I speak a vomiting out of sorrow and disappointment from within you.I speak renewal in the stagnant and murky places.I speak a release in areas which have been pushed down, suppressed, forgotten.I say RISE daughter of the Lord, RISE! And receive new life new life new life NOW,by the Holy Spirit.There was some powerful Holy Spirit proclamation. Activation. And REVELATION!Also - have you followed my new IG @warriordaughtersrising yet?Once I get past the 30 day new account requirement I will be ...
I don’t know who made the rule up that leaders have to have it together all the time, know what they’re on about all the time, be elevated somehow above the intellect or holiness or emotional groundedness of everyone else all the time, but gorgeous -THAT IS NOT IT.That is not it.As leaders we HAVE to make a stand for being okay with where we are now, and trust that we are being rightly led, with right discernment, to show real vulnerability without actually letting our entire booty hang out a...
This is a module from Supernatural Creator Academy which God led me to upload here as well! I am talking about that course NOT TSG when I talk about maybe closing it down!This was a BIG big share. And a huge exhale to do so. The confessional story … which formed most of this … is, I believe, one which will unlock things anew in YOU today. God is so good how He just keeps calling us home!Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multipl...
Time for a stripping off and a reset“What would you have me do?Where would you have me go?What would you have me write, and speak, create?Where would you have me FLOW?Lord I give you this day and all that I am.I say I come into agreement with your original design for me!Have your way in and through me,and let all I do be entirely of and TO you.In Jesus Name,Amen Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching ...
NOW WE GON’ SPEAK LIFE OVER OURSELVES THE WAY THE GOOD LORD INTENDED IT.Gorgeous, listen up - Following our aligned and right DESTINY path in God is not for the faint-hearted.Condemnation, shame, blame, ‘should have’, ‘not proper’, ‘not real’, ‘not right’, ‘not you’, ‘not yet’ … these things will NEVER stop derailing you. Do you get it?YOU have to choose.You have to say yes and AGREE with what God says.That is a discipline, and it’s also a choice, but guess what?It’s not something Y...
Babe. Babe! This whole thing is absolutely not ever going to work for you if you do not simply cancel all the ideas of how you’re apparently meant to be, and just jump fully into the river of being.Guess what? A year from now, if you do not rip that bandaid and let the raw bloody truth of what is in you out, it will still be in there. Festering away. And now you will just be another year older. Plain and simple; its flow time. The flow of you being you.Watch the replay now for the wake u...
OH, you know that when I’m back? I’m back ripping things up and OUT on my lives.Listen.It’s time to STOP TRYING TO CONTAIN WHAT WAS NOT MADE TO BE CONTAINED.That’s the long and the short of itYep. It’s time we lit this thing UP again!Oh, also? Things!!! Amazing things! Do not miss things! Unapologetically Extra 2024 free webinar! Comment “UNAPOLOGETIC” for the link or replay. It’s tomorrow! FLOWING, Firing, Wild & Free: WE’RE BACK new live 10 day course! https://thekatrinaruthsh...
It’s time for an unapologetic uprising of women who were born to create, lead, express, and do things a different way.Phew we are ON a Holy Spirit fire & flow thing right now!I believe you were born to create.I believe you were born to write and pour forth a thing.I believe you were born to be a literal conduit to the supernatural, and that how that is meant to come out of you is in a downpouring, an outpouring, an OVERFLOW, and that it should feel easy,simple,like BREATHING,and yes.More ...
It doesn’t work when you’re not being you … Gorgeous - it doesn’t work when you’re not being you. Boy oh boy have I learnt that lesson one or one million times over the years! Speaking of which … I went live today, shared some of my best lessons and learnings on the topic of dialling down who you naturally are, and brought the fire I know you needed to hear on unapologetically being alllll of you … the way it was always meant to be. And then ... did you see!IT'S TIME FOR THE 'A...
God will bless your way as you move forward. He will cause you to possess the land. We have favour, we have access to Him and His blessings.💃✨Wanna know how to walk fully forward in the creation and monetisation of what is right in your faith - led biz, regardless of where you are now? Check out my Faith - Led Biz From Scratch Course: https://katrinaruthministries.com/faithledbizfromscratch🙌🤗 Get your FREE Gift Pack designed for the faith - led woman ready to surrender to FULLY to what G...
God is here to say to you today, He loves you!He loves you. He loves you. He see’s the mess, He see’s the heartaches. He see’s the places where you still right now are trying to measure up. I feel to pray over you right now that you would receive God’s love and the revelation of His grace would be yours.Keep listening to hear the rest of the prayer and the proclamation to break, shake, take and wake you! Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have ...
Today’s livestream was intense.It was what I would call a good old-fashioned and verrrrrry extra Kat-stream.God version. Obvs ;)I think this was my fave livestream I’ve done all year.Listen now hear the truth about discipline, disobedience and allll the dramatics! Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at th...
It is right to expect instructions from the Lord.It is right to expect this in your workplace, business, ministry.It is right to expect this in your finances.It is right to expect this in your household.It is right to expect it in every part of you walking out the reality of the fact that you are His blueprint, and His blueprint for you is in you!Would you like to go further together? Maybe deeply so? Or maybe just a little for now?— Your place in Provision, God’s Money Course, is still waiti...
Life in God may not always be simple and it may not always be comfortable and may not always make sense. Where He cause you to walk if you didn't lean on your own understanding and thanked the Lord for ordering your steps. God is always talking and always has something to say to you. He will answer and show us great and mighty things. It gets to be flow when you follow God’s instructions. We don’t need to figure it out. It’s God plan. Not yours! Keep listening for the...
The Queens Roundtable is upon us He is calling those whom He calls.The uprising is NOW.It's time to ready.It is time to surrender.It is time to call on Him to reveal reveal REVEAL all that must be shed.This morning He had me record what turned out to be a 45 minute prayer & prophetic word for the warrior daughters of the Lord.He has instructed me to release this as He leads me to, on an individual basis. This is connected to, yet not solely for, the woman He has appointed to walk for...
For your glory and purposes Lord None of me and all of you Lord This morning’s live was … well it was. It was beyond the ideas or knowing of Kat, beyond the imagination of Katrina, beyond the highest and most wondrous of things you or I know about.It was God doing what only He can do when we say yes and we make space.I believe the time for a slumbering church (and I mean that on an individual level and also corporately) is over.But I also believe we need to not only think that, voic...
Get uncomfortable. The refiners fire sweeps through everything - it reveals what needs to be revealed, it exposes what needs to be exposed, it brings to the surfaces the things that are hidden. God's refining fire brings to the surface the things in us that are not right, the hidden things...and it something that we should be walking in as a way of being. And the reason we do this is because we are hungry for the Lord and hungry to have the things in us revealed that are not me...
Sometimes the thing we don’t do is wait on God, with the certain knowing that when we call out to Him, He wil answer. He does want to tell us great and mighty things and He will direct our paths. We might think we know the way but He knows the better way. Soemtimes the thing that we dont do is refuse to truly hear from the Lord.Who knows we don’t have time to NOT fully drop in with the Lord? What you need to do everyday is be in a new dance with the Lord!Keep watchi...
Holding faith, believing bigger, building imagination....it can be really intense. There have been moments where I have been looking down the barrel of everything God is showing me to believe - and to just believe. Because that is choice and a discipline. God has asked some of us to weld His weapons on the front line. And you have to accept the mantle. Do you want to believe this big? Are you willing to believe this big? Your either a person that leans towards c...
When you say yes, you will go all in on the life that God Himself has written for you, the one He prepared for you when He knitted you in your mothers womb. He prepared you for good works, which you should do. And its about the choice to go in. Yes it would be so much easier to do the things, to tick the stuff off our list but that is such surface level stuff compared to waiting on the Lord to reveal what He wants to reveal to us. Listen now to this fire and flow livestream Hi,...