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Feel Better

Author: Charlotte Cummings

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A podcast focused on building better mental and emotional health, with New Zealand counsellor Charlotte Cummings.
45 Episodes
Join me for this episode where I share advice on managing procrastination - in particular, how to understand the beliefs and feelings behind your procrastination so you can choose the best strategies going forward. 
Join me for this episode where I share some key tips on recovering from a bad day. Bad days happen for all of us, and within our bad days there are often things we have the opportunity to listen to.    Don't forget that this podcast is brought to you by the lovely people at Millo. Check out their luxury foam loungers at and if you decide you need one, I have a discount code: goingsandcummings20 for 20% off. 
Social media brings us opportunities to connect, to be motivated, to engage with social issues, and to learn. But, it can also be a huge challenge to our mental health.   Join me for this episode and where I share some tips on how to manage your social media usage so that it serves and does not hinder your mental health.    Don't forget I have a fabulous discount code thanks to the team at Millo Luxury Foam Loungers. It is: GoingsandCummings20 for 20% off :) 
Perfectionism plagues many people. We live in a world of high expectations, and can internalise these to the point these can become our own very hard task master. Join me as I present a range of tips and insights to help you overcome perfectionism.    Just a reminder, this episode is brought to you by Millo foam loungers. These luxury loungers are a big invitation to relax! You can get 20% off with my discount code: Goingsandcummings20.     
This episode addresses a common challenge to our wellbeing - busyness! We all have times where our days are quite 'full' with multiple demands. When the pressure is on, do you know how to care well for yourself, even when time is short? In this episode I share lots of tips to get you thinking about how you care well for yourself through busy days.    Don't forget I have a discount code provided by the team at Millo, who are the sponsor of this podcast. It is: Goingsandcummings20, for 20% off. 
In this episode, I explore some of the things you can do to support a child with anxiety. Anxiety is a common experience for children and can escalate to a point it has a significant impact on the child and their wider family. This episode provides perspectives and tips to support parents and other key adults.    If you'd like to download a copy of my guide: 'What to do when your child is experiencing anxiety', you can find it here:    Don't forget, I have a discount code provided by my podcast sponsor, Millo. It is: Goingsandcummings20 for 20% off.     
Join me for this episode where I further explore the concept of Unbearable Feelings, looking at how Unbearable Feelings influence our relationships.    Our Unbearable Feeling is usually a key culprit behind the pain and difficulty we experience in our relationships. And, in most relationships there are at least two Unbearable Feelings. This can create what we refer to as a 'cross matching', where we simultaneously push each other's buttons!    I hope you enjoy this episode, and that it encourages your reflection on how Unbearable Feelings are playing out in your relationship, and how you can find a way through.    This episode is proudly brought to you be Millo luxury foam loungers. If you're considering purchasing a Millo and you'd like to use my discount code it is: Goingsandcummings20 for 20% off :) 
Join me for this episode where I share three things I wish people knew about anxiety.    This has been a long awaited topic on the podcast!    Also, a big welcome to my brand new sponsor for the Feel Better podcast - Millo! Millo make luxury foam loungers which are an absolute dream to rest and relax into. Taking time out to sit down is one of the most important things I do for my mental health, yet it is something I find an ongoing challenge. Our Millos are a constant invitation towards rest, and our whole family loves them! Check them out at and if you would like to purchase, Millo have kindly given me a discount code for Feel Better podcast listeners. It is 'Goingsandcummings20' for 20% off :) 
Join me for this episode where we explore the topic of Imposter Syndrome. 
Unbearable Feelings have a huge influence on our lives - causing pain, and preventing us from reaching our goals and potential. Join me for this episode where I share more about this concept, examples, my own story, and how to heal your Unbearable Feeling. 
I know that over the next few months I have a particularly busy time, and, it's also winter, where we typically struggle to maintain a focus on our health and our mood can slump.    So, in this episode I'm sharing with you my personal plan for how I'll make sure I'm as well as I can be over the next period of time. I hope this is helpful for you and inspires you to consider your own wellness in periods of busyness, or over the winter. 
Buckle up, this is a biggie! In this episode I talk you through an exercise to review your friendships, which will get you thinking about gaps, where and how energy flows, and the placement of people in your life. I then talk about how to find new friends if you have gaps. And, I have included a section on dealing with conflict/distance in friendships. Enjoy! 
In this episode, I respond to a listener question about how to feel better once the kids have left home. This period is a huge adjustment for parents and presents some key challenges. I share some questions you can ask of yourself and key tips in this episode. 
In this episode, I share some tips and tricks for planning and surviving the school holidays with your mental health in tact! School holidays can present a big challenge for parents on many fronts, one of which is managing to feel good throughout this time and not just hold our breath until the school routine resumes. Tune in for my top advice on navigating this time well :) 
In this episode, I share more about why emotion regulation can be additionally challenging for neurodiverse people, some ideas on emotion regulation for neurodiverse people, and how to support someone you love with emotion regulation if they are neurodiverse.  
In this episode, I share some tips on how to fight fair. I also outline the 'Four Horsemen' concept from the Gottman Institute - a helpful theory around the four patterns which present themselves in many relationships where people are experiencing difficulty, including what to do to avoid these patterns.    There are two free downloadable resources to accompany this episode, available at 
In this episode I respond to a listener question about our mindset around ageing and offer some brief thoughts on this topic. 
In this episode I share about how I have coached myself through a couple of recent experiences of rejection, and share some helpful questions to ask when you feel rejected by someone's words or actions. 