F23 Podcast

The F23 Podcast is a conversation based podcast with interesting, inspiring, inter-dimensional beings of wonder who have chosen a human form for this incarnation. In conversation with me Jamie Dodds (Pope Flag-dag the Brave) sharing their experiences, journeys, learning and un-learning from their off the map adventures through the counterculture.

F23 Podacst E46 feat Gabriel Kennedy (aka Prop Anon)

In this episode I'm in conversation with delightful Discordian documentarian Gabriel Kennedy to talk about his new book The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson. We discuss the journey through Chapel Perilous that such an undertaking inevitably is, discovering the works of Robert Anton Wilson and the beauty and relevance of his message today. I really loved this conversation and am truly excxited for the release of his book.Preorder the book here: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9781913689568/chapel-perilous/Prop Anon website: https://chapelperilous.us/Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Music credits: Chemical Brothers - Hanna's Theme, DisClaudia Boulton.Theme tune by Daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker


F23 Podcast E45 feat The Economy

This is an extra special F23 exclusive. I'm very excited to bring to you in conversation with myself, the Economy! Yes the economy personified gave me a call on Zoom and we talk about their existense, their relationship with money and other gods and of course Gandhi's teeth. So strap yourselves in as this is a longform one that I bring you!Find me:Twitter & Insta; @JimthediamondBuy me a coffee:  https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Theme tune by Tom baker & Daisy Eris Campbell This epsiode is written by Matt Smart


F23 Podcast E44 feat John Harrigan

I'm thrilled to bring you this conversation I had with John as I find his work to be really fascinating and of much more interest to me than the more mainstream servings of entertainment. John works in film, theatre and ritual to create transformative experiences for the audience. His most recent film Lightships won the 2021 best director award at the New York Festival of Cinema and we have a really fascinating conversation about; creativity, alien transmissions and cult cinema. You are going to love it.Find JohnJohn Harrigan: https://www.johnharrigan.com/johnharrigan/Lightships: https://www.lightships.info/about Foolish People: https://www.johnharrigan.com/johnharrigan/Find meTwitter & Insta: @JimthediamondBuy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Theme tune Tom Baker & Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E43 feat John Constable aka John Crow

John is also known by his shamanic name John Crow and is known to me from attending one of his repatterning workshops and watching him perform some of his poetry at The Find The Others Festival in 2014. He's always been someone I've wanted to invite on the podcast and reading his latest book became the opportunity I'd been waiting for. His story of becoming the custodian of Crossbones Graveyard and his relationship with the Goose and the 23 year magical working and now his move to Glastonbury is amazing. After you've heard the show trust me you'll want to buy the book and I've got to say it's one of the best books on magic I've ever read.Find John You can email via the contact section https://crossbones.org.uk/On Watling Street Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu60vQwD0lA&t=1483s&ab_channel=JohnHiggsFind meTwitter and Insta: @JimthediamondBut me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: tom baker & Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E42 feat Douglas Rushkoff

Welcome to the F23 Podcast another great guest, Douglas Rushkoff. Douglas Rushkoff is the host of the Team Human podcast and author of Team Human as well as a dozen other bestselling books on media, technology, and culture, including, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity, Present Shock, Program or Be Programmed, Media Virus, and the novel Ecstasy Club. He is Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at CUNY/Queens. We talk Team Human, effective ways of making change, his new book, appreciating what is and find the others. Find Doughttps://rushkoff.com/https://www.teamhuman.fm/OK Comics https://okcomics.co.uk/Find me Twitter & insta @JimthediamondBuy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Theme tune: Daisy Eris Campbell & Tom BakerMusic: Tom Crossland


F23 Podcast E41 feat Tim Holmes - The Buddhist Punk

I've been itching to bag Tim for the podcast since the series began and if you've been to an F23 event you'll have been both entertained and bedazzled by a gorilla poetry performance. Whether you have or you haven't it's time for you to meet The Buddhist Punk in all his fine form and glory as we talk ab out how he got his name, writing, creativity and poetry, studying to become bardic druid and appreciating what is like the wind in the trees. I also squeeze a poem out of him.Find meTwitter & Insta: @JimthediamondBuy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640OK Comics https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Background music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker


F23 Podcast E40 feat Phil Farber

I had a great conversation with Phil Farber author of Brain Magick and High Magick. Phil is simply excellent in this conversation about magic and magical thinking. We talk about Robert Anton Wilson, Brain Magic, invocation and evocation and communication with universal consciousness, along with much more. I have had some great conversations about magic in 2022 and this one has to be my most favourite of them all so far. Trust me you're in for a treat.Find Philhttps://www.meta-magick.com/OK Comicshttps://okcomics.co.uk/Find meTwitter & Insta: @JimtheidamondBuy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Background music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker


F23 Podcast E39 feat Tabitha Bast

I invited my old friend Tabitha Bast onto the podcast so we could talk about her blog The Boys Are Alright. I subscribe to this and so receive her posts as a newsletter and I am fascinated by her feminist based approach to writing about boys and men and how she facilitates meaningful conversations around the issues man and boys face. She explains in our conversation her motivations for this work and how male issues are in some ways often overlooked. She also works as a relationships counsellor and so also talks about some things that help the lockdown weary with their relationships. Tabitha is a wonderful woman and friend, and I think that the container of our friendship adds a real quality this conversation.Find Tabitha here: https://theboysarealright.substack.com/This episode is sponsored by: https://okcomics.co.uk/Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Find meTwitter & Insta: @JimthediamondBackground music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: Tom Baker & Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E38 feat Grant Morrison

Welcome to the F23 Podcast a being who needs no introduction Grant Morrison. A legend in comic book and magical circles they rose to fame during during the 90's comic book revolution writing some legendary titles that include Doom Patrol and The Invisibles to the modern day working on most mainstream titles at DC. Also Grants work is moving into the arena of television with successful adaptations of Doom Patrol and Happy.   In this conversation we talk mainly about current times and culture, some of our own mystical experiences and their meaning and magical thinking in general. If you want to have a great conversation about magic it turns out that Grant is the right person to talk to. It was a very special moment in my life to get to talk magic with Grant and I'm so excited to share this with you.This episode is sponsored by OK Comics: https://okcomics.co.uk/Grant Morrison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-cxBuRU09w&t=6s&ab_channel=MetaphysicsFind meTwitter & Insta: @JimthediamondBuy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/jimthediamond66640Blame Blake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dZvO9hxJKk&t=280s&ab_channel=AiryFairyBackground music composed by Thomas CrosslandTheme tune by Tom Baker and Daisy Eris Campbell 


F23 Podcast E37 feat Alexis Mincolla

In this episode I talk with Alexis Mincolla singer with industrial group 3Teeth. I invited him on the show to talk sex, drugs and magic having read and loved his contribution to the afterward in the book of the same name. And that is indeed what we talk about and I'm so grateful that he opens up and shares some great wisdom and insight with me. Also though I was pleasantly struck by his warm open and generous spirit and felt an easy and comfortable connection between us, and so I really hope those qualities to shine out of the conversation. A great form of magic for covid times.Find AlexisTwitter: @AlexisMincollaInsta: @alexismincolla3Teeth: https://3teeth.bandcamp.com/Find meTwitter: @JimthediamondInsta: @JimthediamondSponsored by https://okcomics.co.uk/Background music: Thomas Crossland Theme Tune: Tom Baker & Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E36 feat Bang Crosby

In this episode I chat with the delightfully bad fractal that is Bang Crosby, lead singer of Bad Fractals their debut album is produced by Youth Glover of Killing Joke fame. We talk Conspiracy theory, making art and magic, Pigs the Musical, the Book of Horkos, giving up drink and loads more. You'll love this conversation keep an eye out for tour info and music releases.Find BangBad Fractals Bandcamp: https://badfractals.bandcamp.com/Disco Devils: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD2zh3BzXn4&ab_channel=BadFractalsSponsored by OK Comics: https://okcomics.co.uk/Find meTwitter and Insta: @JimthediamondBackground music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: Tom Baker & Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E35 feat Arden Leigh

In E35 of the podcast I'm in conversation with Arden Leigh the creator and facilitator of the Re-patterning Project and we have an in-depth conversation where Arden opens up and talks about her own journey into magic and experiences of re-patterning, the real depth and commitment to the process and how this has shaped and become her work with the Re-patterning Project. We talk about; setting intentions, values and beliefs, I statements, Grant Morrison inspired sigil magic and working on yourself. The conversation had a very powerful effect on me, and I feel both lucky and happy that Arden opened up and shared with me great insight into her impressive work. At the end Arden sets me a challenge, or was it even an invitation from magic itself? To think bigger and go deeper.Find ArdenRe-patterning Project: https://therepatterningproject.com/about-arden/Arden and the Wolves: https://ardenandthewolves.bandcamp.com/Social media: @itsmeardenleighGrant Morrison disinfo speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-cxBuRU09w&ab_channel=MetaphysicsFind meTwitter & Insta: @JimthediamondBackground music: Thomas CrosslandTheme tune: Daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker


F23 Podcast E34 feat Tim Arnold

Welcome to episode 34 which see's me in conversation with musician, film maker, composer and social activist Tim Arnold. I invited him onto the show having read a recent blog post about why he was removing his music from Spotify and we also discuss what has been influencing him in the build up to the release of his 23rd (hail Eris!) album. A fantastic conversation on themes of creativity, inspiration, connectivity and harmony. Another wonderful human I get to spend and hour with.Find TimBandcamp: https://timarnold.bandcamp.com/Webpage: https://timarnold.co.uk/Find JamieTwitter: @JimthediamondTheme by: Tom Baker & Daisy Eris CampbellBackground music: Thomas Crosland


F23 Podcast E33 feat Mike Gathers

Welcome to episode 33 of the F23 podcast. Join me this time in conversation with Mike Gathers the host of the Hilaritas Press Podcast. We talk about how he discovered the psychedelic and counter culture movement at his first Grateful Dead concert and his path to the great writer and modern day mystic Robert Anton Wilson. We talk about our favourite teachings in his work including multi-model agnosticism, the 8 circuit model and how his work is important today.  Mike is interested in building a relational interpretation of the 8 circuit model and this is something I'm fascinated to learn more about.Find Mike https://linktr.ee/mgathers23http://www.hilaritaspress.com/podcasts/Twitter: @mgathers23Find meTwitter: @JimthediamondTheme tune Tom baker & daisy Eris CampbellBackground music: Thomas Crosland 


F23 Podcast E32 Feat Blue Netherclift

Welcome to E32 of the F23 Podcast in this episode I chat with Blue is the father of 2 young boys with another baby on the way. His eldest lives in the UK and Blue in Canada and so to be a proactive father takes resilience and creativity and as you can see he's found lots of ways to stay connected. From taking up skateboarding (aged 45) to FaceTime dance parties, recording bedtime stories on Mp3 to online photo albums, tracking his calendar at school so I know what he is doing each week, he is an engaged and resilient long distance parent and full time Dad. He is now using his podcast Dad Without Borders to shed light on the positive aspects of being a Dad on the shitty side of a break up with kids, while chatting to Dads about their challenges, all with a positive spin and professional feedback from his inner circle of professionals.  Blue works to expose Dads as being often undervalued and overlooked and an integral part of any child's life as we move into a new era of fatherhood. Keep a watchout for my own appearance on Dad Without Borders too.Find Bluehttps://dad-without-borders-e10084dc.simplecast.com/https://www.instagram.com/dadwithoutborders/?hl=enFind meTwitter: @JimthediamondTheme tune: Tom Barker & Daisy Eris CampbellBackground music: Tom Crosland


F23 Podcast E31 feat Lou Hemmerman

Welcome to E31 of the F23 Podcast feat Lou Hemmerman - In this podcast we discuss recovery from burnout and trauma tuning in to Lou's wonderful dedication to these healing needs through Buddhist principles. She utilises her skills and talents in this field for the Ulex project working with activist groups to build psycho-social resilience. She is also a founder member of a Ecodharma and a brilliant human being I'm delighted to call her a friend. She has always been a fantastic chef of delicious plant based meals and finds fun through playing with children and teaching them English and still somehow finds time to build her own dharma practice. Links to find out more are below.The Ulex project: https://ulexproject.org/Ecodharma: http://www.ecodharma.com/Find me Twitter: @JimtheidamondTheme tune by Tom Baker and Daisy Eris Campbell


F23 Podcast E30 Blame it on Blake Special feat John Higgs, David Bramwell, Myra Stuart & Ben Graham

Welcome to Episode 30 of the F23 Podcast Blame it on Blake Special. What's this all about you might well wonder, well I'll tell you. This podcast was recorded at the Northern Launch of the latest book by one of the greatest writers of our times, John Higgs. The event ran across and afternoon and evening with range of turns and performances that are too many to mention here and as the day unfolded so did my podcast guest net and I captured some of those people and recorded a conversation with them which I'm very excited now to be able to share with you. It's a 3 course podcast with David Bramwell as he starter, John for the main course and a sticky toffee Myra with Ben custard for desert. A veritable delight of some of the most wonderful  beings to grace the show and you should pin-back your ears and eat your fill of words.Find John HiggsWebpage: https://johnhiggs.com/Twitter: @johnhiggsFind David BramwellWebpage: https://www.drbramwell.com/Twitter: @drbramwellFind Ben GrahamWebpage: https://bleedingcheek.wordpress.com/Twitter: @bengrahamwriterFind Myra StewartWebpage: https://myrastuart.wordpress.com/portfolio/Find meTwitter: @Jimthediamond Music by Tom Baker


E29 F23 Podcast feat Harry Wheeler and Alan Creedon

In this episode I'm joined by Harry Wheeler, dream worker and film maker, and Alan Creedon mindfulness teacher. The podcast was recorded round a campfire beneath the moon and stars, a special shoutout to Louis for recording us. A unique podcast recorded in the spring if this year I know you'll love our smokey fireside chatFollow me on twitter @Jimthediamond Support the podcast https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/f23-podcast-needs-a-new-laptopFind Alan: http://endless-river.orgFind Harry: www.harrywheelerfilmphotography.ukSupport Louis: "Home | Golden Lion Sounds" https://goldenlionsounds.bigcartel.com


F23 podcast E28 feat Brenton Clutterbuck

Welcome back to the podcast my podcast besty Brenton Clutterbuck, and why wouldn't you want to spend an hour in company of this plucky discordian writer, thinker and pranker? We discuss his love of french philosophies and the parallels that exist in Discordianism.  I talk about a seminal teen experience on shrooms. get this little slice of disco joy in your ears!Find Brenton:Twitter: @ChasingErisSoundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/brenton-magnus-johanne-clutterbuckPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/ClutteredbuttsThe organised body of Eris: https://discord.com/invite/pX375cRVrz Find JamieTwitter: @JimthediamondTheme tune: Daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker 


F23 Podcast E27 Feat Nana D

Welcome to E27 of the F23 Podcast in conversation with Jamie this week is his Hip-Hop brother Nana D a film maker, singer song writer, performer and lovely person. we talk about his involvement Xam bushman in South Africa and the film he made documenting their rediscovery of their heritage, their recovery from alcoholism and journey of empowerment and self discovery. we also talk about his own rediscovery of his voice with the drop of his fist tune since lockdown Energy. links to both below.These are our stories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXbuouWoBjoEnergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh1Uq94aoAITwitter: @madebynanadFind me: @JimthediamondTheme tune by Daisy Eris Campbell & Tom Baker


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