Facing Fear

<p>Thirty, flirty and thriving takes a twist on this podcast with host, Sara McInerney Hauck. This podcast features solo and guest episodes about unapologetically authentically facing fear, in whatever form that comes. Your host is a facing fear guru and recent cancer survivor on a mission to encourage you to face fear alongside her. You'll laugh, cry and be alongside her and a community of those facing fear in everyday life and beyond!</p>

My Mom Fought Cancer for Me... 20 Years Ago (Special Guest, My Mom!)

When I was waiting to find out if I had cancer, my life flashed before me and a specific memory stuck out. It was 20 years ago, when I was 10 years old. I watched in downtown Chicago as my mom finished walking 60 miles after three days of camping out and raising thousands of dollars for breast cancer research. As I watched that memory play out in my head, I thought, f*ck, I am going to have breast cancer. This was actually meant to be. Touché, God. My mom is my number one fan, cheerleader, su...


It All Started When... Finding Out I Had Cancer One Year Ago

In honor of my first cancerversary coming up on Friday, I'm sharing a piece of my cancer journey I've never said aloud before. In this audio essay, I answer the prompt, "It all started when..." At this time last year, I was ruminating over and over wondering whether my life was about to change forever or not. And sure enough, on October 14, 2021, it did.Read the transcript of this episode at facingfearwithsara.com/blog. SUPPORT THE SHOWPODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merchC...


Lymphedema, The Bachelorette and All the Stories Between (Cam Ayala | Lymphedema Advocate, Amputee, Former Reality Star)

Cam Ayala was born with a disease called primary lymphedema which caused chronic pain, swelling and an above the knee amputation in June 2022. in my right leg. You may recognize him from The Bachelorette (Hannah Brown's season) or the Bachelor in Paradise, but this episode tells you SO MUCH MORE about Cam's story. After 9 bouts of serious infections, 16 surgical interventions, Cam underwent an above knee amputation earlier this summer. Cam faced fear since his amputation was scheduled. He's c...


Riding the Wave of Grief (Recap of Chemo 7, 8, 9, 10)

We take it all the way back to May, one of my most challenging months of this year. I talk about starting my new chemo plan after being kicked off my original due to an allergic reaction, escaping to California for a week, I recap a book I read in an week and share how the rollercoaster of grief really had me riding waves this past summer. I mention lots of goodies on this show today, so check out the links below.Tune in for next week's episode where I'll have a contestant from Hannah Brown's...


Questioning a Better Way, One Gracefully Disruptive Conversation at a Time - From the Vault (Kristen Olson | Entrepreneur, Athlete, Podcaster, Pup Mom)

"How much time and tequila do you have?" Another gem comes out from the vault this week, this one is with another podcast BFF of mine, Kristen Olson. She is truly unlike anyone else I've ever met. She has the swagger of Madonna, the fierce blonde hair of Dolly Parton, is always the life of the party AND she can back squat more than you! Kristen has built her personal brand around the combination of fun and health, or better said her way, turmeric and tequila. MENTIONED ON TODAY'S EPISOD...


Aging Through the Decades - From the Vault (Viviana Soto | Life Whispers Podcast Host)

This episode was originally recorded one year ago with one of my dearest podcast BFF's, Viviana. I'm bringing it out of the vault because we talk about a topic I've thought about soooo much since my cancer diagnosis, aging. We get older whether we like it or not, so how can we live life to the fullest throughout the many decades we're (hopefully) given? Viviana shares what she learned after interviewing one individual from each decade, that's right, she hosted guests from 7-years-old to an in...


The Invisible Side Effects of Chemotherapy (Recap of Chemo of 5 and 6)

This episode I am reflecting back on Chemo 5 and 6 which were from April 14, 2022 to the end of the month. This time period is when depression and anxiety aggressively poisoned my mind. A lot of my depressive and anxious thoughts revolved around the question, “What do I want to do with my life?” Because who doesn’t want to be worrying about that universal question WHILE battling cancer?! I also accomplish a podcast career FIRST in this episode... you have to make it to the end to find out! Ha...


Facing Fear and Near Death Experiences Part II (Maggie Hardin | Cancer Survivor and Thriver)

Buckle up for Part II of Maggie's story because WHEWWWW this woman has been through some sh*t. This part of her interview covers her near death experience(s), yes, that's more than one, and how her family stepped in to uplift her when she faced many medical challenges. Maggie is an absolute warrior and I'm so honored to share her story with you. SUPPORT THE SHOWPODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merchCATCH UP ON MY CANCER JOURNEY: facingfearwithsara.com/episodesCONNECT&nb...


Hometown Homies to Young Adults with Cancer Part I (Maggie Hardin | Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Survivor)

Maggie and I go way back (like... to middle school) and we've only reconnected after all these years due to having something very personal in common... cancer as a young adult. Her story is UN-BE-LIEVE-ABLE. She tells us about being diagnosed so young, her battle with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, surviving a bone marrow transplant, getting a new birthday and so much more.SUPPORT THE SHOWPODCAST/CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merchCATCH UP ON MY CANCER JOURNEY: facingfearw...


Turning 31 When Cancer Took Over My 30th Year

Today is my 31st birthday, and looking back over my 30th year, I have some thoughts to share. Thanks for your patience as I slowly return to this passion of mine after chemo quite literally knocked me out. I love you, my listeners, friends and family. If you'd like to send me a card/gift, I ask that you consider the following instead... Donate to IWIN Foundation in my honor - a local organization that I've benefitted from that's treated me nothing short of a cancer/chemo princess. h...


I Was Supposed to Finish Chemo Today (Why I Didn't and What I've Learned)

Today was supposed to be my last chemotherapy. But it's not. So I'm dropping this spontaneous episode to let out all the feelings I have about it, but of course, I have plenty. Thanks to an allergic reaction to chemo (taxol, specifically) that plan got widely sidetracked and I still have two more months to go. While I'm sad I'm not done today as originally planned, I'm also weirdly thankful I'm still going through chemo because honestly, I am scared for life after active cancer treatment. In ...


Facing Fear I'm 30 and Don't Have a Skincare or Make Up Routine Part II (Sara Joyce | One of my Cancer Angels)

Yup. I turned 30-years-old and I realized I didn't have a skincare or make up routine. And then I learned I would have to have chemo, lose my hair, get chemo acne and possibly my eyelashes and eyebrows!? I needed HELP, and help stat. Sara and I talk again about how she got into her love of make up and how she curated a custom, chemo friendly and safe list of products for me to shop around for to help me maintain my confidence even though I lost my hair. Coming soon... Sara and I are putting t...


Talking Body Positivity and Helping Me Regain Confidence Part I (Sara Joyce | Curve Model, Body Neutrality Activist)

My guest today and I go wayyyyyyy back. We're talking childhood buddies, way back! We lost touch for years and recently reconnected when I asked Sara to help me regain confidence through accepting my new boobs post mastectomy and helping me create a skincare and makeup routine once I realized I was going bald. Sara Joyce is a curve model, content creator & body neutrality activist focused on inspiring people of all shapes to find comfort in their bodies. Whether its finding the perfect pa...


The Only Way Out is Through

Well, well, well, look who is back at it again. I know gang… it’s been another minute since you’ve heard from me. It turns out living and battling cancer is a lot harder than it looks. And to be honest, a lot harder than I’ve made it look. So here's the truth about how I've been feeling over the past two months. Thanks for sticking in there with me. This fight is tougher than expected, but your loyalty and love are still pushing me through.MENTIONED ON THE SHOWCan't Stop Thinking by Nancy Coi...


Chemo Rounds 2, 3 and 4 Plus a Menty B Exploration

I'm back after a little break! It's been a rough few weeks so I appreciate your patience as I move through life with cancer. I recap chemotherapy round 2 (losing my hair), round 3 (losing my mind and having a mental breakdown) and round 4 (halfway, baby)!!!! SUPPORT THE SHOWNEW! LEAVE A REVIEW ON SPOTIFY - Open the app, find my show and hit 5 stars, it's that easy!CANCER MERCH: Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merchCONNECT Subscribe to the monthly newsletter at facingfearwithsara.comInstagra...


From Frenemies to Soul Searching (Kat Smailis | Integrative Wellness Therapist)

I've known Kat for more than 10 years, but we lost touch many years ago. We started as frenemies on rival high school soccer teams and then ended up playing for the same travel team and became great friends. We lost touch many years ago, and then she came back into my life when I needed her. Kat is an Integrative Wellness Therapist who works with individuals on self development to achieve their highest potential. Kat specifically focuses on increasing each individuals capacity for intima...


Chemo: 0, Sara: 1 - Review of My First Round Of Chemotherapy

This week's episode features my 14 hour Chemo Eve day, a recap of my full day including my FIRST chemo appointment, what it was like, how I felt, God Winks, breast cancer voodoo dolls and so much more.The podcast is now on YouTube! Click here to listen and WATCH the entire episode on YouTube featuring photos, videos and more in my attempt to document this insane chapter of my life. SUPPORT THE SHOWNEW! LEAVE A REVIEW ON SPOTIFY - Open the app, find my show and hit 5 stars, it's that easy!CANC...


Bring It On, Chemo

It's f*cking happening... chemo. I tell you about debuting my fake boobs this weekend on a fancy downtown date (to a drag queen show!!!), my experience bursting into tears while glasses shopping, and I have a favor to ask....If you have any FIGHT or F*CK CANCER MERCH, please wear it on Thursday, February 17. That's my first chemo appointment and I would love nothing more than to see my wonderful community on social media sporting their merch while I am chained to the damn chemo chair for 5 ho...


Chemo is Coming... Our Cancermoon Getaway and a Sermon on Encouragement

I received the ultimate God Wink of all God Wink's when a pastor at my church reached out to me asking if he could share some of my story as a part of his sermon about encouragement. You lovely listeners are ALL encouragers to me, so I was able to share the audio from the sermon on this episode to conclude the show. I provide an update on what's coming next for my cancer journey (hint, hint, it's far from over). And finally, I share our EPIC cancer moon getaway from escaping the I...


Life with Fake Boobs (Thanks to you, Breast Cancer)!

It's been three weeks since my bilateral mastectomy, aka, losing my natural boobs thanks to breast cancer. I catch you up on before and after of my surgery (including some funny and not so funny stories from the hospital), what life is like with fake boobs and how I've been feeling lately. SUPPORT THE SHOWNEW! LEAVE A REVIEW ON SPOTIFY - Open the app, find my show and hit 5 stars, it's that easy!CANCER MERCH IS LIVE! Visit facingfearwithsara.com/merchCONNECT Subscribe to the monthly news...


Brittany Boudiette

Loving these "Region Rat" episodes. It's great hearing from neighbors in our surrounding communities and all the greatness/inspiration they bring to the region!

02-10 Reply

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