
From the people who brought you The Feckin’ Check-In, Feckology is a light-hearted, weekly podcast where Traynor and The Big Mouse try to make sense of what the feck is going on.

Ep12. Season Infinite: The never-ending and guilt-inducing nature of constant podcast content creation (CPCC)

When will the CPCC ever let us be? When will be free? Can we just pop in for a metaphorical cuppa tea, or do we need to always listen intently? Join us as we attempt to answer these questions. Thank you, Listener!


Ep11. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

On the latest episode of Feckology, Traynor and The Big Mouse discuss things that have occurred in society/technology/their personal lives in the last 20 - 30 years, that would have surprised younger versions of their selves. Featuring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Demolition Man, Jedward, and Dustin The Turkey!


Ep10. Be Yourself on Social Media - Or else don't!

We chat about "one-sided" social media relationships, and our experiences with how we present our personalities to others, online and offline.


Ep09. The Decline of Drinking Culture: Not better, not worse, just different?

In today's episode, the Big Mouse and @feckinmetalcast reflect on the Decline of Drinking Culture including changes in how we socialize, consume entertainment, pursue fringe hobbies, and of course, meet people of our chosen sexual orientation (less caution to the wind, more safety, more online dating). Are things better or worse for young people - we don't know, do you, Listener? Do write into us!


Ep08. Give a Man a Mask: The Quirks of Performing on Stage

We chat about live stage performance in the wake of @feckinmetalcast's live stage performance, where he performed live, on stage.


Ep07. Talking to Girls or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Naggin (Musings from Two Alumni of Single-Sex Catholic Schools)

On this episode, Traynor and The Big Mouse reflect on growing up attending single-sex primary and secondary schools in Ireland, and how it affected their abilities to interact with the opposite sex.


Ep06. Now take a second to enjoy it Now

A cynical and disdainful critique of the "living in the moment" life coaches and their kernels of truth.


Ep05. Advice

We discuss our relationships with advice, including unsolicited advice, and our good and bad experiences with advice. We advise you to listen, and if you take our advice, you won't think twice about biting your tongue or something else that finishes this sentence...


Ep04. Shit Friendships

What is a shit friendship? When is it time to call it quits/pull the plug/put it out of its misery? We discuss a couple of examples of shit friendships from our lives, and how they eventually played out.   Follow us on Twitter:   @feckology


Ep03. Fist Pints

On Episode 3 of Feckology, we discuss the concept of over-friendly waiting staff, who in their efforts to make you feel at ease, can conversely make you feel ill-at-ease. We also cover off other ostensibly customer-friendly measures introduced in recent years in Irish pubs, which only detract from the customer experience.   Follow us on Twitter: @feckology


Ep02. Can You Watch Our Seats?

How do you feel when someone in a pub/cafe/food court/saloon asks you to watch their coat/bag/seats/anvil while they disappear for an indeterminate amount of time?   Placing importance on the unimportant, your hosts Traynor and The Big Mouse chew the fat over this frustrating situation.


Ep01. A Whistle-Stop Tour

On the debut episode of Feckology, Traynor and the Big Mouse give a brief bit of backstory, for those uninitiated, and then deal with this week's topic: A live podcast event where Richard Herring interviewed Neil Hannon (The Divine Comedy) and Tommy Tiernan (comedian). Can you call a stage performance a podcast? Is Neil Hannon as funny as one would expect? What pearls of wisdom did Tommy Tiernan share? Listen to find out!


Feckology (Teaser)

Full episode coming 22.03.2024


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep46. When a charasmatic man corners you in a pub

Join us for episode 46 of the Feckin' Check-in show why don't ya? We cover our recent live rap performance, encountering a charasmatic man in a pub, tea for tradesmen, taxi drivers' non-acceptance of card payments, and a hellish kernel of truth!


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep45. A Year’s Supply Of Bread

Like a phoenix rising from some kind of metaphor, The Feckin' Check-In is back! What exactly is a year's supply of bread, and how is this supply administered to the recipient of such an award? What did your hosts think of the Better Call Saul finale? Who was "hunkering down"? And what's in store for the future? Listen to find out the answers to these questions, and a lot more, in the first Feckin' Check-In in five and a half months!


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep44. Giggs’ Legs

2me is back from his fatherhood sabbatical and is very much in the hot-seat as he deals with Traynor's FECKs, ranging from Dairy Milks to Don McClean, from Cobra Kai to Stone Cold Steve Austin, from pedantry to NFTs. This one is absolutely packed!


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep43. Angry Bearded Man on the Escalator

For the first time ever, The Feckin' Check-In features a guest host, Erik Shaw, whom you might know as one of the hosts from Maiden A-Z! As 2me embraces fatherhood, we embrace a number of diverse topics, such as: making children cry, strange urinal interactions, "theatre" steaks, fake celebrity quotes, fan outrage, and the concept of having ice cream for every meal (metaphorically). FECK!


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep42. A Man’s Hat

Join us as we start 2022 with our longest and possibly most enjoyable episode ever!   F: Burritos, dog sh*t, stolen goods E: Spotify review, #andjustlikethat, #GetBack C: Alchohol scam, open schools, older friends K: The Pope, School v Life   Plus a surprise announcement!


The Feckin’ Check-In Ep41. Supermarket Sweep

This time on The Feckin' Check-In we discuss 2me's recent exploits playing football with older men, and Traynor's exploits at the Keep it True Festival in Germany. We then move on to the FECKS, which cover: F - Toilet vulgarity E - "Follow Friday" - an empty gesture? C - A unique encounter with a beggar K - Patience - is it a virtue?


Feckin‘ Metal Ep41. Senjutsu Review With Andrew DuBroy Part 3

Here it is, the final piece. Part 3 of my Senjutsu review with Andrew. This one is a Trooper of a Beast of a something. Enjoy!


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