DiscoverFain House Radio: Creative Living Podcast
Fain House Radio: Creative Living Podcast

Fain House Radio: Creative Living Podcast

Author: Annie Fain Barralon

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How can you do all that needs done in life and still pursue your desire to learn French, or the guitar, or grow a plant or make art? You can’t put a fiddle under our pillow and wake up playing it (though, how cool would that be!). Join me, Annie Fain Barralon, as I interview painters and gardeners, designers and musicians, photographers and cooks, creative livers of any kind, who have some how, in the middle of it all, continued on their creative paths no matter what.
44 Episodes
Years ago, a class Emileigh Zola signed up for was canceled last minute and she ended up in a traditional broom making class. This serendipitous turn of events put her on the path to what would become a big love of her life as well as her main livelihood. It's more than just how good it feels to make things with our hands, Emileigh has what she describes as "a fierce devotion to the beauty of the ordinary." A special, handmade broom meant for sweeping your floor can help transform the "blah" of an everyday chore into more of a ritual and as Emileigh says, "creates an everyday opportunity for slowing down and really being intentional." She is also a teacher of broom making workshops, an herbalist and organizer of women re-wilding gatherings. She reminds us that learning a new skill is an opportunity for us to be beginners again, to allow ourselves to really go for the things that light us up and when that special creative/growth opportunity presents itself to have the courage to "put our hand on the door and open it." Learn more about Emileigh and her work here: Website: Instagram: Fundraiser for Women's Pilgrimage: Women's Re-Wilding Retreats: _______________________________________ All Things Fain House:* Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." ~ W.B. Yeats --- Send in a voice message:
The medium where Ginger Huebner feels most at home is the mixing of collage and chalk. Trained as an architect she realized that what called to her more than how a building was designed and put together was how a space "felt." She now uses these mixed media as a way to translate those feelings and, in her words, considers the process her second language. She reminds us that creativity comes in many forms, that we all have our own creative language and that developing our sense of creative freedom and choice is incredibly important no matter our age. Let yourself be nurtured by it and put those good feelings back into the world. Whatever form is comes in, listen to it, love it and embrace it. Learn more about Ginger and her work here: Website: Instagram: TED Talk: ________________________________________ All Things Fain House: * Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: * Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "There is no end to creativity. Hence, to strive towards an end result is a fool's errand. Set goals, make music and paint pictures, but know that the crux of your happiness balances delicately on the wings of the act of creativity itself. Not at the finish line." ~ Brandon Boyd --- Send in a voice message:
Lindsey Liden has had quite a few creative step-stones in his life. He has played full drum kit for a punk band, painted huge colorful wall paintings that couldn't even fit into his car, worked in various restaurant kitchens, toured as a fiddle player and completed a university degree in classical percussion. Little did he know that all steps would lead to his now career as a banjo builder and fine woodworker. Though he now has a working studio next to his wife's ceramic studio, and just across the field from my very own studio (did I mention he is my brother?), the path has not always been clear and easy for him. His story is one of wanting the creative life so badly that he is truly up for doing all it takes to stay true to his creative path. He reminds us to embrace what we're good at and to find a way to use it as an asset of our work rather than fighting against our natural selves. Hurdles and struggles are part of what every one of us experiences. The main thing is to keep moving forward and to know that you are building on something big and it's going to take a life time to do it, so make sure to enjoy the ride. Learn more about Lindsey and his work & workshops here: Website: Instagram: ______________________________________ All Things Fain House: * Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: * Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "There is no use trying,” said Alice. “One can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  ~Lewis Carroll --- Send in a voice message:
Quilter, natural dyer, Jason Pierson has all kinds of ways of folding his making life into his work and family life. Sometimes it means working on smaller wall hangings rather than large, full-scale quilts. Sometimes it means stirring the dye pot on the stove in-between work meetings on his computer or always having his hand sewing nearby, road trips and visits with friends included. He reminds us that much foraging for natural dyes can be done even along your average roadside, that you don't need any special permission to try something new and that dabbling just might help you discover your next favorite hobby...or career! Learn more about Jason and his work here: Instagram: @fellinlovewiththemoon & @jasonpiersonquilts Website: Shop: __________________________________ All Things Fain House: * Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: * Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." ~Thomas Alva Edison --- Send in a voice message:
Seamstress, quilter, mom of three, Rachel Yearick, loves to sew so much and has sewn for so long that she doesn't even remember learning how. At some point she found herself with a big batch of tossed king size, hotel sheets from the second hand shop and started experimenting with natural dying. Eventually these sheets got cut into pieces and became a source for her dress fabrics. She now makes and sells beautiful dresses with quilt-square panels that run down the front. The enjoyment that comes from making something from nothing is huge in her life and is a philosophy that flows directly into how she runs her one-woman, garment business. She reminds us that our creative path can sometimes meander more than we planned for, that having big dreams may demand a big dose of flexibility and that what often has the biggest impact over time are all the tiny bits we find a way to fit into our day...right here, right now, with what we have on hand. Learn more about Rachel and her work here: Instagram: Shop: ________________________ All Things Fain House: * Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: * Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: “Creativity itself doesn’t care at all about results – the only thing it craves is the process.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert --- Send in a voice message:
Painter, fiddler, banjo player Hannah Seng feels deeply that not matter what we say, we're all creative. We put so much pressure on ourselves to do things just right, even from the beginning, forgetting that we are just not going to hit the mark the first time and that's ok. Hannah knows from experience that it all boils down to alot of repeating of gestures by regularly "doing the thing." Though it's not easy and takes lots of humility and patience to get through to the other side, it's so worth it! Hannah reminds us that there is real joy in using nice materials (and instruments!) and when artist and medium merge they make gold, but "you've gotta make some sparks first." And when in doubt, start by making ourselves happy where we can so that the inspiration can get unstuck and come pouring out of us. Learn more about Hannah and her work here: ____________________________________ All Things Fain House: * Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: * Sign up for our monthly email newsletter and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: * Website: * Shop: * Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio  ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure. It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different." ~ Piper Payne --- Send in a voice message:
Dance has been the main guiding force in Becky Hill's life. Her love of, and involvement in, percussive dance has quite literally shaped friends she's made and places she's been. With banjo playing and square dance calling added to the mix, Appalachian music and dance traditions have become a sacred connection to place and community for her. She reminds us that some of our creative loves may be relaxed and informal (like playing tunes in the kitchen) and others may be arduous and complicated (like pushing the envelope of your craft or medium, especially if you are making it your profession). When you dedicate yourself to carving time out for that "thing" you really want to do or learn about, your life will be richer for it. And when in doubt, work hard, play hard and embrace the radical joy that is now.  Learn more about Becky and her work here:  Website: Instagram: The musical track at the end of this episode is called "Margaret's Song" featuring the T-Mart Rounders: Jesse Milnes (fiddle), Kevin Chesser (banjo) & Becky Hill (on feet). Website: Instagram: _____________________________________  All things Fain House: Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: Sign up for our email list and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________  Your Quote for the Day: "There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them." ~ Vicki Baum --- Send in a voice message:
For Kate King the world of creativity has always felt like a safe place to be. As an artist, author, licensed counselor, art therapist and creator of the Radiant Life Project, Kate's approach to overall wellness is to honor the connection point where psyche meets spirit meets art. This holistic perspective of using art for healing, growth and insight involves a mix of clinical analysis with what she describes as "the warmth and accessibility of creativity." Making art can be healing in itself and it can also be an incredible way through the back door into a person's unconscious that may not be available them just through talking. She reminds us that the best project any of us can ever engage in is the project of our own personal growth, that we are all born creative and to keep letting ourselves explore the world even if it's as tiny as thinking an imaginative thought or noticing a pleasing color. Learn more about Kate and her work here: Website: Instagram: TikTok: YouTube: ______________________________________ All things Fain House: Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: Sign up for our email list and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews here: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” ~ Mary Oliver --- Send in a voice message:
Should you make just what you know will sell or just what your heart wants to make? Or both? This question and many more flow through Kelcey Loomer's head as she paints for hours at her canvas. Working mostly with oils and prepared mixed media surfaces, on both large and small scales, she finds inspiration from everything to time in the woods and her kids to facing grief and a new favorite song put on repeat. She describes her process as "dreaming in real time" and as a type of meditative state that has been incredibly healing to her. Her hope is that those who go home with her paintings also feel free to find their own meaning and good feelings in her work. She reminds us to notice and gather up all the little and big things that light us up and that when matched with believing in ourselves and some dedication we'll be one step closer to where we want to be.  Learn more about Kelcey and her work here: Website: Seed & Sky Shop: Instagram: ______________________________________ All things Fain House: Sign up for our email list and get a 10% off etsy coupon and access to the free private Facebook group where you can watch these interviews: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio Grab your 2023 Fain House Wall Calendar here: ______________________________________ Your Quote for the Day: "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." ~ Aristotle --- Send in a voice message:
Margaret Cogswell's artistic style appears, at first glance, childlike. With closer inspection is comes clear that much contemplative and technical savior faire goes into each piece she creates. Her range of mediums include everything from paper mâché sculpture and artist books to mixed media crowns that can really, truly be worn on your head. After years raising her two children, she decided that the time had come to apply for a live-in artist in residence program at Penland School of Crafts while still juggling her family life (and she got it!). It was the first time in her life that she could create her work on her own terms and now, years later, so much good has come from the fact that she realized it was "now or never" and made that leap. She reminds us to trust our intuition, to ask questions and to go towards what makes you happy. And when in doubt, make something with your hands and keep that motion going. Learn more about Margaret and her work here: Website: Instagram: @margaret_cogswell ______________________________ All things Fain House: Sign up for our email list and get first dibs on this year's calendar printing here: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio Your Quote for the Day: "The creative adult is the child who survived." ~ Ursula Le Guin --- Send in a voice message:
Annie Erbsen grew up in a musical family and as a child equated people jamming in the kitchen as community. She later studied and worked as a physicist which she describes as "using math as your toolbox to figure out literally every thing about the universe, known and unknown," and as one of the most satisfying creative times of her life. Her varied and fun list of endeavors include being a soap maker in Italy, a learner of waltzes on the fiddle, swing dancer, cooking instructor with a focus on gluten-free cooking, a maker of ceramics, and as a rhythm guitar player for dancers. She reminds us that you don't have to be able to read music to pick up an instrument, cooking for others is a really important way of sharing love and to try to enjoy the process of whatever you’re doing and notice how that makes your body feel. If it turns out to be something you really enjoy…then, you’ve done good.  Learn more about Annie here: Website: Instagram: @appalachiantoalpine  ______________________________  All things Fain House: Sign up for our email list: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio  Your Quote for the Day: “Cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing, or wood carving, or music. And cooking draws upon your every talent--science, mathematics, energy, history, experience--and the more experience you have, the less likely are your experiments to end in drivel and disaster. The more you know, the more you can create.”  ~Julia Child --- Send in a voice message:
In his college years David Hughes was a guitar/banjo playing math major who converted vehicles to run on restaurant waste grease. As the years passed he found himself in a stressful, all consuming job, but the desire to take his music more seriously never left him. He has since taken the leap and now teaches music, works for his local arts council and has made a record inspired by his love for old American music (specifically Piedmont blues, old-time string band music and ballad singers of his native state of North Carolina.) He reminds us that enjoying music is a very fundamental human experience which can create social connection as well as a healthy way to process our emotions. And most importantly, he encourages us all to get excited about our failures because this means we are trying...and that it truly something to celebrate. Learn more about David and his music here: Website: Instagram: @themusicofdavidhughes At the end of the episode we feature a track from David's latest record "Trials in Time" called "Saber Rattling." Open Folk Asheville:@openfolkavl All things Fain House: Sign up for our email list: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio Your Quote for the Day: “A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.” ~Elizabeth Gilbert --- Send in a voice message:
Jen Swearington's creative life seems to boil down to one main thing: A strong sense of curiosity which has led to a love of constant learning. Though she is most known for her textiles her creative ideas span a range of media including paper cutting, bookarts, drawing, quilts and sculpture. Drawn by the belief that art is everywhere, she finds inspiration not only from international travel and artist residencies, but also from walking out of her own front door and simply looking around and being open to what's out in front of her. She reminds us that it's ok to allow ourselves some frustration, that it's important to go out and actively find what is interesting to us and that unless you want to do things the same way for the rest of your life your only choice is to figure out how to do something different. Learn more about Jen and her work here: Website: Shop: Instagram: Jen's Aunt Kelly: All things Fain House: Signup for our email list: Website: Shop: Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio Your quote for the day: “Creativity makes a leap, then looks to see where it is."  ~Mason Cooley --- Send in a voice message:
Musician, singer, builder of things (and my very own husband) Géraud Barralon is a great believer in the power of accumulation. If you have something new you want to learn or a skill you want to maintain, take just 15 minutes every day and you will start to see, what he describes as, "positive consequences." In his mind, song and music are spiritual food and are things meant to be shared. If shyness or insecurity is what you are struggling with it's important to start by acknowledging that it's truly meaningful to you and to do whatever you can to find the support to go make what you really want to happen, happen. He reminds us that we need to feel free in your spirit to be creative, sometimes getting inspired is as simple as taking in new things and that if the inspiration is real then the need to act on it is real. It makes you more yourself, which makes you stronger and then you can help people around you better. Learn more about Géraud and his music here: * The song Géraud sings at the end of this episode is called "Les Bosses" and can be found on his CD "La Trace du Poète." CD purchase and instant downloads can be found on his website. If you are interested in taking the Slow Jam Workshop taught by Géraud and Annie Fain email us at: May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23 / 5-7pm Banjos, fiddles, standup bass, guitar, mandolin, uke & more welcome! All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Shop: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your quote for the day: “Creativity is contagious, Pass it on."  ~Albert Einstein --- Send in a voice message:
Daniel Nevins is a painter turned psychotherapist. Looking back he thinks that even as a painter he was, in a sense, trying to do "some form of therapy...with shapes and colors." Though he still paints, his work as a therapist has shifted his perspective in a way that he describes as "the change from being the painter to being the painting." He reminds us that one of the best ways to turn the dial down on anxiety is to be involved in a task that takes all of our concentration and because this is an element of being truly engaged in our creative endeavors, we might find some relief in the process. Seeing creativity as a kind of concentrated attention brings us back to the idea that it is, in fact, a form of mindfulness and surely it is good for all of us to strengthen our mindfulness muscles. Right? Right! Learn more about Daniel and his work here: Websites: Instagram: @_danielnevins_ All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your quote for the day: "Abandon your masterpiece and sink into the real masterpiece.” -Leonard Cohen --- Send in a voice message:
Jessica Kaufman loves passing on what she knows so much that she created a masters degree in Craft Education. She has experience in various mediums both as a maker and a teacher including knitting, group harmony singing, hand dying and developing craft focused businesses. After years leading the craft cabin at the camp where she worked, she realized she could take all she did to order, organize and teach at camp and use it as a model for creating her own business. You can now visit her storefront Waxon Batik & Hand Dying Studio in West Asheville, NC and try your own hand at tie-dye and ice-dying or shop for ready-made garments and homegoods. She reminds us that learning new things is sometimes a bouncing back and forth between independent exploration and time spent learning from master makers and that when you are making it's ok to keep some things just for you. Learn more about Jessica and her work here: Websites: Instagram: @happygocrafty @waxonstudio @balabustagear All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your Quote for the Day: “Everyone who’s ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference.” — Nolan Bushnell." --- Send in a voice message:
By the age of six Jessica Johnson was already hooked on singing and loved collecting her seashell, snake skin, rock "treasures." Eventually she picked up the guitar, studied herbalism and wellness, started a garden and became a mother. Through struggles along the way she has found that lots of healing and creativity can come from being in community with others. She reminds us that if you need to take a break or hit the reset button on your creative path, tell yourself you'll be back again some day soon and always stay open to the sparks of inspiration as they come. Learn more about Jessica and her work here: Website: Shop: Instagram: @jess_of_joy All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your Quote for the Day: “Making the simple complex is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.” ~Charles Mingus --- Send in a voice message:
When Rachel Bell's grandmother suggested she pick up the accordion her answer was "No way!" Eventually her education in music led her straight back to the accordion and this time around she fell in love. It's different than other instruments in a variety of ways and as Rachel says, "you can strap it on, it welds into your body and you can feel the vibrations as you play." Collaboration is where her heart is. It's a way to be in good company with fellow musicians she admires, exchange ideas and also be inspired to try something she wouldn't have thought of on her own. She reminds us to take in as much inspiration from as many sources as possible and that if we feel stuck, go outside, get filled up by nature and keep on moving ahead. Learn more about Rachel and her music here: Website: Facebook: Bandcamp: Instagram: @rachelbellmusic Tune Medley: Barracuda (Kenneth Murphy) / Turtles in the Sinkhole (Rachel Bell) played by Eloise & Co. (Rachel Bell, Becky Tracey & Andrew VanNordstrand) All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your Quote for the Day: “To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”  ~Osho --- Send in a voice message:
We are all on a quest for a more satisfying life in our own ways and Alex McLeod is no different. With the support of his family he chose to leave his corporate job in exchange for a bit of financial struggle paired with the opportunity for more daily life happiness. His working theory is that each of us has a genetic memory for things like living in community, being outdoors in all its forms and working with our hands. This is why making more room in our lives for what we consider truly valuable feels right and good. For Alex this is anything from hunting mushrooms, learning to play the fiddle, delving into square dance calling to time with his kids. He reminds us that sometimes the distance between dreaming and doing is our biggest hurdle, but that taking that first small step is worth it, a thousand times over. See what Alex is up to here: All things Fain House: -Signup for our email list: -Website: -Instagram: @fainhouse & @fainhouseradio -Donate to support this podcast: Your Quote for the Day: “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.”  ~Neale Donald Walsch --- Send in a voice message:
Through the years designer/jeweler/metalsmith Erica Stankwytch Bailey started to figure out who she was as an artist and that, in fact, she had always known it. She is now sure that all the "I should"s and "I have to be"s might be the biggest barriers we all face, both in daily life and in creative life. As we are all on that quest for the enigma that is balance we have to give ourselves space to have crash and burns. Everything we make isn't supposed to be a success. It turns out "fail" is a beautiful word and when it happens to us, we should pat ourselves on the back for being actively engaged in that difficult task, fondly known as, the learning process. Learn more about Erica's work here: Website: Instagram: All things Fain House: -Preview & Buy your 2020 Wall Calendar: -Signup for our email list: -Donate to support this podcast: Your Quote for the Day: “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher --- Send in a voice message: