Faith Based Weight Loss for Women Podcast

The Faith Based Weight Loss for Women Podcast helps women address and manage all aspects of weight loss so they can lose weight, gain energy and reduce stress. Listeners will learn how to move from stuck to unstoppable, from exhausted to energized and from feeling defeated to feeling confident again. This podcast will guide and equip you on your wellness journey so you can experience total transformation in mind, body and spirit.

#075: The only thing that has ever worked for Kathie’s weight loss – A true story

Have you ever felt discouraged about taking care of your body due to past setbacks or temporary success? Kathie can relate. After struggling with a cycle of losing weight and then regaining it, she found herself doubting if she'd ever truly feel better. However, her outlook shifted when she discovered the Faith Based Weight Loss for Women podcast and learned about a method that actually works.  In just four months, her transformation is remarkable: She lost 24 pounds Lost 11 inches overall Noticed improvements in sleep, energy, and focus Became more consistent with her morning devotions No longer needs Prilosec Experienced reduced low back pain Overcame emotional binge eating Saw significant improvements in cholesterol, prompting her doctor to suspend medication for six months If you too are familiar with the struggle of sustainable weight loss, if you feel stuck, disappointed, and even disillusioned with your health, please don’t miss this episode. Kathie’s story will give you hope and encourage you in your own journey.  ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#074: The 5 Items You Must Include In Your Weight Loss Program to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting Forever

We've all been there – the excitement of starting a new diet, the initial success, followed by the inevitable plateau, and then the discouraging return to old habits. But you can break free from the endless cycle of weight loss and gain. I am confident of this because I have seen a lot of women, myself included, who won with their weight loss, achieved a sustainable lifestyle, and they keep getting stronger in their faith and body.  In today’s podcast I want to share with you the 5 items you must include in your weight loss program to stop Yo-Yo dieting forever! (Likely you are missing at least one) If you’re as excited as I am about this, click here to listen to this episode and share it with a friend!  ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#073: Fitness beyond the gym: Making exercise work for you

We all know that exercise is medicine. Yet we often struggle to have a consistent intake of the right dose of this medicine. In today’s podcast we’ll talk about how to make exercise work for you by addressing three important aspects:  Why exercise is beneficial What type of exercise and movement you should do  How to exercise wherever you are in our fitness journey  If you’re longing to improve the quality of your life, if you want to have a better relationship with exercise, if you'd like to know what you can do today to make progress in your wellness, don’t miss this episode! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#072: Three myths about building a strong core & how to debunk them

Having a strong core is important on many levels. It serves as a remedy for back pain, it fosters proper posture, it enables you to fulfill daily activities with greater ease, it makes you look better, and it improves your balance, just to name a few benefits. But many women do not know what core strength really means and how to cultivate it. In fact, many of us believe the wrong things about our core and often engage in ineffective exercises. In today’s podcast I delve into all you need to know about your core, address three myths about building a strong core and how to debunk them, and provide a free gift to kickstart your core-strengthening journey. Better core = improved overall well-being. Take a listen now! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#071: How to really transform your weight loss in 2024

Did you know that it takes two to three years to develop a lifestyle of wellness and three to five years to develop an identity rooted in a healthy lifestyle that glorifies God? I’m telling you these statistics to encourage you not to give up if you haven’t arrived yet at your weight or wellness goal. Real change takes time.  But real change also takes a blueprint that works.  In today’s podcast I invite you to listen to a workshop I recently did on how to transform your weight loss in 2024. The principles I’m sharing are based on the scriptural foundation, the science, and the strategy you need to win, and they work! So, if you’re ready to achieve sustainable success w your weight loss, listen to this podcast! P.S. We have just launched the Stay Fit Wellness Academy Membership – a community to help faith-based women over 40 lose weight and grow in faith, health and wellness by teaching you how to apply the Stay Fit for Life Formula. I’d be thrilled to have you join us! Learn more here! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#070: How to feel your best through the holidays – Part 2

As we approach the end of the year, I know how important it is for many of us to finish strong and set the stage for a successful start to 2024.  In today’s podcast episode I delve into the second part of a series focused on how to feel your best through the holidays. This podcast provides three simple and practical steps that you can easily incorporate into your routine, ensuring you'll continue to maintain your optimal well-being even amidst the disruptions that often accompany this festive season. ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#069: How Randi is improving her comprehensive health

Do you feel at a standstill in your weight loss journey?  Are you finding yourself stuck in life, struggling to find the motivation to move forward? Do you feel too discouraged to even try again to make changes? If so, you're not alone.  In today's podcast, I sit down with Randi, who understands the emotions you might be grappling with. However, after only a few weeks into the Stay Fit for Life program, Randi experienced a complete shift in her overall health and mindset, and embraced a new relationship with food, movement, exercise, and life.  Tune in to hear her inspiring story!  P.S. If you’d like to take action today and go through the holidays with the right mindset and a plan that works, ⁠sign up for the 21-Day Jumpstart Program⁠! This program is available for a limited time only and it’s a small next step forward for anyone who’d like to grow and succeed long-term with their health, faith, and wellness.  ⁠Click here to learn more⁠ or email me at 


#068: How to feel your best through the holidays – Part 1

How do you feel when you think about the holidays? Do you tend to prioritize your health and well-being or put them on the back burner during this season? Many women associate the holidays with added stress, excessive food consumption, a lack of control, and the expectation of potential weight gain. But imagine if you could maintain your optimal well-being throughout the holidays and not feel overwhelmed by the disruptions to your usual routine! In this podcast episode, I'll talk about three essential factors to consider as you approach the holiday season. These insights will help you navigate this time with greater intention, control, rest, and focus, ensuring you feel your best throughout the holidays.  P.S. If you’d like to take action today and enter the holidays with the right mindset and a plan that works, sign up for the 21-Day Jumpstart Program! This program is available for a limited time only and it’s a small next step forward for anyone who’d like to grow and succeed long-term with their health, faith, and wellness.  Click here to learn more or email me at 


#067: How Rebecca lost 20 lbs in 10 weeks with the Stay Fit for Life principles

In the previous podcast I shared with you the basics of the Stay Fit for Life Formula to losing weight and growing in faith & wellness. Today you will hear how Rebecca, one of my clients, lost 20 lbs in 10 weeks and how her life significantly improved in many aspects while applying the Stay Fit for Life principles.  “The Stay Fit for Life formula works, and it really is a life-changing program. What I believe makes this program unique is that it’s an overall program, addressing the most important areas in our life.” – Rebecca  I was really encouraged to hear her story and I know you will be too! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community: 


#066: The Stay Fit for Life Formula: The right way to lose weight and grow in faith & wellness

There is a right way and a wrong way to approach your wellness and weight loss journey. The wrong way is going to leave you frustrated, stuck, and exhausted. The right way will help you learn how to take imperfect action towards growth in your journey so you can honor God, love the life He called you to, and live it well. In today’s podcast I’ll share with you the ABCs of the Stay Fit for Life Formula to losing weight and growing in faith & wellness that will guide you towards long-lasting success. Don’t take my word for it, here is what some of my clients said: Lori: I have so much energy that I get everything on my list done and then some.  Lynne: Being on your program has helped me lose 32lbs so far.  Norma: I’m down 34lbs in six months. I’ve had no need for meds since October, no more knee pain, no backpain, I’m so grateful for this journey. Christine: I lost 55lbs in one year and I had a mind, spirit, body total transformation. I have maintained my weight for over a year.  Take a listen to this episode and share it with a friend!  ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#065: Three steps to shrink your belly fat

A lot of middle-aged women are struggling to reduce belly fat. Are you one of them? If so, today's podcast is tailored just for you! In this episode I will help you understand the science behind why belly fat is bad, why you need to get rid of it, and teach you three simple steps you can implement right away and start seeing results.  If I can witness my own belly fat decreasing with age, you can too! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#064: My 30-minute daily ritual to reduce stress and lose weight

What if I told you that you can move away from merely reacting to what happens in your daily life to operating from a place of abundance? I've had countless conversations with middle-aged women who express feeling overwhelmed by the demands placed on them, leaving them stressed and uncertain about how to change and enhance their well-being. I can relate to their struggles. Just a few years ago, I found myself in that very same challenging place. However, that pivotal period in my life prompted me to develop a 30-minute daily ritual that literally saved my life. And guess what? I’m going to share this practice right here on today's podcast! I assure you, if you implement this 30-minute ritual, you will operate with greater intentionality, greater control, greater focus, and greater rest throughout your day. This is a podcast you won't want to miss, and I encourage you to share it with a friend who may also benefit from it. ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#063: Three food mistakes that almost always lead to weight gain

On today’s podcast we have a topic that's incredibly relevant for many of us, especially if you're a middle-aged woman struggling with weight management. Have you ever wondered why it seems so much harder to shed those extra pounds as we age? Or maybe you're simply baffled by the changing rules of nutrition and weight loss in your 40s and beyond. Well, today, we're diving into three major food-related mistakes that almost always lead to weight gain. So, if you're ready to take control of your nutrition and start making positive changes, you're in the right place. And before we get into the nitty-gritty, I’d love for you to hit the subscribe button to my podcast and share it with a friend who might benefit from this valuable information. ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#062: The 3 Critical Mindset Shifts you need to lose weight & grow in faith

One of my clients recently wrote that the reason she finally succeeded with her weight loss was because she learned to approach her mindset work with a biblical worldview. She has a point. We as faith-based women have the opportunity of experiencing lasting change because true transformation happens from the inside out, and that transformation is fueled by the truths of God’s word. In today’s podcast I invite you to learn about the importance of cultivating a mindset rooted in God’s word and identify with me the 3 critical mindset shifts you need to lose weight & grow in faith! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#061: Is your mindset holding you back from losing weight?

What your mind conceives, it will achieve. This concept goes beyond being a catchy phrase; it's a fundamental principle rooted in biblical wisdom (Proverbs 23:7). Your mindset is a powerful tool in your weight loss journey. By shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, you can overcome obstacles, break free from mental barriers, and experience transformative change. In today’s podcast we'll explore how our mindset can significantly impact our weight loss journey and be inspired to break free from limiting beliefs by Dawn’s story.  So, let's jump right in! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#060: Why connecting the mind, body, and spirit are essential to weight loss – Marguerite’s success story

I recently talked to Marguerite about her weight loss journey and her story is something I wish everyone would hear!  And that’s not because she lost over 40 lbs, 16 inches, went down 6 points in her BMI, 3 points in her visceral fat, and 9% in body fat. And not because her faith was strengthened or because she improved her overall health in the midst of stress. And not even because she learned how connecting the mind, body, and spirit in our wellness journey is a game changer. Although those are reasons enough to listen to this podcast, I believe her story will help you see that you are not hopeless in your struggle, you don’t have to remain stuck in negative patterns, and your story is not over yet. You are a warrior woman! Take a listen to this!! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#059: My very comprehensive “EMR” plan for best exercise for women 40+ to get results!

Our bodies face lots of changes as we age, and perhaps you’ve noticed that losing weight gets harder, loss of energy happens more frequently, and you are more prone to injury.  That’s why it’s so important to have a comprehensive “EMR” plan for best exercise for women 40+ to get results! In today’s podcast I invite you to hear about what EMR stands for and how to apply my EMR plan to help you lose weight, build strength, and prevent injury with your movements.  I’m excited for you to hear this! So, grab your headphones and get ready for real and lasting change!  ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#058: The mindset secret that helped me lose 40 pounds and keep it off

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the vicious cycle of dieting, constantly searching for the next quick fix? I know I have. But then something shifted within me—a profound realization that transformed not only my approach to weight loss but also my entire way of living. In today’s podcast you will learn about how important our mindset is for sustainable weight loss, the strategy to implement the renewing of our mind, and get access to “The Confident in Christ 21-Day Scripture Resource” to help you take action today! If you’re ready to start winning with your weight loss, listen to this week’s podcast and share it with your network! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#057: My very personal strategy for reducing stress & improving health in the midst of busy

What if losing weight will improve other aspects of your life?  Research shows us that improving our physical health will also result in positively changing other aspects of our life. How would you feel about managing your stress better, having more confidence, being more productive, having more energy, better relationships, being happier, and experience a more fulfilled life which means a God-honoring life? Wouldn’t you want that?  In today’s podcast I’ll share with you my very personal strategy for reducing stress & improving health in the midst of busy that I believe will help you move towards becoming a faithful steward of all aspects of your life.  ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


#056: My very effective “5-S PLAN” for losing belly fat during menopause

Belly fat is a struggle for many women, especially if you’re going through or about to enter menopause. The good news is that we can effectively lose belly fat and learn to overcome the challenges menopause brings! In today’s podcast I’ll share with you the exact ”5-S PLAN” that I use to shrink my belly and lose weight, teach you how to use it to get results yourself, and give you access a special tracking tool that will help you take action on this strategy {EMAIL ME AT DIANA@STAYFITPT.COM TO GET THE 5-S Tracking Tool}.  These principles are applicable if you’re pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal, or post-menopausal. Are you ready to get rid of your belly fat forever?! Listen to today’s podcast! ABOUT: Diana Sahakian is a Physical Therapist and wellness coach, helping faith-based women experience total transformation mind, body, and spirit. Learn more about her at Join the Facebook community:


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