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Feminine Roadmap

Author: Gina R Farrar

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Feminine Roadmap Podcast is real talk for women 45+ about navigating the challenges and changes of midlife so they can rock the second half of life !
365 Episodes
Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about how creativity transforms women in midlife with artist Kelly Herrick. Kelly believes that menopause is not just about hormones, it’s a season that offers so much more. In this episode she explains how this is the most creative crucible of our lives, it’s the most creative transformation of our lives. The conversation around creativity is rising up in so many women in midlife, there is a creative heartbeat that can be sensed. Within the metamorphosis of perimenopause we physically change but also there is a sense of what’s next. As we are being transformed in our bodies so we are being called to reinvent ourselves. That reinvention includes releasing things as well as becoming curious about what we want to add, what inspires us. This conversation is full of wonderful insights and ideas about how we can lean into menopause as a pause, reflect and reframe through creativity. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us to get inspired on your journey. 
Today on Feminine Roadmap Shannon Schottler talks about navigating midlife transitions with grace. In this episode Shannon shares the 4 stages of midlife transition and practical tips to help identify what stage you are in. Each stage has its unique qualities, benefits and strategies. As far as the next best steps, Shannon takes listeners through each stage and uses her own life (as well as mine) as examples to demonstrate what that might look like. This conversation is very practical and relatable, the stages and strategies are very actionable and practical. She lists questions for each stage to help navigate it with clarity and purpose. It is helpful to know where you are along this seasonal journey and acknowledge it for what it is and how it serves you. Regardless of where you may find yourself in your midlife journey, this conversation will have something for you. So please grab a cuppa something wonderful, bring a friend and join us on the journey of navigating midlife with grace.  
Today on Feminine Roadmap, Dr. Deepti Gandhi helps listeners curate how to build your midlife toolkit. In this episode she shares her top seven tools for your midlife toolkit. Dr. Ghandi firmly believes in empowering female patients with education and knowledge so they can make well informed choices. When it comes to hormone and midlife health, women are often frustrated with the quality of care they are receiving. It’s important for women to remember that they are the best expert on their own body so you best know what you need, what works and what doesn’t for you. With the toolbox approach that Dr. Gandhi introduces to listeners, women can begin to take charge of this phase of life as see it as a season of opportunity. Menopause is a metamorphosis and we get to create change and pivot. If this sounds like something you need to hear, grab a cuppa and join us! Even better, bring a midlife friend and do it together! 
Today on Feminine Roadmap we discuss understanding and preventing dementia with Dr. Mitch Clionsky. Dr. Clionsky and his wife have written a book called, “Dementia Prevention: Using Your Head to Save Your Brain”. Knowing that 80% of people over 55 are worried about getting Alzheimers or other dementias, they brought together the resources to help prevent that reality. The good news is that half of all dementias are preventable. Dr. Clionsky wants listeners to understand how to start the process of protecting their brains as they age. In this episode he shares many actionable strategies to start right away as well as free resources to utilize. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us. Don’t forget to bring a friend along so you can learn together! 
Today we are answering the question- do you have adult onset ADHD- with Tracy Otsuka. Tracy is a certified ADHD coach and the author of “ADHD For Smart Ass Women. She believes that there is a peri-menopausal onset of ADHD caused by changing estrogen levels. Since there has not been a lot of research into what ADHD looks like in women, many women are misdiagnosed or mis-medicated. Tracy is on a mission to educate as many women as she can about the results of her research on adult onset ADHD in midlife women. She removes the stigma and misconceptions of ADHD as well as highlighting the superpowers. This episode is full of practical information and is a terrific resource for anyone who may feel that their brains are changing in midlife. There’s nothing to fear only strategies to learn and steps to take toward taking action. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for this encouraging, enlightening conversation. 
Today on Feminine Roadmap my guest Katrina Foe talks about cancer freedom. As a cancer thriver herself, she brings not only her medical knowledge to the table but the experience of her own cancer journey. Katrina is passionate about helping middle aged women with cancer. Her focus is on using natural solutions to help with the underlying causes of cancer understanding that those solutions can also increase the success of traditional treatments. When you support the body, the body itself can do its job in addressing the cancer. In this episode, Katrina explains the ten root cause drivers that are behind cancer and how we can address them. The biggest takeaway is that cancer is not caused by one thing, it’s a culmination of several things. Each body and cancer is different so finding bio-individual treatment is key. Katrina encourages listeners to get help identifying the root causes of their cancer in order to help reduce or eliminate the possibility of recurrence. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and bring a friend, we love when you share with your community!
Today on Feminine Roadmap Susan Lazar Hart talks about creating the life you choose. We often live in the world feeling that we have no choice, Susan would say that even thinking we have no choice is a choice. She encourages listeners to sit with the question: who do I want to be and where do I want to go next? Fundamentally, you do have a choice. It’s important that our choices be in alignment with what we want to create in the world. When we stop, get quiet and allow things to come to the front of our minds instead of being in a state of resistance, then our better choices can rise. Susan reminds listeners to tap into what your choices could create. Remembering to ask if each choice is congruent. Life is full of choices, both of doing and not doing. What if you indulged in a completely different choice by allowing yourself to do things differently or show up differently. IF you want to break free from the patterns in your life, change is created by the choices you make. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and choose to join us for this great conversation!
Today on Feminine Roadmap we are talking about unleashing your true potential with Alicia Berberich. Alicia is passionate about helping women unleash their true potential so they can become who they were meant to become. Her goal is to help women release the shackles that bind them to their old way of thinking so they can achieve their goals. Alicia encourages listeners to take a tiny step outside of their comfort zones and try something new, see where it may lead. Often we feel that our true potential is some lofty thing but it’s just daily living in alignment with who we are, living the life we want to live in a way that we want to live it. She works to help women recognize their own brilliance and then helps them harness that inner power. We all have strengths and things that we feel confident about, honoring that is a key step to achieving our true potential. When we become grounded in who we are now and begin to connect with that future version of ourselves, then we are moving in the right direction. If you find yourself in a season of shift and are uncertain about what is next, this episode is for you. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us!
Today on Feminine Roadmap we’re talking about building courage in midlife with Sheree Clark. Sheree is a Midlife Courage Coach who helps women build the courage to become their best selves. Midlife is often a time of reinvention, figuring out what’s next and along with that can be timidity, apprehension or even fear. The beauty of courage is that it doesn’t have to be a broad sweeping step, it can be done in small, purposeful shifts. Often a shift in our paradigm is the catalyst that empowers us to take the next best step. We are women who have lived a lot of life, learned many things and experienced so much – with that comes value. Our value in midlife is immense, understanding that is the first step in summoning courage. As we learn to honor the women that we are, what we know, who we are and what we offer, we can courageously move toward the next iteration of ourselves. If you are in a place of shift in your midlife journey, this conversation will be a terrific nudge in the right direction. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us!
Today Dr. Bill Rawls shares how his own health decline led to his passion for cellular wellness and aging. Dr. Rawls explains how the concept of cellular wellness applies to every area of health. Through his journey he recognized an uptick in illness and wanted to offer solutions to that. There are five factors to every illness: bad diet, environmental toxins, chronic mental stress, inactivity, and the microbe factor. The body accumulates harmful microbes throughout their lifetime and when the cells are stressed, those microbes move into action. Our bodies are made up of cells and symptoms are an indication of cellular stress. Dr. Rawls explains that when our cells are stressed , they require more nutrients than normal. When our diet is lacking in the proper nutrients, our cells become overly stressed and illness takes place. In this episode you will learn how to mitigate that cellular stress, improve your cellular wellness and age well. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for this powerful, practical conversation.
Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Val Brown shares strategies to help you turn your setbacks into stepping stones. Val firmly believes in the power of stories – change your story and you’ll change your life. After she lost her love of over 40 years, she found herself lost and the identity she had held was gone. Her grief journey was the catalyst for the passion to help others understand their own journey, to honor every part of it. She encourages listeners to pause and recognize where they find themselves today and understand what it is that they are carrying. We live our lives through the stories that we are telling to ourselves and those around us. Rewriting our stories is a key part of building those stepping stones to overcome our setbacks. We are so much more than what has happened to us and the stories we have told to survive. Once we realize that we are not alone then true healing can take place without shame or guilt. A key part of this is to be able to reconcile those things so we can move on. If this resonates with you, this episode will be a helpful tool for you. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us.
Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Alison Jacobson shares her story of overcoming adversity with courage. After the loss of her son and her marriage along with bankruptcy, Alison found her life in a state of chaos. In this episode she talks about what that season of her life taught her about courage, empathy and grace. One key lesson was to hang on and hold your ground while the ground underneath you is shaking, hold firm until it settles. She encourages listeners to insist on peace in their lives and reclaim their boundaries. Throughout the journey, it’s important to recognize what we can and cannot change then choose how we frame those things in a way that empowers us to move forward. Alison reminds us that as we make these changes in our lives, it may impact some of our relationships and to be okay with it. Dialing in on our internal compass enables us to find freedom from self-importance and the things that are no longer important. Empathy, grace, and vulnerability are important to help us overcome adversity with courage. So please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us for this gentle, encouraging conversation.
Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Kelly Howard, founder of Fit is Freedom, shares how to be active and ageless for life. Kelly’s goal is to empower women to get back to moving their bodies, get fit so they can have fun and live well. The beauty of her message is to do things that make you happy, have fun moving your body and regain your health. She wants listeners to go beyond being motivated by their outside appearance and reconnect with what will make them feel strong and healthy. If we give our bodies everything it needs to be able to do everything we want to do, then we can have fun and live the life we desire. Kelly shares some inspirational stories of women who turned their physical health around, and in the process accomplish some big dreams. If you are looking to have energy, feel good and wake up excited about your life, this episode is for you! You can do more than you think you can, live the life you want to live, just decide to give it a go. Find a way to take action- start small because, as Kelly reminds us, small matters. Grab a cuppa something wonderful then gift yourself with 45 minutes to be inspired!
Today on Feminine Roadmap guest Rachel Freiman talks about unleashing your strongest, most empowered self. Rachel is a lover of lifting heavy things and is passionate about helping others unleash their strongest, most empowered selves through education and mindset training. She shares how your health is the most important asset you have and it is so much more than the number on the scale. Diets are not designed to last, they are short term strategies that keep us locked in a loop of struggle. As we learn to understand true health we begin to develop skills to empower ourselves and step into our power. Once we begin the journey, we can begin to experience optimal health and energy. Neuroscience has become a powerful tool to empowering real change as we begin to rewire our brains with new mindsets and habits. Our bodies are created to do incredible things and Rachel’s goal is to help people understand that it is possible to become strong and healthy in your body at any age. It’s time to shift our inner monologue from guilt, shame and blame to forgiveness, grace and freedom. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us to unleash your strongest, most empowered self!
Today we are talking about what self-sabotage really is with Tanja Shaw. Tanja reveals the layers of self-sabotage- why when we know what to do and then don’t take action and doit. In this episode you will learn strategies to break through and finally get consistent. When we are out of alignment with who we want to be, that creates a low-grade pain point in our lives. Once we achieve greater integrity with ourselves by keeping the promises we make to ourselves, that pain point begins to diminish. As we learn to be more honest with ourselves with where we are and where we want to be, being kind and gracious then we are able to take the action we desire. Tanja encourages listeners to focus on today, one day ata time evaluate your goals and make sure they match the reality of your life. This conversation is full of great nuggets that you can use. Please grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us!
Today’s guest Brenda Ridgley talks about building connection and friendships in midlife. Her passion is to help women reconnect to passion, purpose and most importantly people after decades of letting that go. It’s all about building a tribe of support for ourselves and others. Brenda encourages listeners to build a life alongside a friend, walk through it together. Friendship allows us to share our struggles together and become a soft place to land for each other. She firmly believes we are built to belong so finding those opportunities to build connection are key. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and bring a friend to listen to this episode.
Today if you struggle with people pleasing this one’s for you. My guest Amy Green Smith, life coach and communication expert, shares some insights to help empower people pleasers. She talks about the origins of people pleasing, why we people please, and when people pleasing makes sense. Amy defines people pleasing as sacrificing something of self to make sure that other people are happy. Often it’s rooted in a feeling of self inflicted sense of threat, lack of value or unworthiness. When that’s the case, we can equate pleasing others with our worth and self preservation. If this sounds familiar, grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us!
Be willing to take a chance and go for it is the message of today’s guest Diane Height. Diane found herself in midlife facing a very different future than she had planned. Shortly after retiring her marriage came to an end and with it what she thought she’d being doing with her life. This unexpected turn of events led to Diane resurrecting a dream to live and work in a foreign country. In this episode, Diane shares her journey from being married and riding off into retirement sunset to reimagining her life in a completely different way. She understands the fear that abrupt change can cause and the uncertainty that comes with it but how you frame it matters. As a newly single woman, worried about losing her home, she sought solutions that excited her. – finding a teaching job in a foreign country. She tapped in to her wanderlust, her desire to travel and experience other cultures. Ultimately she ended up in Mongolia, a country that couldn’t be more different than California. Grab a cuppa something wonderful and have a seat. Diane, now in her 70’s, inspires with her stories and strategies to be willing to take a chance and go for it at any age.
Today we are digging into Lessons from buying an RV and driving off into the wild blue yonder with Jenell Jones. Jenell is the owner of Wandering Individuals Network RV Club and lives full time traveling in her RV. The beauty of Jenell’s journey is that she began this solo traveling journey alone but found her tribe then bought the club that would connect them. In this conversation she talks about how to create the shifts you want in your life and being comfortable with it on your own terms. So often we rely on the input of others and meeting the expectations that have guided our lives up to this point but what if there is more for you? Jenell encourages listeners to take the time to get quiet and hold a space for the idea of what might be without judgement. She also believes that part of that process is to quit talking to everyone else about it and figure out what that is for you. Of course, this can take some time but as we come face to face with our dreams and doubts, we can decide what to do about it. Reinvention can look so different from person to person and this is why learning to be still and listen to what it is we really want is so important. Join us to hear more about how Jenell’s journey came about, the steps that led her there and what she has learned along the way. Her lessons are great clues to help you on your journey of reinvention so grab a cuppa something wonderful and let’s chat.
Today on Feminine Roadmap: Aligning your life with what your body needs with Katie Bramlett. Katie is the co-founder of We-Shape, a company that creates personalized workouts that meet you where you are. Today she talks about their mission to change how and why people exercise. The goal is to focus on why we move our bodies, to feel good, have energy, and connect with our body. Toxic diet culture focuses on external outcomes, pushing through, and a number on the scale. Switching from the should to connecting with the what feels fright for my body today is a key element in this philosophy. Fitness and nutrition is not a one size fits most paradigm, it’s individual and personal for each person. Katie encourages listeners to practice turning up the internal dial of self, listening to our bodies so we can connect with ourselves and move accordingly. When it comes to food, the goal is to create neutrality not judgement around food to avoid disordered eating patterns. As we question our narratives, the hope is that it will crack open the door just a little to let some new light in. When we find a way to feel safe enough to be open to making a change toward releasing beliefs about our identity we’ve held around diet and exercise, we can learn to connect to our body in a new way. There are so many nuggets of encouragement and wisdom in this conversation so grab a cuppa something wonderful and join us! Also, if you’re curious, here’s a free gift from Katie and her team
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