Faculty of Classics

Faculty of Classics

Podcasts from the Faculty of Classics.

Classics Faculty Ancient Drama Prize 2022

Arlene Holmes-Henderson, Senior Research Fellow in Classics Education, chats with the winners of the faculty's exciting new performance competition for young people from across the UK. In 2021 the Faculty of Classics, in partnership with the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), invited young people aged 11 - 18 from across the UK to perform a piece of ancient drama or deliver a spoken word composition. A judging panel of academics and performing arts professionals were delighted to watch nearly 100 short films. The quality of performance was consistently high, and it was a very difficult task indeed to whittle the entries down to our winners! Arlene catches up with Bianca (Solo - Translation), Sydney (Solo - Spoken Word), and Aiko, Grace, and Isla from Wirral Grammar School for Girls, along with their teacher Mr Beswick (Group - Translation).


Martin West Memorial Lecture 2019 - Perspectivism and the Homeric simile - Prof Stephen Halliwell

Martin West Memorial Lecture 2019 Martin West Memorial Lecture 2019 - Perspectivism and the Homeric simile - Prof Stephen Halliwell


The Gaisford Lecture 2016: Transmitting Tragedy

The Gaisford Lecture 2016: Transmitting Tragedy, delivered by Patrick Finglass


Alumni Day 2015 - Microscopic and Macroscopic. Rhythmic prose and historical themes in Plutarch's 'Lives' and Appian's 'Civil Wars'

Gregory Hutchinson on rhythmic prose and historical themes in Plutarch's 'Lives' and Appian's 'Civil Wars'


Alumni Day 2015 - Rosetta, Philae and Beyond: Decoding Ancient Texts in the Digital Age

Rosetta, Philae and Beyond: Decoding Ancient Texts in the Digital Age. Alumni Day Sept 2015 - Rosetta, Philae and Beyond: Decoding Ancient Texts in the Digital Age.


The Don Fowler Lecture 2016: Interpretation and the Metaphor of Authority

The 2016 Don Fowler Memorial Lecture, delivered by Professor Alison Sharrock of the University of Manchester. The Don Fowler Memorial Lecture Series was founded in 2000 in in memory of former Classics Fellow of Jesus, Don Paul Fowler, who died in 1999 at the age of 47. The annual lecture series in his name, hosted by Jesus College and inaugurated by a lecture delivered in May 2001 by Professor Stephen Hinds of the University of Washington, has established itself as the foremost public lecture series on Latin literature worldwide.


The Sybille Haynes Lecture 2015: Pirates of Populonia? The Myth of Etruscan Piracy in the Mediterranean

The Sybille Haynes Lecture 2015: Pirates of Populonia? The Myth of Etruscan Piracy in the Mediterranean


Helen of Troy – myth or reality?

Dr Bettany Hughes delivers her lecture - "Helen of Troy – myth or reality?" as part of the Classics Alumni Day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


Islam: Executioner or Heir of Antiquity

Tom Holland delivers his lecture - "Islam: Executioner or Heir of Antiquity" as part of the Classics Alumni Day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


Oxford Classics and the wider world

Mai Musié delivers her lecture - "Oxford Classics and the wider world" as part of the Classics Alumni Day - "From Helen to the Hijaz"


Why Classical Reception - Classics Alumni Day 15th March 2014

Dr Fiona Macintosh delivers her lecture "Why Classical Reception" as part of the Classics Alumni Day - "From Helen to The Hijaz"


Grants for Schools Starting Classics - Classics Alumni Day 15th March 2014

Nicholas Barber CBE, Chairman of Classics for All delivers his lecture "Grants for Schools Starting Classics" as part of the Classics Alumni Day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


Matters of Perception in Latin Poetry and Philosophy - Classics Alumni Day 15th March 2014

Prof Tobias Reinhardt delivers his lecture - "Matters of Perception in Latin Poetry and Philosophy" as part of the Alumni day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


The Roman Empire's New Place in the World - Classics Alumni Day 15th March 2014

Prof Nicholas Purcell delivers his lecture "The Roman Empire's New Place in the World" as part of the Alumni day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


Studying Classical Gems - Classics Alumni Day 15th March 2014

Prof Sir John Boardman delivers his lecture on "Studying Classics Gems" as part of the Alumni day - "Classics from Helen to the Hijaz"


The Haynes Lecture 2014: Runes and Amber. The Etruscans as Mediators Between the Classical World and Central Europe

Prof. Larissa Bonfante, New York University, delivers the 2014 Haynes Lecture. Held at The Ioannou School for Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University. Introduced by Prof. Bert Smith.


Classics Course II: Of Course It's For You

Tim Whitmarsh gives a talk for the Classics Open Day held on 16th March 2013 about doing a Classics degree at Oxford. Classics is the most diverse, wide-ranging humanities subject in existence. Delving deep into the past, Oxford classicists study the literature, painting, sculpture, history, archaeology and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome ... and that's just in their first year. At the heart of the subject is the learning of ancient languages, which are the key to unlocking this wonderful world. Classics Course II students are taught Latin or Greek from scratch by some of the best instructors the world has to offer. Within a year you'll be reading texts in the original, and seeing the world as some of the greatest intellects who ever lived did.


Adventures with Hercules

Dr Llewelyn Morgan gives a talk for the Classics Open Day, held on 16th March 2013.


How to be Augustus: Escaping one's past

Professor Chris Pelling give s a talk for the Classics Open Day, helpd on 16th March 2013.


To boldly go: Greek exploration from wife-eaters to counting cows

Dr Katherine Clarke gives a talk for the Classics Open Day, held on 15th March 2013.


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