Faithfood Podcast

Faith Filled Sound Bites

What does a Heart of Worship and Praise look like

In today's episode we study Psalm 30. We look into what a heart of praise and worship should look like in trials and in joyful moments. The benefits of praise and the power of praise that helps us see and experience the hand of God in our situations.


Surrendering your Fight to God

In Today's episode we delve into Psalm 35, it is fervent plea from David to God to fight for him. Through this heartfelt prayer, we learn six valuable lessons that will help us navigate our seasons of trial.


Holding onto God's Peace

How do you tend to respond when things are falling apart, when fear takes a hold of you? Take a deep dive into Psalm 3 with me and allow these words from scripture to give you a framework of responding in trials and holding onto God's peace through prayer.


When Life feels Overwhelming

Where do you run for refuge when life gets overwhelming? What truths do you hold onto at those times? Take a deep dive into Psalm 46 with me and allow these powerful words from Scripture minister to your heart.


The One I know I can Call upon

Welcome to the new year and new season of The Faithfood Podcast. This year we will be taking a deep dive into certain Psalms. I hope you will be joining us on this journey. In today's episode, we will be studying Psalm 44.


Waiting Patiently

In today's episode, we walk through Psalm 40 and glean how God acts for us when we patiently for him. We also learn from David what waiting patiently entails.


A prayerful anguished cry to God

In today's episode we take a deep dive into Psalm 42. This psalm is an honest portrayal of how our emotions can be in difficult times and how best to navigate those distraught and downcast feelings.


Responding with Humility, Grace and Faith

In Today's episode we learn from a passage in scripture that speaks into responding in a difficult situation and dealing with difficult people with grace, faith and humility.


A courage that comes from God alone

In today's episode we take a deep dive into Acts chapter 4. We learn and are encouraged by how Peter and John face a difficult situation and how they respond in the moment and also after.


Persevering in Faith

We are not guaranteed a trouble free journey through life. There are times when we are distraught, we grumble, we complain and even contemplate giving up our faith. The word of God calls us to persevere. In today's episode we spend time reflecting on persevering in our faith and how we are to do that.


Finding your worth in Christ Alone

If you ever have felt like you did not belong or are striving to be a certain way to meet the expectations either you have placed on yourself or those of others. Let’s take a moment together in this episode and delve into the truth that our value and worth comes from Christ.


Jeremiah 18 - The Narrow Path with Christ

With today's episode we conclude our series through Jeremiah. We reflect on some lessons learnt, the nature of God we get to see through this book and reflect on some main lessons we learn through the prophet Jeremiah. 


Jeremiah 17 - Being Faithful in a Fragmented World

In this lesson we delve into Jeremiah 45, into the story of Baruch, Jeremiah's scribe. We see Baruch struggling with his own emotions here and we get to see how God responds. We take a look at what it means to live with an eternal perspective and not fixate on the seemingly great things this world can offer. 


Jeremiah 08 - Where our Hope is Found

This is a reposting of a previous episode. Due to some issues with the previous one, I have reposted this as these podcasts are being used in conjunction with a study on Jeremiah. In Today's episode we dive into Jeremiah 16. The nation of Judah has been heading towards God's judgment and this chapter lays out what they will go through. God speaks of his cause for judgement. But as we read those words, we get to see a picture of His pursuit in light of the disobedience of the people. God did not give up on them and he does not give up on us. He is persistent in His pursuit of us.


Jeremiah 16 - Misplaced Trust

If we walk contrary to God, He will walk contrary to us. In Today's episode we delve into Jeremiah 44. We get to learn lessons from the barrier the stubbornness of their sin caused. We see the language of their rebellious hearts and the results of the deceitfulness of their sin. We also see the consequences of mixing idolatry with worship. 


Jeremiah 15 - Willing to do God's Will

Waiting and Obeying are two crucial aspects of our spiritual walk with God. They are not always easy even though we know we are to wait with trust and obedience . In today's episode we delve into Jeremiah 42 and 43 and we look at where the people of Judah are at. From this passage, we get to look at and question, how fear can spur us to want to hear from God. But do we follow through with intended action of obedience.


Jeremiah 14 - Trustworthy God

We might face unfair situations and different trials in our lives, just like Jeremiah did, but when we cling to The Lord, He will see us through it. We can miss out on noticing God’s provision when we rush through our days. Reading through Jeremiah – we can often focus on the trials he went through being a prophet for God but as we pause and take notice we do see God’s care and provision. In today's episode we delve into Jeremiah 40 ad take time to simply focus on our God who is trustworthy and our provider, our Jehovah Jireh.


Jeremiah 13 - Continual Communion with God

When trials come our way, how often do we tend to focus on our circumstances than on God and His sovereignty. In today's episode, we look at Jeremiah 36-39, the persecution/trials Jeremiah faced and how he responded to those. The lessons we can glean from it and reflect on how our communication and worship with God fares when we find ourselves in difficult seasons. 


Jeremiah 12 - A Heart of Obedience

True obedience is a matter of the heart and is empowered by the Spirit. Anything else is only empty form. James 4 says, we must be doers of the word and not hearers only. It is what God wants of us and we can do it in His strength. We won’t do it perfectly but what God wants in us is a genuine desire to follow His precepts evidenced by a growth in following them as we walk in His path. In Today’s episode, we look at the story of the family of Recabites in Jeremiah 35, who obeyed their forefathers commands and God uses this as a example and a rebuke to His people.


Jeremiah 11 - Truth or Falsehood

In todays day and age, We have so much access to information about anything and everything including bible studies/commentaries/explanations or teachings. So, how do we know when what we read or hear is aligned with the truth of God’s word? The people in Jeremiah’s day faced something similar. In today's episode, we look at Jeremiah 28, this passage relates a confrontation between Hananiah the false prophet and Jeremiah, the true prophet of God. We see how Jeremiah responds and what we can learn from all of this.


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