Join our experienced and knowledgeable staff as they review all the fight mma and ufc actionoftheweekmonth year and yesteryear Adto the programallinand share
Join our learned and knowledgable staff as the bring over 499 years of joined sports casting This weeks special guest are Mr Doug Fernandez sportswriter and author Mr Mike Schlze Director of omunications for the Reliaquest Bowl
Join our experienced and knowledageble staff as theyreview all the results from around the world Tonights specil guest is Frankie Freight Train Fillipone
Join our eperienced and knoledgable staff as they review all the sports action from all around the world Tonights speial guest are Mr Ira Kaufman E S P N analysus and N F L Hall of Fame staff and Mr Dan Baker long time Phillies announcer and radio voice
Join our experienced and knowledgable asthey review all the fight MMA and UFC action of the week month year and yestertear
Join our knowledgable and experienced as they review all the sports action from the week month year and yesteryear Our special guest tonight are Philadelphia Phillies all star shortstop Mr Larry Bowa Philladelphia Eagles communiations director MrBilly Warndel
Join our experienced and knowledgabel staf with a combined 150 years offight M M A and U F C Review woth us all the fight action frm every part of te globe
Join our knowledgable eperienced and learned staff as they review all the sports action from around the world . Listen as they speak to and interview yjr msjor player who are long time friends Tonights guest are Coach Dick Vermile of the PhiladelphiaEagles and U C L A Director of communications for the RealiQuest Bowl Mr Mike Schulze
Join our experieced and knowageable staff as they review al the sports action from around the globe This week speial guest is Mr Mike Schulze the Director of Communications for the RealiQuest bowl
Join our knowedgabe and experienced staff as theyreiew all the fightmms sf ufc sctio from around the world Jion the fun and call in
Join the fun and callin as our ezperienced and knowledgeable staff as they review all the fight MMA abd UFC fromthe week month year and yesteryear,
Joim the fun learn more about sports call in and talk ti the experets players and broadcasters This weeks special guest is Mr Mike Shulze Director of Communications forthe RealiQuest Bowl
Join our knowledageable and experienced staff as they review all the sports action drom around the world for the week month years and yesteryear Toights special guest isMr Billy Warndel of the Philadelphia Eagles
Join our knowledgeable and respected staff as they review all the sports action of the week month year and yesteryear Our special guest tonight is Mr, Steve Kinsella baseball historian
Join our knowledgabe staff as they review at the fight mma and ufc action from around the word
Join our professionaland knowledgablestaff as they review all the sports action from around the world Our special thisweek is Mr Darrell Ledbetter sports editor of the AtlantaConstitution
Jon our profession and knowledgable staff as they review all the fight mma and ufc action of the week month year and yesteryear Caii in and jointhe fun
Join our knowledgable and respected staff as they review all the sportsaction from around the globe Tonight our special guest is Mr Mike Schultzy Directo of communications for the Realiquest Bowl
Join our experienced ,knowledgable and proessional staff as they review all the fight mma and ufc action romaround the world Listen as they reiew allgreat action from the week month year and yesteryear pick up some good sound adice from our experts
Join the fun filled evening of sports conersation with Players sportscasters sportswriters and Professionals Tonights special guest is long time sportswriter with the Gannett news Mr Doug Fernande