Finance God

Have you ever wondered about financial topics which no school teaches like the concept behind marketing techniques, economic principles, and the reason behind expensive brands which people still pay extra premium for the products? No worries we got you covered with our Finance god podcast. To know more follow us on Instagram and Twitter.

Credit Suisse- The Next Lehman Brothers?

With the rising fear of another financial collapse with Credit Suisse falling apart, we discuss in detail the 2008 financial crisis and the main reasons for the fall of the Investment Bank giant, The Lehman Brothers.


How Hershey made chocolate affordable?

In Today’s episode, we will be talking about chocolate giant Hershey, how they revolutionized the chocolate industry and made chocolate affordable. How they were able to mass-produce chocolate and made a formula which made it cheap?


Animals of Stock Market: Money Jungle

Animals have not pertained only to Jungles, animals describe every type of investor in the stock market, and knowing the terms makes to known which one are you.


Pink Tax: Tax of being women ?

Pink Tax is an up-charge on traditionally intended products for women with only cosmetic differences from comparable products traditionally intended for men. It is actually not a real tax but more of part of gender-based pricing. How being a woman is very expensive and in this podcast, we discuss how pink tax is incorporated into our daily products.


Why Brands target Apple and How did it become so great!

The recent advertisements might have made you wonder, why every single brand is targeting Apple for their radical changes. That will be explained in this episode along with how they became a $2 trillion dollar of net worth and their stepping stones to their success.


What do you mean by Bankruptcy ? And it doesn’t mean being broke.

In this episode,I focus on the causes and real meaning of Bankruptcy and how to avoid it and if in the trap of debt , how to return to normal life.


Cadillac:- A killer brand or killed brand ?

Cadillac once a renowned name is now struggling to cope up with the increased competition. This episode is a journey from 1902, founding year of Cadillac to the current situation, and what actually happened to Cadillac? 


Trailer for Finance God podcast

Quick insight about the essence of the podcast and what will you be expecting in this podcast.


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