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Fidias Podcast

Author: Fidias Panayiotou

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We Have Conversations and Learn From The People that are Shaping our Future
97 Episodes
Roger Penrose is a mathematical physicist from England and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020. He is recognized for his work in mathematical physics, particularly his contributions to the theory of general relativity and cosmology. Yang Hui He is a mathematical physicist, who is a Fellow at the London Institute as well as lecturer and former Fellow at Merton College, Oxford. Yang works on the interface between quantum field theory, string theory, algebraic geometry and number theory, as well as how AI and machine-learning help with these problems.
Saifedean Ammous is a bestselling author, professor and one of the most well-respected economists in the world. He has a keen interest in Austrian economics, free markets and Bitcoin. His book "The Bitcoin Standard" is the most known and respected book about Bitcoin. In this podcast, we discuss about the future of our economic system, Bitcoin and anarchism.
Katherine Brodsky has been a correspondent for Variety for over a decade and has also contributed to publications such as: The Washington Post, WIRED, The Guardian, Esquire, Newsweek, CNN Travel, USA Today, and many others. As a journalist, she has mostly covered film/TV, culture, business, travel, tech, and, well, espionage. For her stories, Katherine has had a chance to interview a diverse range of 'intriguing' personalities, including the Dalai Lama and, most recently, Elon Musk.In this episode, we focus on her interview with Elon Musk, and how to respond to a cancelation according to her book "No Apologies".
Christof Koch is a German-American neurophysiologist and computational neuroscientist best known for his work on the neural basis of consciousness. He is the president of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle and he is the chief scientist at the Tiny Blue Dot Foundation. Bernardo Kastrup is an idealist philosopher and the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. In this episode, they debate about Analytic Idealism, the Integrated Information Theory, psychedelic trips and death.
Margrethe Vestager is a Danish politician currently serving as Executive Vice President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Competition since 2014. Vestager is a member of the Danish Social Liberal Party, and of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE) on the European level. In this episode, we talk about the €2.4 Billion fine she made Google pay, the EU AI act and the future of education.
Farzad Mesbahi is an ex-Texla employee and content creator about Elon Musk and his companies. Elon Musk is my biggest hero, so in this podcast, I wanted to know more about him through the perspective of a person who has worked for him.
Pedro Domingos is a Professor Emeritus of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington. He is a researcher in machine learning known for Markov logic network enabling uncertain inference and he is the author of the popular book "The Master Algorithm". In this episode, we talk about the AI Act in Europe
Andrew Bustamante is an Ex-CIA Covert Intel Officer and founder of "EverydaySpy". He is also the author of the books "Everyday Spionage" and "Red Cell". In this episode, we delve into the positive and negative effects of the CIA across the globe, unknown facts, and conspiracies about the most secure "company" in the world.
I lived wearing a VR Headset for 30 days in order to put my own body into what the future looks like. Throughout this experiment, I had many highs and lows, so in this episode, my teacher will interview me to unveil how it really feels to be a cyborg.
Brian Keating is a cosmologist, author, and host of the "Into the Impossible" Podcast. He is well known for his books "Losing the Noble Prize" and "Into the Impossible". Bernardo Kastrup is an idealist philosopher and the executive director of Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. In this episode, we discuss the common areas and differences between their fields, such as the mind-body problem, cosmology, and the use of psychedelics.
Curt Jaimungal is a podcaster, filmmaker, and mathematical physicist, currently the host of the podcast "Theories of Everything". In his podcast, Curt observes topics on theoretical physics, consciousness, God, free will; all the profound questions we tend to outwardly ignore. In this episode, we will learn more about the man behind one of the most successful intellectual podcast channels and the problems he has encountered while running it for the last 4 years.
I went on the H3 Podcast to explain in detail my cancelation because of my crimes in Japan, and how I will change from now on.
Frank Wilczek, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, professor in MIT, Arizona State, & Stockholm University, a scientist and a luminary in the world of quantum physics, joins us in this podcast episode. With his seminal work in understanding the strong force and contributions to the mysteries of the quantum realm, Wilczek delves into science biggest problems. Tune in as we explore his pioneering insights into fundamental forces, quantum reality, and the far-reaching implications of his research, offering a captivating glimpse into the cosmos as we've never seen before.
Welcome to the last podcast of the year 2023, where the Fidias Podcast Team will discuss about the past, present and future of the podcast. A podcast about podcasting. Metapodcast. Enjoy.
In this Q&A I will come clean about how much I'm making with YouTube, if some videos I made are fake, why I'm not longer in Airrack videos, and I will share with you my plans for the future of my channel
Jay McClelland, a cognitive psychologist and Professor at Stanford University. He is the author of influential publications like 'Parallel Distributed Processing,' McClelland's research revolutionizes our grasp of learning and memory mechanisms. In this episode, we delve into the history of AI, the development of ChatGPT vs Google Bard, discuss language models' nuances, and contemplate their journey and potential impact.
Anil Seth, a distinguished neuroscientist and Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, is celebrated for his work on perception and consciousness. Author of influential books like 'Being You: A New Science of Consciousness' and 'Brain Twisters: The Science of Thinking and Feeling, in which Seth embarks on a deep dive into the intricate workings of the human brain. This episode explores the enigmatic realm of consciousness, highlighting the brain's role in shaping our reality and the mysteries of perception, and redefining our understanding of the world.
David Cay Johnston is an American investigative journalist known for his insightful coverage of tax issues, economics, and politics. His investigative work, notably in books like "Perfectly Legal" and "The Making of Donald Trump," delves into tax policies and economic inequalities. In this episode, we go deep into Johnston's findings on Donald Trump, like his links with the Russian mafia, and how he became president.
Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist, author of his latest book "Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things", and professor known for his research on irrationality in decision-making at Duke University. Renowned for works like "Predictably Irrational," his insights challenge traditional economic theories. In this episode, we go deep into understanding what behavioral economy is, the impact of misinformation in the current world and we get to understand the recent cancelation Ariely has suffered.
Nick Lane is a British biochemist & a professor in evolutionary biochemistry at University College London acclaimed for his explorations at the nexus of biochemistry and evolution. Renowned for works like "Transformer: The Deep Chemistry of Life and Death" his latest book & he delves into the role of energy in shaping the emergence and complexity of life. In this episode, we unravel the origins of cellular life and delve into the intriguing connections between biochemistry and evolutionary biology, shedding light on life's fundamental processes.