Find You Fall In Love

A show about finding yourself, true and genuine self love and care, creating financial independence, and creating a life you love and want to wake up to each and every day.

103. 2023 Goal Setting

Let's talk about 2023 goals. What are mine, how did I come up with these goals and how am I prioritizing things? As a person who is autistic, bipolar, and possibly/most likely ADHD I have had a love hate relationship with goal setting and I wanted to sit down and talk about that, how I measure success, and failure these days and what specifically my goals are. I hope that in listening to this you can sit down and set some realistic goals for yourself and all that comes with that! 


102. Holding your boundaries in a respectful and meaningful way

I've spent the last two years creating and emphasizing the importance of boundaries. One of the hardest parts of creating and managing boundaries is when we have to communicate a new boundary and we get pushback from the person in question. Today I'm going to talk about a situation I just came up against and how I managed it and my hope is through that story you can find the courage to create and hold your boundary in a way that is respectful for all parties involved...I have been on the receiving end of someone being incredibly rude regarding a boundary they had put into place and I just don't want to be that person if that makes sense. 


101. Budgeting as a Small Business Owner - The good the bad and the ugly and how i'm working through it

We are going to talk about some of the struggles of budgeting as an entrepreneur, what starting the candle business has meant for my finances, and how i'm planning for the next few months and prioritizing my funds. 


100. Return to Find You Fall In Love

Sometimes in life we make changes and then realize that we have made a mistake. That happened. Let's talk more about mistakes and why i'm changing the name back to Find You Fall In Love. Thank you for your patience with me as I mess up and learn from my mistakes. Deep love to you all! 


99. What to do when the should's try and take over

You know the should's...i should eat healthy, i should exercise, i should go on dates, i should journal...all those things and all that pressure we place on ourselves to do the self care, while being a good human, while trying to be healthy, while raising a family...oh and work...sheesh! You get the idea but no wonder our mental health is in the toilet. Today I want to give you a reframe and help you unpack some of that. If you are interested in creating a solid routine for yourself in the manner described in the podcast click below to have it sent to your inbox. Create the perfect routine -


98. How far we've come and where we are headed

Today I wanted to connect and look back to where we started and talk about all the awesome things I want to do with this podcast. What lies ahead for our future together. We are moving toward a name change, finally, that I think will absolutely align with, not only where we came from and continue to find ourselves, but also where we are going. I'm going to leave all the old podcasts in here but a name change is coming in the next week. Budgets and boundaries will allow new people to know that this podcast isn't about relationships - well it is to a degree but that's not our main topic and will allow me to talk about more things I'm passionate about - like becoming financially independent myself and helping other women to become so as well. I hope you'll hang about but if you find yourself disconnected from this venture I wish you all of the best in your podcast travels and hope maybe you'll come back around someday. 


97. Let's talk budgeting...again...but for real this time!

I know we started this conversation a few months back but things have gotten real now and I have worked so much on the shame and other money mindset stuff that was holding me back. Ready to follow along?  Here is the link to the spending tracker I mentioned: Here is the link to the candle shop: and finally to my bookkeeping business:


96. Principles vs Wellbeing

Today we are going to talk about a struggle I've been having in my life. Do we move somewhere where my principles are upheld and well regarded...or do we move somewhere where I will feel good most of the time. 


95. What being an ally really means

Today near the end of pride month i want to talk about courage and what being an ally really looks like and how that could help the youth of today find themselves quicker and fall in love with themselves easier. My hope is that it will inspire you to help save the life of a youth or young adult. The world we live in right now is incredibly scary. Helping others feel safe is the easiest thing to do to preserve life and foster a better world. 


94. The quickest killer of creativity is rules

Today we are going to talk through where i've been what's going on over the next few weeks and the new creative outlet i've found.  To get your ticket to the summit click here: To join the mailing list for Sacred Balance Candle co: Find You Fall In Love mailing list -  


93. Intentionally walking into the new year

Happy new year! I wanted to talk today about intention and what that really looks like when you practice it fully. Let's dive in to it! 


92. I'm learning about my brain and I want to bring you along for the ride

I've been spending and enormous amount of time lately really diving into my neurodiverse brain and I wanted to update you on some things and share with you what I've found and how that might inform the podcast/blog going forward. Look to in the new year to get more info and read about it all. 


91. The role of chaos and how co-creating works

Today we are going to talk about what chaos is, how it affects us, and a huge epiphany I had around this idea of being a co-creator with the universe. I'm starting to fully grasp the concept and SEE more clearly what's been happening in my life. It's almost as if I've had these sun glasses on and I haven't been able to truly see things in the way they should be seen. Anyway, give a listen and email me and let me know your thoughts. 


90. September Income Reports

As promised, I'm sharing my income from month to month as I journey toward financial independence. This is the one for September


89. Advocate for your own health - feel your body

I am in the midst of a health scare and I want to share how we got to the point we are in the hopes of helping to save a life. I will keep you all up to date with biopsy results and the rest as it comes. But touch your boobies and feel your other various body parts! Deep love and hugs.


88. The journey to financial independence

I have a big goal of becoming financially independent within the next few years. And because I do better with accountability I have decided to share this journey with you. Follow along with this once a month series where I lay it all out there. What has gone well that month and what hasn't. Click below to follow on instagram and get email updates about my journey.


87. Moving beyond jealousy and the shame that often comes with it

Comparison is the thief of joy (I've researched this quote and cannot find the original person who said it. It's been said by a lot of folks)...but is it? Is it comparing ourselves to others or is it the jealousy that comes from seeing others and feeling as though they are having an easier time and not struggling as you are.  Let's discuss that and the shame that comes around when we DO feel the jealousy. How do we let go of that and do it better?


86. Are you running away from what's working?

Let's talk a little bit about self sabatoge and what it looks like and how to knock that crap off.


85. How are you rushing through life?

How and why are you rushing through your daily life? Where do you need to slow down simply because it makes no damn sense to keep rushing? Let's talk about that. 


84. Boundaries and respecting our children and therefore ourselves

Today we are going to talk about how I recognized that I was disrespecting a boundary my child needed and how I corrected that problem and what that process looked like. And then we dive further in to respect and thinking about how we parent our kids based on how we were parented and how we learn as adult humans. 


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