Farron Balanced Daily

<div>Listen to Farron Cousins' latest commentary on the news of the day.</div>

Trump's Media Company Posts Staggering $327 Million Loss

The Trump Media and Technology Group released their first quarter numbers for this year, and they are nothing short of jaw-dropping. The company posted a revenue of just $770,000 while posting losses of more than $327 MILLION in the first three months of this year. The stock for the company - which had recently seen a surprise spike - is about to bottom out like we've never seen before with this new information.Also, Trump lawyer and spokesperson Alina Habba is supposed to be doing damage con...


Trump Flies Into A Rage Over Reports That He "Froze" During Weekend Speech

During his speech at an NRA event this past weekend, Donald Trump froze and stopped talking for a solid 35 seconds. The news was buzzing about his freezing all weekend long, and it apparently got to Trump by Monday morning, because that's when he got on Truth Social to post a lengthy defense (and denial) of freezing up, blaming it on a wobbly podium rather than a faulty brain.Also, Republican Representative Elise Stefanik has undergone quite the transformation in recent years, starting out as...


Oops! Trump Accidentally Admits To Crime At Center Of Hush Money Trial

Donald Trump just can't seem to help himself when he gets in front of a camera. The former president is so desperate for attention that he ended up actually admitting to one of the main aspects of the criminal charges against him - that he had a non-disclosure agreement between him, Michael Cohen, and Stormy Daniels. If a smoking gun didn't already exist in this case, then Trump just handed it to the prosecution.Also, members of Congress are required to disclose their personal financial recor...


Jim Jordan Gets Torn To Shreds During Tense Hearing

Jim Jordan got his butt handed to him by Democratic Representative Stacey Plasket during a hearing this week. Plasket called out Jordan, and many other Republican lawmakers, for making a mockery of the hearing process and for blindly following Donald Trump's orders to pretend that the government is being weaponized against them - orders that Republicans like Jordan are all too eager to follow.Also, during an interview this week with conservative talker Hugh Hewitt, Donald Trump went on a tira...


Trump Seen Editing Angry Speeches That His Supporters Gave Outside Courtroom

According to a new report from a journalist who claims they witnessed the event, Donald Trump was seen during court on Tuesday editing angry speeches that were later given to the press outside the courtroom by his allies. If true, this constitutes an egregious violation of his gag order, as it would be proof that he is directing his friends about what to say and who to attack - including the people protected by the gag order.Also, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell went into a blind rage ove...


Trump May Owe $100 Million After Double-Dipping On Tax Breaks

According to a lengthy new analysis of Donald Trump's tax records, the former president appears to have written off losses for his Chicago skyscraper in two separate tax years, meaning that he was double-dipping on tax breaks. If this audit is correct, that means that Trump scammed the government out of roughly $100 million that he could be forced to pay back once the IRS has finished with him.Also, Donald Trump no longer has to violate the gag order against him because his family and f...


Trump Considering Nikki Haley For VP If She Pays His Legal Bills

Reports over the weekend suggested that Donald Trump was considering picking Nikki Haley to be his running mate, but insiders said that this was only if Haley agreed to pay his legal bills. Trump was not happy about this leaked information, and he blasted the report on Truth Social claiming that Haley is NOT under consideration. At this point, Haley as VP might be Trump's only shot at winning in November.Also, the bankrupt former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, just watched as his fina...


Judge Slaps Down Trump's Attempted "Fishing Expedition" To Discredit Prosecutors

Judge Juan Merchan had to lay into Donald Trump's legal team on Friday morning after they tried to subpoena records from the Manhattan district attorney's office long after discovery ended. Trump's lawyers were seeking records related to former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz who publicly resigned from the DA's office after Alvin Bragg shut down an investigation into Trump. But Merchan refused the subpoena because it is prohibited by New York law to receive the records, something Trump's lawyers sh...


Alina Habba Is About To Get Trump In Even More Trouble

Alina Habba is doing Donald Trump's dirty work for him, and that could land him in even more trouble with Judge Juan Merchan. As part of his gag order, Trump is forbidden from even directing anyone to attack witnesses in the case, yet Alina Habba appeared on Fox News this week to do exactly that. And since Trump pays her to be a spokesperson, that could easily be viewed as a violation of the gag order. Also, Republican Representative Lauren Boebert was attacked for being a "fake Christia...


Trump Plans To Blow Off Barron's Graduation Celebration To Hold A Rally In Minnesota

Donald Trump and his allies threw a major fit at the start of the criminal trial when they claimed that the judge wouldn't let Trump skip court for Barron's high school graduation. That was a lie, and the judge said they'll deal with that when they get there, and he's now allowed Trump to attend the graduation. But, as usual, this was all a ruse, and Trump is actually planning on holding a rally halfway across the country that day.Also, we won't be getting a resolution to Donald Trump's...


Alina Habba Reduced To Being Trump's Courtroom Babysitter

Alina Habba's legal career has certainly taken an interesting turn, as she has now been reduced to spending her days acting as a babysitter for Donald Trump in the courtroom. Habba has been showing up at Trump's criminal trial, in spite of the fact that she's not representing him in this case. Trump's people are worried that he's going to blow up in court, so he's now constantly accompanied by people who may prevent that from happening.Also, following a threat of jail time from Judge Juan Mer...


Insane Trump Blasts Out 31 Truth Social Posts In An Hour After His Fundraiser Was Cancelled

Donald Trump showed up at a Miami speedway this past weekend for a Formula 1 race. But instead of hosting a fundraiser in a luxury suite like he had planned, he ended up firing off 31 posts on Truth Social in an hour because the venue told him he wasn't allowed to host a fundraiser on their property. Trump ranted about everything from California Governor Gavin Newsom to the hosts on Fox that don't like that he's being prosecuted. All in all, it showed a complete mental breakdown for the forme...


Mike Lindell Makes Complete Fool Of Himself During Trump Rally

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was a guest at one of the rallies that Donald Trump held on Wednesday, and his performance wasn't exactly filled with truth. Lindell told the crowd that all the Democrats he's spoken to said that they are voting for Trump in this year's election. This isn't just a lie - it is a dangerous statement that gives people like Lindell and Trump cover to claim the election was stolen if they lose in November. Also, Donald Trump held two midwest rallies on Wednesday of t...


Local News Reporter Completely Breaks Trump's Brain During Interview

Donald Trump's brain appeared to completely short circuit during an interview with a local news reporter this week. Trump began talking about the crime rate in Venezuela and how they were sending all their "criminals" to America, but when the host asked where that information came from, all Trump could say was "uhhhhh..." The former President was caught in a lie and he knew it, and all it took was a simple question about where he got his information.Also, Donald Trump suffered another humilia...


Newsmax Host Completely Melts Down Over Clip Of Biden Eating A Salad

Newsmax host Eric Bolling had a complete meltdown this week over a clip of President Biden eating a salad. Bolling claimed that the President can barely feed himself and yet he has access to the nuclear codes. But the clip doesn't even back up Bolling's claims that Biden was struggling - it just showed a man eating a salad that he didn't seem particularly enthusiastic about eating.Also, according to a new report, Donald Trump is not happy with his criminal trial lawyers, and he's been raging ...


Jim Jordan Gets Torn To Shreds During Fox News Interview

Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan didn't realize that he was walking into the lion's den on Sunday morning when he appeared on Fox News, but he was quickly eaten alive by host Maria Bartiromo. Jordan got torched by the usually-friendly host about conducting investigations into Biden for over a year and having absolutely nothing to show for it, before adding that Republicans are getting "sick and tired" of the theatrics.Also, Donald Trump's criminal trial is not only not going wel...


Trump Busted Trying To Hire Migrant Workers To Run Truth Social

A new report has confirmed that Donald Trump's Trump Media and Technology Group sought H-1B visas for prospective employees so that they could bring in foreign labor to work at the company. This revelation by itself is not that bad, but it becomes that way when you remember that Donald Trump specifically railed against these types of visas and didn't want them to be used anymore. Like most people in business, Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth on issues to project one image while doin...


Allies Fear That Furious Trump Will Explode In The Courtroom

Donald Trump has not been shy about letting the world know how angry he is about being stuck in a courtroom for his criminal trial, and he's been showing his visible disdain for the proceedings while sitting in the courtroom. Sources close to Trump spoke to CNN this week and expressed their concerns about his anger going out of control, which could result in him blowing up in court - which would then blow up his case.Also, Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes sent a letter to his former Republic...


Trump Begs Republicans To Save Him In Desperate 2am Truth Social Rant

Donald Trump is losing a lot of sleep as he frets about his legal troubles, and at 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning he sent out a frantic post on Truth Social where he begged Republicans to step in and stop his trial. Trump is definitely wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and it isn't a good look. His mind is going to keep deteriorating as this process drags on.Also, things are going from bad to worse for Marjorie Taylor Greene as she continues to lose allies in her fight against her own Party. T...


Trump Has A Meltdown After Just 10 People Showed Up To Support Him At Courthouse

Over the weekend, Donald Trump called for his supporters to show up in large numbers to protest his prosecution at the New York courthouse. Instead of being greeted by hordes of his supporters, there were about 10 people that showed up to protest his prosecution. The former President was furious, and once again got on Truth Social to beg people to show up and let him know that he is loved.Also, during an appearance on Newsmax this week, Kari Lake went on a rant about how bad Hilla...


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