tales from our past in the traditional spooky story style! Due to the somewhat silly nature of our storytelling, all of these stories are extremely trauma-lite but are sure to spook you (at least a little).     F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


How To Spot "Nice Guy" Covert Manipulation and Control Tactics Early

Spotting a manipulative "Nice Guy" in the early days isn't easy, but it's not impossible. We've brought back covert abuse expert Eleni Sagredos to talk about some of the red flags to look out for with a covert "nice guy" narcissist. And yes... we do talk about the "Jonah Hill" manipulation tactic.    Eleni's Links Tiktok & Instagram: Nonarcsense  Eleni's AMAZING book!   F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


Love Is Blind...ly Bringing You A "Nice Guy"

This week is an extra long episode, but what would you expect when Kate and Regan are breaking down this season of Love is Blind?!? And might we just say... this season may be the worst yet. The damage isn't being done by blatant assholes. It's being done by "nice", "feminist", "god-loving" gentlemen". Grab a drink, grab a snack, and buckle up because we're taking you through this season and all it's jaw dropping twists and turns.    Black Honey. Jamila recently had a run-in with a "nice guy" self-proclaimed patriarchy deconstructor. He made a video about how women need to stop taking it out on men, let go of the "I hate men" mantra, and heal the trauma they "let" men give them so that they can be in community with "the good men". When Jamila tried to tell him it was a bad take, things went from bad to worse where he literally laughs in their face. Buckle up friends, this one is a hypocritical infuriating doozy.    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


Women... Heal Your Trauma So You're Fun To Hang Out With (With Jamila)

This week Regan's joined by the amazing Jamila aka Tiktok's Bright Black Honey. Jamila recently had a run-in with a "nice guy" self-proclaimed patriarchy deconstructor. He made a video about how women need to stop taking it out on men, let go of the "I hate men" mantra, and heal the trauma they "let" men give them so that they can be in community with "the good men". When Jamila tried to tell him it was a bad take, things went from bad to worse where he literally laughs in their face. Buckle up friends, this one is a hypocritical infuriating doozy.    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)   JAMILA'S LINKS Tiktok MAIN Tiktok #2 Jamila's Arbitrator Video  


Regan and Kate Take On Reddit

We're back baby! On this week's episode, we're appealing Reddit's verdict on whether or not a mom who was disappointed in her 40th birthday is the asshole. We've got the facts, the anecdotal evidence, and all the opinions. In the end, you get to be the judge!    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


When A Woman Asks Men On Tiktok A Question And A "Nice Guy" Has "All The Answers"

Recently a woman online did the unthinkable... she asked men on Tiktok "Why are you all seemingly resistant to evolving the definition of manhood you simultaneously hate to live by?"  Of course, many men had many things to say. But one man in particular caught our attention. He presents himself as a "nice guy", a "reasonable guy", and seemingly a "guy who gets it". But when you break down his argument you see... what he really is... is WRONG.  Kate and Regan are dissecting this "nice guy" argument to hopefully help you all be able to defend yourselves against similar men with similar tactics and talking points. Buckle up because it's a doozy and quite honestly a RANT.    IMPORTANT NOTE: Regan is going out of town so this week we did an extra-long episode. Instead of cutting it into two episodes, we left it as is and will be skipping posting next week. Then back to our regular schedule.    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


When "Nice Guys" Did You Dirtier Than You Remember (Part 2)

We're back with Part 2 of our discussion about the "nice guys" that did us dirtier than we remembered. And this week we're talking about two stories that we unpacked recently - meaning our conversation is a little more raw than normal.    Oh and ... Fun Fact - Regan has some horrible virus this week so apologies for the scary intro.    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


When "Nice Guys" Did You Dirtier Than You Remember (Part 1)

Have you ever had the unfortunate displeasure of realizing that the "Nice Guy" from your past was even worse than you remember? This week Kate and Regan are taking a journey down memory lane to unpack the "nice guy" situations that they now realized they were seeing through rose-colored glasses. In part one, we talk about the guy who stalked Regan for 2 years in college and the school's administration that excused, ignored, and frankly facilitated his abuse. And yes, we are bringing receipts.    EPISODES MENTIONED:  "Nice Guys", Mean Girls, Stalkers, OH MY! (Date: March 25, 2023)    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)    


Class is In Session... Narcissism 101 (Part 2)

We're back with Eleni to finish off our conversation on narcissism. Picking up right where we left off, we're talking about the discard, hoovering, reverse hoovering, and our final thoughts on the narcissism cycle and red flags.  Oh and lucky for you... the audio is better!  Eleni's Links Tiktok & Instagram: Nonarcsense  Eleni's AMAZING book!   F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


Class is in Session... Narcissism 101 (Part 1)

We talk a lot about Narcissism on this podcast, but this week we're taking it back to basics. So I've brought back my favorite "Nice Guy" Narcissist expert Eleni Sagredos. We're breaking down the basics, sharing stories, and giving you some red flags to look out for.    And shocker... we had a lot to say so this will be a two part episode.    Eleni's Links Tiktok & Instagram: Nonarcsense  Eleni's AMAZING book!   F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon : Patreon! Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Youtube Page)


When "Nice Guys" Cheat... For the Lord?

For this week's episode, we're sharing a super interesting conversation from my other podcast - the Mr. Pick Me and Manhater Podcast that you all are going to love... or hate? Hate to love?  It's the story of a man who cheats on his pregnant wife - told by the woman he betrayed. But this isn't a tragic tale. No, no, no. According to them, this is an inspirational tale of a woman who stood by her man for the Lord. This is about HER strength (not HIS transgressions). And believe me, transgressions is PLURAL. And not only does this couple think they are the picture of true love, they think they are qualified to be both relationship and faith coaches for other couples. Listen to the episode and let me know if you think they're qualified.    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Page)


Ballerina Farms & The Truth Behind Trad Wives

When it comes to Trad Wives, we can all agree that they're looking to take us back to olden times. Little did they know, the Times would be the one to deliver the biggest blow to the facade they attempt to project.  And by Times, we mean the New York Times.  On today's episode we are talking about Ballerina Farms and more specifically Hannah Neeleman. And while it may be hard to find sympathy for someone pushing this lifestyle, in this episode we break down how this life may not be all that it seems... and not at all what Hannah had in mind. I wonder whose idea it was....    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Page)


Beware of the "Nice Guy" Tiktok Therapist

Buckle up friends, this one is the dooziest of doozies. Our guest today is Lisa aka Tiktok's _Stronger_than_before. She's a relationship coach who specializes in abusive relationships... and the perfect co-host to talk about an extremely popular "nice guy" Tiktok therapist that has some truly terrible takes.  Oh you want an example? How about him making MULTIPLE videos about how people pleasers can be just as toxic as narcissists. And that's not even the half of it...    F THE NICE GUY LINKS Patreon: Patreon Page Tiktok: FtheNiceGuy Youtube: Regan Reacts (F the Nice Guy Page) LISA'S LINKS https://strongerthanbefore.ca/ Lisa's Tiktok


Tracee LC

This episode has some profound truths. New fan, now binging several. This one, though!

11-28 Reply


oof listening to this after the whole professor neil kerfuffle is rough to hear lol. f the nice guysss

03-02 Reply

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