Fast & Functional

Bite-sized, 10 minute episodes for the busy person who wants to use easy, research-proven methods to improve health. I have a functional medicine approach that helps you understand how your body works so you can address the root causes behind the symptoms preventing you from feeling your best!

45 - Make Your Food Craveworthy in 2 Minutes

I'm an odd nutritionist- I LOVE studying everything related to food, but I'm not interested in handling it! I want my time in the kitchen to be as minimal as possible so I have more time to pursue my passions. That being said, I also am not ok with my food being boring. I grew up on a junk food, fast food diet. If I'm not eating craveworthy meals, I'm starting to feel restricted. LISTEN IN to discover how I'm able to balance eating very healthy, spending less than 15min making a meal, AND having my food taste awesome! If you'd like to work with us so we can give you custom advice on how to elevate the way you're eating, both for your goals and your tastebuds, book an appointment with our functional nutrition practice ⁠here⁠. We offer complementary discovery calls to see if we're a good fit!


44 - Lessons Learned From Almost Dying

There's a saying that we're all motivated by one of 2 things: either inspiration or desperation. Unfortunately, I had to learn how to listen to my body's signals for healthy self-care by being desperate. I tell the story of how I almost died, and another of how I couldn't walk normally for a year. Through great desperation though, I was able to change my limiting beliefs and overcome symptoms I've experienced my whole life. Now, I get to experience a much more free and gratifying life because of it! I sincerely hope that this episode allows you to avoid desperation by inspiring you to befriend your body more. It's the only place you have to live! If you'd like to work with us to be coached on what healthy self-care looks like, and to decipher your body's messages, book an appointment with our functional nutrition practice here.


43 - How To Discover Your Food Sensitivities

Would your health improve if you did a food test to check for what you react to? Listen in to learn about when food testing can help, and when to skip it. If you'd like to find out what diet is best for you, including preparing for and running a food test, check out our functional wellness services here. For our blog post on why food testing isn't enough, go here.


42 - The Pitfalls of Conventional Medicine, and When to Go Functional

I bet you've had the experience before of seeing your conventional doctor for a health issue, and walking away disappointed. If they're the ones responsible for healthcare, why don't we feel healthier seeing them? I get straight to the point about the limitations of the conventional "sickcare" system, and what a true healthcare system means. Listen to the end where my husband made the executive decision to keep a comment I didn't know was recorded. ;) To learn more about our functional wellness services, including Telehealth for people in most states, go here. For our blog post on this topic, go here. To find a functional medicine practitioner near you, go here.


41 - Recharge: Quick Tips for Tired Days

Whether you've had some nights of poor sleep or just got back from a busy trip, we all have days where we're dragging. Rather than reaching for more coffee, sugary snacks, or a nap, find out the healthier options that will give you more energy and alertness so that you can still have a great day! (and maybe learn a little about Star Wars in the process 😆) If you're trying to improve your overall energy levels and want to get to the root causes of your fatigue, book a complementary 15min discovery call or transform your health at your own pace through our online program.


40 - Are Oils Healthy? Your Guide To Choosing the Best Options

Whether you're picking up a packaged snack or cooking stir-fry at home, it can be confusing knowing which oils can help and which can hurt your health. This quick podcast gets straight to the point of: Should you even use/eat oils The dirty secrets of industrial seed oils Which ones are clean, good options Listen towards the end to find out what's wrong with avocado oil! If you're trying to improve your health by eating more nutritious, less toxic foods, and would like guidance and accountability, book a complementary 15min discovery call or transform your health at your own pace through our online program.


39 - Dehydration: Toxic Effects, How to Test, & How to Optimize It!

We answer all the questions you've had about being hydrated and get you super motivated to start drinking more! Learn how to know if you're hydrated enough, what fluids count towards hydration, and tips to improve your intake. Listen to the 2/3 point to hear my husband's term for hydrating as he takes a big drink!  If you're trying to increase your health by drinking more water, eating healthier, and improving your lifestyle, but need some help and accountability, book an appointment or transform your health at your own pace through our online program.


38 - How COVID Has Affected My Labs and Symptoms

Since I get this asked this often from my clients, I'm sharing my personal experience with how I've felt in the months after having COVID. I actually did lab tests before and after having COVID (I am such a scientist at heart!), so I was able to see how it impacted my health from an objective standpoint too.  If you'd like to see or purchase some of the supplements I use to recover quickly from illness, go here.  To support your immune system, you need good quantity and quality of sleep, an anti-inflammatory diet, regular exercise, and quick recovery from stressors. For help creating a lifestyle with these components, book an appointment or transform through our online program.


37 - Learn About Your Health By Deciphering Your Stools

I talk so much about gut health because it's the foundation of overall health. But how do you know if your gut health needs improving? One of the easiest (and free!) ways is to become more acquainted with your bathroom habits.  We have a fun time discussing this icky topic that can reveal so much about your health. Listen in to find out what your BMs are trying to tell you! A great way to address abnormal stools is through lifestyle changes. Lack of exercise, poor sleep, high stress, and an inflammatory diet all contribute to gut issues. For help getting on track, book an appointment or transform through our online program.


36 - Goodbye Acne: The Path to Flawless Skin

While there's all kinds of creams and serums that can help you deal with acne, in functional medicine we want to address the root causes. Why do you even have acne or occasional breakouts? Resolving the imbalances that trigger it will give you lasting results and take the burden off of managing it.  Listen to the end where I tell my own personal story of acne! Then share this episode with someone who can benefit from it.  Want us to answer a question or cover a certain health condition, symptom, or problem? Go here to request it! For a plan and support in making lifestyle changes that can address these root causes, join our online program. Check it out here.


35 - Pack These Foods To Feel Great Traveling

While there may be some special meals you want to enjoy on your travels, eating whatever's available for all 3 meals per day isn't the smartest strategy for your health or how you'll feel day-to-day.  You'll want a pen and paper as you listen to this one. I discuss what I pack for both roadtrips and flights to keep my body nourished while away on trips! For more ideas on feeling your best while traveling, check out our blog post here. From there, you can check out our services and online program if you're looking for help in overcoming your health issues. 


34 - Getting Personal: Life Lessons From My Half Marathon

Some might say I'm addicted to learning. Hey, it's one of the things that makes me so good at my job! Sometimes, I like to do things just because I'm excited about what I might learn from it (not because I actually want to do it). Signing up for a half marathon was one of those things. And while I'll never do it again, listen in for why it ended up being such a valuable experience!  Want us to answer a question or cover a certain health condition, symptom, or problem? Go here to request it! For suggestions on much easier and shorter ways to get movement in, join our online program that helps you implement not only exercise but also a healthy diet, better sleep, and improved stress recovery. Check it out here.


33 - Why Is My Hair Falling Out!?

Noticing more hair in the shower (my husband calls me out on this in the episode 😬), or seeing a little more of your scalp than you'd like? Listen in to find out what causes hair loss, and what we can do about it! Want to see for yourself what your iron or hormones look like and if they could be contributing to hair loss? You can go here to order your own labs. If you'd like help interpreting them, finding your root causes, and working through a plan to improve hair growth, schedule an appt with us here. If you're more of a DIY-person: in our online program, one of the weeks is dedicated to understanding stress and has a handout helping you identify and implement stress-recovery activities. Check it out here.


32 - How To Have More Joy

We recorded this a week before Thanksgiving, so 'tis the season for gratitude and joy. Though sometimes, 'tis the season to realize how hard it is to feel anything other than overwhelm, exhaustion, or disappointment as you reflect on the year. If you think you could use a little more joy in your life, listen in for the secret recipe.  Want us to answer a question or cover a certain health condition, symptom, or problem? Go here to request it!  In our online program, one of the weeks is dedicated to reducing stress and has a handout helping you identify and implement joyful activities. Check it out here.


31 - Getting Personal: Why I Do What I Do

I take a break away from my typical style of teaching to get up close and personal with you guys. I share about my story, and the stories of several of those I've helped. I share how these stories have shaped my mission in life, and I leave with you hope and encouragement that through functional medicine and compassionate health coaching, abundant health and a better life is waiting for you!  To learn more about what we do, go here. If you want a low-commitment way to get started, check out my online program here. What’s Functional Medicine? Go here for the answer.


30 - Exercise Motivation: Top 10 Benefits

We all know exercise is "good for us", but that general knowledge isn't enough to get us to do it! If you really want lasting motivation, educating yourself on the specific benefits that apply to you can help you achieve that. You'd never guess the second benefit!  Check out my blog posts on exercise here to keep the education/motivation going!  If you need help implementing a workout routine, along with other healthy habits, check out my online program. 


29 - Ask Your Doctor This At Your Next Appointment

Want to make your time with the doctor more productive? Want to make sure you're not missing key information to your state of health? We cover what you can get out of the appointment and from labs, from a functional medicine perspective!  To learn more about what it's like to work with me, go here. Feel free to use the contact form to send me requests for future episodes!


28 - Are Diet Drinks Ok? The Best Alternative Sweetener

Many of us desire to eat or drink something sweet, but don't want the negative effects of sugar. Learn what could be hurting your body and what's the best 0 calorie way to satisfy a sweet tooth. For all the dirty details on artificial sweeteners, check out my blog post here. To learn more about Fort Worth's food scene, go to our sponsor here.


27 - The #1 Fruit To Fix Your Gut

Want to have better digestion, better bowel movements, a healthier immune system, and enjoy sweet fruit without increasing blood sugar? Listen in for fun facts on how this fruit can help you (and why Phil is obsessed with it).  For ideas on how to eat it, check out my blog post here.  To get to know the creative folk behind Fort Worth's food scene, go to our sponsor here. 


26 - The Truth About The Flu Vaccine And Tamiflu

Ever wonder how effective or safe it is to take what you doctor gives you for flu prevention or treatment? Want to know what natural options exist? Listen to get all the facts so you can make the best decision for you! Go here for the quick reference guide, and here for the blog post. Check out our sponsor at


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