Feminist Nursing Pod

A podcast for nurses by nurses. Tackling the bullshit affecting our practice.

Episode 9: Consultation lolz

Henry and Lindsay talk all things pay-offer consultations and upcoming RCN strikes. Recorded before the Tories took the RCN to court so dates may not be accurate depending on what happens with that nonsense.


Episode 8: Reflections on the Strike Wave

Henry and Holly chat all things strikes, hopes for upcoming actions, and the threat of the new Minimum Service Bill.Some content went out of date pretty quick but it's still good!Stuff to plug:FNN Leeds Meet-Up eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-debrief-ticketsSOS NHS National Demo keepournhspublic.com/event/sos-nhs-national-demonstration-sat-11-march/


Episode 7: NHSmackdown

We are joined by Lawless to discuss their wrestling show about life in the NHS. We get in the ring with burnout, trauma, and being queer in the NHS.Find out more about Lawless and NHSmackdown: @richtea_drag@fist__clubFor Leeds based listeners the Healthcare Meet-Up has already happened but we'll be hosting another on 18th Jan. See @feministnursing for more. Support the strikes using strikemap.co.ukJoin a union!


Episode 6: Laughing and Despairing

Ahahahaha! Our recordings cannot keep up with this Tory nightmare but we're sharing this episode with you anyway! Leeds Healthcare Meet-Up deets: eventbrite.com/e/leeds-healthcare-meet-up-tickets-439561890447Organise Now:organisenow.org.uk


Mini Ep: Ballots Ballots Ballots!

Ruby and Holly talk all things NHS strike ballots!Small correction there are now 132,139 vacancies in the NHS. Join GMBJoin RCN Join UNISONJoin UNITE


Episode 5: It's too hot.

We recorded this on the surface of the sun. Or at least it felt like it. We're back if not a little melted & burnt out but we made it through. Yes, the episode is out of date, but we're still hilarious. Show notes:RCN ballot informationTwitter thread of candidates logosAcorn Renters' UnionEnough Is Enough (not mentioned, but sign up!)


Episode 4: Bombardment by terribleness aka the Health & Social Care Bill

CN: virginity testing, institutional ableism. It's the moment you've all been waiting for - we've read the Health & Social Care Bill now hear us beef about it. Things to plug:GOSH strike fundInfo on Barts strikeAnti-austerity People's Assembly demosUCU StrikeSOS NHSTUC anti-Tory demo in BlackpoolReceipts:Virginity testing by UK gov'tThe actual Bill


Episode 3: Feminism and Nursing?

We're back for more in 2022 with a hungover chat about the unholy alliance of feminism and nursing. There is a content note at the top of the show as we do discuss misogyny, institutional harms, and transphobia to varying degrees. Stuff to shout out:The Racist Lady with the Lamp by Natalie Stake-DoucetStop:SIM campaignJustEat workers strike fundSOSNHS


Episode 2: A nurse's place in their union

Buckle up for everything you need to know about UK trade union history, organising, and the current balloting of NHS staff!LIST OF UNION BALLOT DATESJoin GMBJoin RCNJoin UNISONJoin UniteSHOUT OUTS & EVENTSUnited Voices of the World Strike @Great Ormond StreetNHSWorkersSayNo Demo 26.11.21KONP Health & Care Bill Protest 22.11.21Care and Support Workers OrganiseMarch with Midwives (LinkTree)Medact new joiners' meeting - just check out Medact & DocsNotCops they're awesome RESOURCES Ma...


Episode 1: The nursing role & the NHS pay deal

Welcome to the Feminist Nursing Pod!In this episode we discuss public perceptions of nursing and the NHS pay deals past and present. All views discussed in the episode are our own and do not represent the opinions of our employers, trade unions, or professional bodies. Music is by friend of the show Chris Catalyst, and you can find us on social media @femnursepodLinks to media discussed:2009 Guardian articleOwen Jones Tory Party Conference video


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