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Final Score

Author: Scott Johnson

Subscribed: 110Played: 381


The best weekly stories in the world of video games, hosted by ExtraLife's Scott Johnson
178 Episodes
TFS - All Good Things

TFS - All Good Things


An important announcement from The Final Score.
TFS 172 - All the RAGE!

TFS 172 - All the RAGE!


The 172nd episode of The Final Score!
TFS 171 - Your Destiny

TFS 171 - Your Destiny


The Final Score - Episode 171
TFS 170 - The MMO Cycle

TFS 170 - The MMO Cycle


On this episode of The Final Score, Scott not that pumped about Velocity. Brian loves monsters. Nicole is tired. MMO update! Also, what about esports as a thing in the future? emails and tweets! Speedball 2 is our old school pick this week, and more!
TFS 169 - Soul Patch

TFS 169 - Soul Patch


On this episode of The Final Score, Scott plays yet more Diablo III. Brian Splatters stuff all over the place. Nicole gets her Devil on the case. Politics of games. Take the money and RUN is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score Scott continues his love affair with Rogue Legacy, Brian Mounts his Friends and Nicole puts her games list in at the last second. Gamescom so far and TMNT: Turtles In Time is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Scott spends time dancing in the crypt. Brian puts on his Secret Poncho. Nicole really likes video games. What happens when Nintendo loses one of their best online voices? Your TWEETS! Pepsiman is our old school pick this week, and more!
TFS 166 - EA rented mall space on your console
TFS 165 - Early Access Over

TFS 165 - Early Access Over


On this episode of The Final Score, Scott's inner child gets some light. Brian plays swords with poker chips. Nicole found her Destiny. SDCC stuff from Nintendo. Looney Toons B-Ball is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Scott is all up in Blizzard's grill. Brian wants his Hero to Rise. Nicole wend hunting for the cheives! Sony says hi to WiiU users. MS is planning on firing people. NVidia is doing weird things. PSN sale is pretty good. Gamespot is doing ok with digital. Planet of the Apes is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Scott commits some Original Sin. Q-Bert is not as good as you think it is. Warlocks are rad. Brian has a risk of rain. The wolf is no longer among Nicole. Alien star comes back to Alien. MS wants to give you 75 bucks. Kids react to game boys. The Steam sale happened. Star Castle is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score Scott finds his Destiny, Brian Kills The Bad Guy and Nicole likes to keep her gameplay secret. Rock N' Roll Racing is our old school pick this week, and more!
TFS 161 - E Threep

TFS 161 - E Threep


On this episode of The Final Score is our old school pick this week, we play with our Pets, Wildstar is still playing things, Defiance goes free, Wolfenstien is way too much fun, all the E3 talk you can stand, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Wildstar is Scott's cup of tea, brian plays a lot of old (mostly free) crap, Nicole is still watching those Dogs, PSP goes to the grave, Nintendo might have stuff up their sleeves, EA says no to your faces, Luigi Death Stare might make us all by Wii U's, Splatterhouse is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Brian has blood on his hands, Scott has demons on his, Nicole is hacking the system, Minecraft is coming to PS4 people, Steam losing Steam till 2015, Battlefield takes the Hardline, Goats get Bricks, The Order is out of Order, Preditor is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Scott likes Dungelot 2 a LOT, we get to Flocking, brian joins the brotherhood, PS4 gets all beta like up in here, Steam in home streaming is here and it's here now, Destiny up for preorder and beta soon on PS4, Xbox One getting external HD support, Blizzard wants to show you the ropes, Dell says things are expensive, playing girls in games, Dragon Spirit is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Mario has a nice swing, Wildstar gone wild, Godzilla and Brian are hanging out, Nicole is playing Strep 2000, MS changes gold stuff, Nintendo might be talking about a new console already, Unreal will be rad again, E3 is coming fast, Russian games are fun, Kung-Fu Master is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, let's play ghosts and do some recon, endless legend is endless fun, brian get's RED for free, Dark Souls 2 is here, GameStop loses some ground, PS4 update is a big deal, Minecraft wants saves to be easy, China and video game consoles, emails, Pilotwings is our old school pick this week, and more!
TFS 155 - Dude Bro

TFS 155 - Dude Bro


On this episode of The Final Score, no sleep HS iPad mode, Hledric is weird, Nitendo said no to Skylanders, Sony to dump its Square Enix stock, Gold Rush is ON!, ComixZone is our old school pick this week, and more!
On this episode of The Final Score, Scott has a serious Diablo problem, a little Hawken never hurt anyone, Brian really likes his zambies, Civ Beyond Earth is beyond exciting, a new PAX moving to the south, lots of steam games never get played, still watching Watch Dogs, VR emails, old castlevania games are fun, Castlevania II is our old school pick this week, and more!