DiscoverFinding Faith: Sharing Stories of Encounter and Questions
Finding Faith: Sharing Stories of Encounter and Questions
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Finding Faith: Sharing Stories of Encounter and Questions

Author: Jessy Bennett

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It has always astounded me that even the disciples of Jesus often did not recognize or acknowledge who He was. The same is true in our world today. It is difficult to recognize Jesus, as He is often hidden from us, dressed up in questions and difficult conversations. Maybe you have questions about who Jesus is and why He should matter in your life. From beginning to end, but especially in the Gospel’s, there is a priority of asking questions and seeking answers as a way of coming to know truth and wisdom. More importantly, asking and seeking are a way to come to know who God is, and why He matters. Questions and hard conversations are not the enemy but rather a path to encountering Jesus.“Finding Faith” is a Podcast aimed at sharing the stories of people who have had an encounter with Jesus. Over the course of the first season, we will share stories from young adults who have sought answers to their own questions and discovered what faith meant to them. Everyone has a story and “Finding Faith” seeks to tell those stories and allow others to ask the questions they need answered.
41 Episodes
-----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast!Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
Lauren Johnson shares her story of finding Jesus at a young age, but falling away during her middle and high school age years.  In the midst of a difficult marriage, Lauren felt drawn back to faith and longed for the peace she knew when she was younger. As she began to search for a church to call home, her (at the time) husband's grandmother offered to take her to a Catholic mass at any parish she chose. The silence, the beauty and the purpose all helped to ease Lauren's heart.  Eventually Lauren went through RCIA and joined the Catholic Church. Lauren shares her questions when joining the Church as well as the struggles she has faced in practicing her faith. One such cross she speaks of has been the cross of infertility. Lauren shares how difficult that has been but also the blessing of discovering what spiritual motherhood means. Far from a consolation prize, spiritual motherhood is a gift. Below are resources Lauren has shared with me on the topic of spiritual motherhood should you desire to learn more about that topic.      Essays on Woman, by Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)      The Eternal Woman, by Gertrud von le Fort      The Priesthood of the Heart: Woman’s Unique Vocation, by Jo Croissant (this has                           NOTHING to do with women priests)      True Devotion to Mary, by St. Louis de Montfort      The Privilege of Being a Woman, by Alice von Hildebrand     This article:      This book: (From Lauren): This one is not a Catholic author, but listening to many of her recorded presentations have been very impactful on me. This is one of her books, but I found she is much more profound for me when I hear her actually speaking the words:     Let Me Be A Woman, by Elisabeth Elliot-----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast!Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
-----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast!Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
-----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast!Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
Aislinn Domantay works at a Theology Teacher at Owensboro Catholic Middle School. Her family moved to the US from the Philippines when she was a pre-teen, just beginning to figure out the world. Thankfully, one of the things she chose to hold onto was her Catholic faith. In her soul she knew that faith was important and something she desired to grow in. As a child and even into her teen and early college years, Aislinn was focused on doing things "the right way." She got good grades, didn't cause trouble and did all the things she was supposed to in her faith life. In college, found a community that helped her see her faith as more than just checklist. God was someone who loved her and desired to be in relationship with her--not just a list of rules and precepts to be followed. After serving as a FOCUS missionary in Nashville for four years, Aislinn decided it was time to move into her "life-long" mission which brought her to Owensboro, KY. -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast!Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
Doug Payne is a recent graduate from WKU with a degree in Outdoor Recreation.  He shares his story about how he has learned to trust God's plan for his life.  From entering the seminary to trusting God in the small daily things--Doug talks about his process of discernment and how he has learned to lean on God and trust.  -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Andrea Aud is a cheerful employee of Trinity High School who uses her gifts and talents to serve the young people at the school. She shares her experiences of questioning God and whether or not he was real throughout her time in high school. It was on a retreat, Teens Encounter Christ (aka TEC) that she cried out to Him, begging for a sign.  God reveled himself to Andrea on that retreat and helped her see that she was loved unconditionally. Since than, her faith has been bolstered by other encounters with Jesus. While it took sixteen years for Andrea to share her story, she knows that she must tell how God has worked in her life and encourages others to do the same! -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Clint Campbell is a father, husband and entrepreneur.   He tells his story of encountering Jesus while on a Koinonia in his college years.  After this experience, Clint began to make some changes in his life. Spending time in the "Classroom of Silence," he would sit at the feet of Jesus.  Fast forward, Clint was a father and husband in a job he couldn't stand but felt he needed to stick with in order to provide for his family. After a conversation with his wife, they determined the best course of action was for Clint to home-school their children and pursue a career in music. In 2020 they were making plans for Clint to open a recording studio when the pandemic hit and everything shut down. But the Lord provided. Clint surrendered to God's will and trusted. A year later, Clint's music studio--Surrender Studios--is now open for business.   Click here to watch the Youtube video by Matthew Kelly on "the Classroom of Silence" mentioned by Clint. Click here to check out Surrender Studios. ----- If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Alyssa Magnuson is newly married and the Pastoral Associate at St Michael's parish in Sebree, KY.   In high school she had to job shadow someone in the profession she was interested in for her future. After shadowing a veterinarian for a day (where she discovered just how bad her cat/dog allergy was), Alyssa went back to the drawing board to discover what it was she was passionate about in life. She knew she loved Spanish class and singing in the choir--but how do you turn that into a profession? Eventually Alyssa heard "the call" to study theology and serve in a ministerial position.  She landed in Sebree, KY where she is the hands and feet of Jesus to the people at St Michael's parish and uses her gifts and talents in a variety of ways.  -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Jesse Horn, husband, father and farmer talks about how God has shown up at different points in his life and how his faith has evolved over time.  Growing up in the Methodist Church, Jesse had a strong foundation of faith laid by his family. But in college, he fell away from his faith. After receiving a call from his father asking him to come home and help with harvest, Jesse's life plans began to change. Realizing how much he missed his family and farming, he moved back home. It was during this time that the embers of faith began to once again grow and Jesse's faith was reignited. He eventually joined the Catholic Church, shortly before marriage.  Jesse shares how his faith guided him and his wife through difficult times as they struggled to determine if and when to start a family, the challenges and set-backs that brought as well as the strain parenthood eventually placed on their marriage.  But each step of the way God provided and accompanied Jesse and his wife. -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Alex Schindler is a Kentucky girl living outside the Twin Cities in Minnesota. She is an aspiring musician and works in parish ministry.  Alex shares her story of how she left and came back to the Church on two different occasions (once at the beginning of college and once at the end of college).  These "pauses" have helped Alex learn more about her faith and what is important to her about being a follower of Jesus. Discipleship is a journey, one that Alex is walking for herself and alongside others to help bring them to an understanding of the love that Jesus has for them.  -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
*Note: I realized when editing that I said "inter-faith" (i.e. Catholic + Jewish) instead of "inter-denominational" (i.e. Catholic + Baptist). My apologies for the word confusion!  Casey Hamilton shares his story of growing in his faith as a young man due to the many questions asked by his (then) girlfriend, Anna. He is Catholic, she is Baptist. They began dating in high school and Anna had a lot of questions about the Catholic Church. Casey sought out the answers to Anna's questions and as a result, grew in his own knowledge and love of the faith. As time went on, the differences between their two denominations seems to be too great and Casey and Anna broke things off.  But the pair knew in their hearts that they were supposed to be together. Eventually they began dating again and rather than focus on all the things that separate them--they began to focus on all the things they had in common and how to make an inter-denominational marriage work.  -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Kadie Riney is a stay home mom to three beautiful littles. She shares with us how she came to encounter Jesus in the profoundly generous response from her community after the worst day of her life--the day she lost her home in a housefire. Kadie was home with her three young children when she noticed black smoke coming from the office after she had attempted to use the treadmill. She didn't think much of it,  but gathered her children and went outside only to realize the fire was beyond her control. Within minutes, members of the community were banding together to help Kadie and her husband John. Recognizing that as bad as that day was, Kadie is grateful that her family was safe. Kadie and her family were overwhelmed by the the care, concern and outpouring of generosity from the community. These people truly became the hands and feet of Jesus for the Riney family and they are incredibly grateful for all that they have received.  Kadie say it best, "When all was lost, much was restored." -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at:
Amanda Payne shares her story of finding faith and the lesson's she has been taught throughout her journey. After a triad of tragedy struck her life in late high school-early college, Amanda was left feeling anxious and scared for her family and the future. But her faith, the lessons she was taught by her parents and time have helped her come to an understanding about who God is and why she may never know "why." Amanda shares how the foundation laid by her parents has helped her to overcome the loss of a friend, her father and her brother as well as grow in her faith over the years. Like Peter, she desires to boldly claim who God is, but sometimes struggles to live that truth.  Amanda's poignant story and sharing of scripture reminds us that a relationship with Jesus is important and faith will see you through the most difficult moments if you allow it to.-----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: 
Jessy Bennett is a wife, mother, the host of this podcast and the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at St Mary of the Woods in Whitesville.   She shares he story about struggling with being vulnerable and the lessons she has learned over the years. While she is by no means perfect, each day Jessy strives to live her life with a heart that is open to Jesus and those around her. -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: Make sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the podcast! Facebook: @stmarywhitesvilleyaInstagram: @st_mary_yaTwitter: @st_mary_ya
Jason Rigsby is a convert to the Catholic faith and married to Laura Rigby (also interviewed on the podcast). After two divorces and a failed attempt to gain an annulment, Jason wasn't sure he would be able to continue practicing his newly found Catholic faith. But after meeting Laura, he knew he had finally met the woman he would share the rest of his life with.  Jason tells us about the journey of his faith coming alive in the Catholic Church along with the struggles that came with obtaining certificates of invalidity (annulments) for his previous two marriages.  It was through the help of a licensed professional counselor that Jason was able to take a good look at his past and see where his woundedness had worked against him, as well as tools to help him in his future.  -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: 
Matt Knight is a husband, father of two and the Director of Youth Ministry at St Pius X Catholic Church in Owensboro, KY. He has a passion for serving others through mission trips and often encounters Jesus through worship and music. Matt talks about how he encountered Jesus through the youth ministry program at his parish, Holy Name of Jesus in Henderson, during his time there in high school. After hearing a talk from his youth minister on the importance of Christian's living authentically rather than "two-faced" he began to contemplate what that would mean for his own life. -----If you have questions, need someone to journey with or would be interested in sharing your story please reach out to me at: 
Anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly. Today I'm sharing some personal reflections that I have recently stumbled through.  I hope these words encourage and uplift you, even in the midst of these uncertain days. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Stay safe, eat well and enjoy some time with your family. A new episode will be posted next week. As always, thank you for listening. If you need someone to journey with, would like to tell your story or have any other questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at
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