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Author: Farron Cousins

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Listen to Farron Cousins' latest commentary on the news of the day.
331 Episodes
During a rally in Georgia this week, Donald Trump went completely off the rails and showcased his mental problems. He repeatedly messed up words and forgot the names of cities while completely botching his talking points about his own record. But it was when he started wandering off the stage and hugged air that everyone started to think that maybe this man isn't all there.Also, Republicans have repeatedly told us that they don't have any problems with people coming into this country legally,...
Donald Trump made a stop at a Pennsylvania grocery store this week where he was seen on camera handing people cash to pay for their groceries. He even told one lady "we're doing that for you from The White House," which is a fairly clear indication that he is attempting to buy their votes. Vote buying is illegal, for both the buyer and the payee, meaning the people who received the cash could also be in serious legal trouble.Also, just days after Donald Trump said that he would blame his elec...
Donald Trump appeared to completely lose his mind during a midnight posting binge on Truth Social where he proclaimed that Kamala Harris "just lost" the election. As "proof" of his claim, he reposted an old clip of Harris on Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show where she talked about being committed to the Green New Deal and pushing for more clean energy in America. Trump claimed that this was proof she'll lose Pennsylvania, even though she's polling ahead of him and way outside the margin of erro...
During a recent episode of his podcast, Donald Trump, Jr. suggested that the most recent man that attempted to harm his father, Donald Trump, could end up having a situation in prison like Jeffrey Epstein. But by making this claim, Junior reminded everyone that it was HIS father and his father's Department of Justice that oversaw the prisons when Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell. In other words, he made a shockingly weird and unintentional claim about what may have happened.Also, du...
During a surprise appearance on the Gutfeld! show on Fox News this week, Donald Trump continued his pity party over his pathetic debate performance, but this time he added a new twist. Trump claimed that when the moderators fact checked him the audience at the debate went crazy. The only problem is that there was no audience. Trump made it up, like he makes up everything. This has led to a fresh round of speculation that Trump's mental health is in the toilet.And attending one of Donald Trump...
Judge Aileen Cannon could be in big trouble after it was revealed that she failed to disclose the fact that she attended a right wing legal junket in May of 2023. The event, paid for by a conservative law school, featured other conservative judges and right wing organizations, and Cannon was required by rules to disclose the trip within 30 days - which obviously never happened. This news comes as outside groups have filed amicus briefs to get Cannon removed from the Trump documents case.Also,...
Donald Trump decided to go full racist in a disturbing social media attack against Kamala Harris this week, accusing her of somehow destroying "black heritage" with her presidential run. Trump is so desperate to win this year that he is now trying to play the race card AGAINST Harris, which is something that his campaign and all of his allies begged him to stop doing over a month ago. This won't end well for him electorally.Also, Ted Cruz's reelection campaign in the Texas senate race has gon...
Donald Trump continues to create unnecessary controversy for his campaign, most recently by snuggling up to right wing provocateur Laura Loomer. Republicans are fed up with the sideshows, and they are starting to express their frustration with Trump's nonsensical style. The Trump campaign is now scrambling to distance themselves from Loomer, but it is likely a little too late.Also, Republican Senator and Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance went on CNN and was confronted about his lies of H...
During his rally in Tucson, Arizona last week, Donald Trump went off on a tangent about how much it totally doesn't bother him to be called "weird" by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Even though that line of attack has died off in recent weeks, it is still clearly getting under Trump's skin to the point where he can't think about anything else. To make things worse, the rest of his bizarre rally ended up even worse, forcing CNN to cut away from the nonsense. Also, if you think that ridicule ...
Conservatives are having a collective freakout over the fact that Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris following Tuesday evening's debate, and they are doing their best to pretend like it isn't a big deal (while all suffering a major meltdown about it.) Everyone from Elon Musk to Dave Rubin has weighed in, essentially begging Swift to change her mind and join their repressive team. And they have good reason to be worried - hundreds of thousands of people have now flooded voter registration sit...
A bitter and angry Donald Trump called into Fox & Friends on Wednesday morning to whine about his debate with Kamala Harris the night before, where he got absolutely obliterated by her. But he also made an admission that most of us saw coming - He doesn't know if he wants to do any more debates. He's running scared, and he can't afford to run and hide after such a disastrous performance on Tuesday evening.Also, reporters from Raw Story caught up with Marjorie Taylor Greene this week, wher...
According to a new report from Rolling Stone, Donald Trump was so annoyed by late night comedians and sketch shows that were making fun of him while president that he attempted to get the Department of Justice to prosecute them to shut them up. While his DOJ at the time didn't follow through with his request, a second Trump administration would be untethered by constraints of rational people and would absolutely follow his orders. Also, we have less than 2 months to go before the electio...
Donald Trump made a shocking pledge over the weekend to prosecute and imprison anyone involved in the 2020 election that he still claims was stolen from him. This means, according to Trump, that lawyers, politicians, and even members of the media who deny the election was stolen could face criminal prosecution for angering him. He's telling us right now that he'll weaponize the government against his enemies, and we should take that seriously.Also, Alina Habba is using talking points st...
It doesn't take a lot of common sense or courage to say that a tragedy is bad and shouldn't happen, but apparently J.D. Vance isn't smart enough to figure that out. After saying that America just has to deal with tragedies at schools as a "fact of life," the public turned their anger towards him and the Trump campaign is now scrambling to clean up yet another mess from their moronic VP nominee.Also, a moderate Republican lawmaker in the US House of Representatives, Tony Gonzalez, said recentl...
The country could be headed for another government shutdown at the end of this month if a must-pass budget bill stalls in the House. And Donald Trump is leading the calls for the government to be shut down a month before the election. His qualm involves a piece of legislation that Republicans are pushing that would make it harder to register to vote, and he says that if Democrats won't get on board with the legislation then Republicans should shut the whole government down.Also, Donald Trump ...
A judge in Michigan torched RFK, Jr.'s attempt to remove his name from the state's ballots this year after Kennedy desperately tried to remove himself in order to help Donald Trump. The judge said that the state isn't going to change how they do business based on the "whim" of a candidate like Kennedy. This was a shot at Kennedy's fight to get on the ballot and then his fight to get off of it because he changed his mind. But there's much more to the ruling than just that little dig.Also, duri...
Melania Trump has been almost completely absent from her husband's reelection campaign, and a former Trump official believes he knows the reason. According to Anthony Scaramucci, the big reason why Melania isn't hitting the campaign trail is because she hates her husband and wants Kamala Harris to win in November. Scaramucci may or may not still have connections inside the campaign, but you don't even need insider knowledge to see that Melania can't stand her husband.Also, a group of Donald T...
Steve Bannon's lawyers have asked a judge to IMMEDIATELY let Bannon leave prison, in spite of the fact that he has only served two months of his four month sentence. They claim that he shouldn't have to sit in prison as he appeals his conviction, but that argument has already been ruled on by a judge. There's a much better explanation as to why Bannon suddenly wants out, and it has everything to do with Trump's campaign going down the toilet.Also, it appears that Donald Trump has, at least fo...
According to a recent report, staffers and insiders close to Donald Trump are starting to panic that his heart really isn't in this presidential race. They say that he is still spending most of his days on the golf course while his campaign continues to slowly die. Trump is old, and it is obvious that he doesn't have the stamina or even the mental capacity to continue his campaign in the way that he needs to, and there's nothing that these staffers can do to fix it.Also, Donald Trump's idioti...
Donald Trump went on one of the worst tears ever this week on social media, raging about everything that is going wrong with his life. But at one point, he took a bizarre detour and demanded that Judge Juan Merchan lift the gag order that he's still under so that he can name the members of the jury. Trump is free to attack the jury, but he is NOT allowed to mention anyone by name for very obvious reasons. Also, a top Republican donor is lashing out at Donald Trump over his embrace of wha...