Fields of Work

Sam and Max are brothers. One is the oldest. The other is the youngest. One is a corporate consultant. The other one is an organic farmer. What’s up with that? Let’s talk about it.

Ep. 70: "I'm Going to Marry Mashed Potatoes"

Low energy chill time with the boys. Thanksgiving discussions abound. Cold end-of-year times at the farm. Sam goes into a surprising amount of detail about his two projects. Can Max be Crypto Jesus? Maybe.


Ep. 69: "Thanks, Aristotle"

Max walks us through the last few unseasonably warm weeks at the farm. The boys test a special podcast-within-a-podcast concept. Sam shares his race report from his first half-Ironman.


Ep. 68: "Horatio, Hampton, and Prargnin"

We kinda forgot to podcast through Max’s busiest season so we do a quick whistle-stop tour through the highlights: Max has bonded with a farm hawk, it turns out Max didn’t irreperably screw up the direct seeding he’s in charge of, and working for a larger outfit definitely has some perks (like PTO!). Sam also talks us through his last couple of months, with way too much time focused on triathlon stuff considering how bad he is at it.


Ep. 67: "People Always Forget About Birds"

A lot can happen in a month. Vegetables grow, cows escape, hail falls, airplanes sit on runways, and projects end. But brotherly love persists.


Ep. 66: "All Slimed Up"

Sam went on all sorts of adventures — triathlons, super secret Washington DC social clubs, New Zealand — a little bit for everyone. Max has basically turned his farming into a puzzle video game involving intricate irrigation strategies. The boys are both living their best lives, you could say.


Ep. 65: "Secret Bee Experience"

Max is out in the fields and doing farmer things now. Planting seeds, moving tarps around, driving tractors — all the classics. Sam just got back from The Ready’s latest company retreat and is getting ready for a long trip to New Zealand. Listen closely for the point where he realizes he’s using the wrong microphone and switches over to the good one. Also, his tummy was jumbly so cut him some slack, okay?


Ep. 64: "No Hay All Strawberries"

The boys are back! Max, like a human grizzly bear, has emerged from his winter cocoon and is rustling around in pursuit of vegetables. He's moved north, back to the Spurlin native homeland of Michigan, to continue his illustrious farming career. He talks about his new gig, which is actually starting to sound a little bit like Sam's gig. Sam is still here, too. On his same bullshit, for the most part. We all know Max is the real star of this show, though, so let's stay focused on him.


Ep. 63: "Once You're Out in the Dirt..."

Welp, it's that time again. Fields of Work calls it quits on another season as Max walks us through the last of his farming year. And this one is extra special because he has decided to move on from his current farming gig in Tennessee and to an as-of-yet new adventure.


Ep. 62: "Did We Not Say Yay Enough?"

Bringing a chill vibe to this one. Sunday morning energy. End of farm season energy. Max had a big frost at the farm, which is, you know, not great for plants. Sam went on his honeymoon and the most recent The Ready retreat. He talks about some strategic shifts that the company is making and what that means for his role. Very cool episode. Very chill.


Ep. 61: "Cute But Frustrating"

Max is psyched to be moving into the fall, even if the outdoor temperature doesn't really reflect it. His favorite candle scent is John Steinbeck. I'm not even joking. Sam did his last triathlon of the year and is getting ready to go on his honeymoon (yes, that's a pretty great work update, right?)


Ep: 60: "Woodchucks are the Snakes of Mammals"

Max is making hay, figuratively. The farm has already made as much money as it did all of last year and it's only the end of July! How cool is that? Somehow it keeps making money even though a woodchuck is going ham on the veggies. Max tried to catch him and only managed to get a possum instead. Amateur hour. Sam went on vacation to Cape Cod but forgot his swim buoy so he's sad. He's also starting a new "regular" project so he isn't purely a crypto boy any longer.


Ep. 59: "Dirty Cockroach Secret"

Episode 5, take two! After a little recording mishap last week, Sam and Max are back together to chat about what’s been going on the last month. Sam’s popsicles have spoken and summer is officially here! Here is how it has been going: Max hurt himself and ended up at urgent care twice, dealt with some brutal weather and has been working to try and catch up at the farm; Sam got married and he also ended up at an urgent care this month (unrelated) and is only one triathlon away from finishing the trifecta.


Ep. 58: "Finish With Dignity"

Sam has completed his first triathlon and begins what is sure to become a new famous segment on the podcast, “Triathlon Talk.” He shares some important tricks to having a successful race. Things like, being honest with yourself about your swimming capabilities, learn the course so you don’t repeat any legs of it and most importantly remember to lube up your whole body. Max is up to his ears in strawberries. The CSA has started and the veggies are pouring in. Also, he is concerned about how hot it is.


Ep. 57: "Regardless of Wizards"

Max continues to have chicken problems. Apparently they don't swim so good. But before that, there's an important chat about where we're going when we get to the zoo and what we're stoked is in our lunchbox. Sam continues to do fun DAO things and be generally inscrutable to the average person!


Ep. 56: "Chickens, Cows, and DAOs"

The boys kick things off with one of their more profound check-in questions and then quickly move into discussion of the wetter parts of being a farmer; namely, cow birth and lubing egg bound chickens. It’s super gross and that’s why Max likes plants better. Sam went to Canada and visited various eating establishments. Then he had a horrible time trying to get home.


Ep. 55: "Non-Fungible Carrots"

The boys are back in town (as The Beach Boys said…) and season four is officially here! Is it going to be any different? No, not really. The boys talk about what Olympic sport they could have played, hypothetically. Sam and Max then bond over their general fear of horses —they’re just so big and seem like they know things. Max talks about what his off season has been like and what new things are coming to the farm this year. Sam talks briefly about his new initiative at The Ready and tries to give us a quick run down of what a DAO is. Max struggles to understand. Foreshadowing for the rest of this season? Probably!


Ep. 54: "Max's Farming Year Retrospective"

Welp, this is it folks. The last episode of season 3. Max plays us out by recapping how his first year farming in Tennessee went. What went well? What would he do differently? What advice would he give his past self? Max shares all the salacious details of his year of farming. You won't want to miss it.


Ep. 53: "Sam's Sabbatical Retrospective"

It’s been a month, Sam’s sabbatical is over and this episode they talk all about it. What did he learn? What does he regret? Did he get really good at skateboarding? You’ll have to listen to find out. Oh and Max is still just farming except now it’s colder.


Ep. 52: "Poblano"

Sam and Max catch up after a month off. Max is winding down for the season as cooler weather finally approaches. Also he has a kitten now. His name is Poblano. What more do you need to know? Sam is nearing the end of his sabbatical and is trying to answer the age old question, what do you do with your last two weeks of no responsibilities?


Ep. 51: "Sam Goes Farming"

It's finally here. The moment we've all been waiting for -- Sam goes to Tennessee to work with Max for a week. What kind of shenanigans does he get up to? Does he drive the farm into the ground? Does he come up with some great new ideas? You'll just have to listen to find out.


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