Faith Soaking: A Prophetic Mother's Voice

<p>Alisa Hope Wagner is a prophetic mother's voice who will encourage you with faith-filled words of inspiration and imagination, so you can enjoy the love of Jesus and embrace God's best for your life. </p>

My Quiet Time Recap : Season 3 Episode 2

Here is a shorter recap of my quiet time. I hope it encourages your quiet time with the Lord, so you can develop your own routine and be proactive in the Spirit.


Capture and Destroy Defeated Thoughts: Faith Soaking Season 3 Episode 1

Do not accept the evil thoughts Satan and his demons try to put in your mind. They are not of God; therefore, they are not for you. You do not have to fear these thoughts; rather you must instantly rebuke them. They are simply a way for the enemy to steal, kill and destroy your peace of mind. But remember. Great is the Holy Spirit in you than any of the world.


True and Lasting Peace: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 10

We can gain false peace for a time through worldly means, but we can find true and lasting peace by seeking God day and night and by praying, petitioning, giving thanks and presenting.


Walking Through Quicksand: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 9

Sometimes, we go through a "quicksand" season where everything seems difficult. However, we can trust that God is with us and our breakthrough is right around the corner if we don't give up.


Replacing Worry With Faith: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 8

It takes practice, but we can replace worry with faith in God's Word and His goodness. The habit of faith will not only provide us peace, but it will not allow stress to affect our minds, hearts and bodies.


Overcoming Familiar Spirits: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 7

We do not recognize that our thinking is not in line with the Bible because we have normalized this negative thinking. Some familiar Spirits include Fear, Worry, Jealousy, Poverty, Control, etc. However, as we read God's Word the truth will replace the lies, and we can live in victory.


Tucking into the Spirit: How to Have Authority Over the Enemy’s Attacks: Faith Soaking Season 2 Espisode 6

We don't have to endure the enemy's attacks on our bodies, minds, hearts and wills anymore. Once we learn to "tuck" all three parts of us (spirit, soul and body) into Christ, we will become untouchable to the devil's lies, schemes and attacks.


The Violent Take it by Force: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 5

When the door to our destiny begins to open, adversaries will violently try to stop us from taking steps of faith into our God-given assignment. This faith soaking will empower you with the vigor to take what's your in Jesus Christ.


My Quiet Time Part 4: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 4

Sometimes having a quiet time with the Lord can be difficult if we don't know where to begin or what it looks like. In this podcast, I offer part 2 of my personal quiet time as a blueprint to help you design your own quiet time with God.


My Quiet Time Part 3: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 3

Sometimes having a quiet time with the Lord can be difficult if we don't know where to begin or what it looks like. In this podcast, I offer part 2 of my personal quiet time as a blueprint to help you design your own quiet time with God.


My Quiet Time Part 2: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 2

Sometimes having a quiet time with the Lord can be difficult if we don't know where to begin or what it looks like. In this podcast, I offer part 2 of my personal quiet time as a blueprint to help you design your own quiet time with God.


My Quiet Time Part 1: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 1

Sometimes having a quiet time with the Lord can be difficult if we don't know where to begin or what it looks like. In this podcast, I offer part 1 of my personal quiet time as a blueprint to help you design your own quiet time with God.


Stay Untouchable: Faith Soaking Episode Eleven

You can stay untouchable to the enemy's schemes by tucking your flesh, which is your body and soul, into your spirit. Your spirit is alive in Christ and found in Him at the right-hand side of God, and is untouchable to the enemy. Once you submit your body and your soul (your mind, heart and will) to the Spirit, you will be able to walk upon scorpions and snakes without getting wounded.


Walking in the Holy Spirit's Power: Faith Soaking Episode Ten

Are you in a season of spiritual attack. Are the devil and his evil cohorts harassing you? Learn what Jesus did when He went into the wilderness and experiences a demonic attack by Satan himself. Also, discover why God allows spiritual attacks and how you gain power from them. #spiritualattack #demons #satan #Jesus #GOD


Creating a Life of Faith: Faith Soaking Episode Nine

Receiving Jesus for salvation is the first step to a lifestyle of faith. Discover who you are in Christ and begin to chase God's promises for your life. Don't let obstacles prevent you from achieving and becoming all that God has for you! The obstacles in life are what will cause you to rise!


Joy and Rest are Yours: Faith Soaking Episode Eight

You can find rest and joy in the Lord despite how you feel and your circumstances. Jesus gives us peace and joy that the world cannot offer. Discover the three main ways to claim His peace and joy.


Transforming Power of Christ: Faith Soaking Episode Seven

Don't let your emotions dictate your life. Jesus died on the cross to give you all of God's goodness every day. God's will is for you to live in victory, so we can claim everything we lack from God when we are in need.


Jesus is the Only Way to God: Faith Soaking Episode Six

Many people want to know why Jesus is the only way to God. Can humans get to God on their own merit or do we really need a mediator? Discover the one way we fall from God and the one way we rise with God. Jesus is our mediator, the Messiah, who took our sins and gave us His perfection, so God's love and His perfection could be united in each of us.


Belief Over Reality: Faith Soaking Episode Five

You may be surrounded by circumstances that contradict God's Word in your life. This is not the time to back down. This is time to choose belief over reality and take a leap of faith in God's great plans for your life. God has given you promises that lead to your best life. He has designed you with gifts and passions that will go unfulfilled until you believe God at His Word. Don't be discouraged. Believe God's promises will come to life through the power of Jesus Christ.


Life of Promise: Faith Soaking Episode Four

God has a purpose for our lives. He has designed each of us with both strengths and weaknesses, and He has attached our promises to the throne of God. As we chase our dreams, God is able to mold us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Or faith steps will lead us into our God-given destiny, so we can fulfill the highest calling: to share God's love to the world and offer the gift of salvation to all those who desire to be with God in heaven.


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