Fire Up at 55 Plus

<p>Are you ready to put yourself first in your 55+ years? Your host, Laurie Adams at 60+, successfully did that and is here now to help you discover what you want for your own, full second act in life. She lived in the people-pleasing era where young girls learned to put themselves last and how, as experienced, mature women they can rekindle dreams and realize them. A certified life and weight loss coach, Laurie, along with her variety of guests, share how they have shifted into their best years yet. If you’re stuck on the back burner and ready to fire-up at mid-life and beyond, tune in weekly to hear inspiring conversations and personal journeys with info you can apply to get going. Real self care and moving from hope to success starts here—for a new companion, or career, retirement, mastering weight loss, fitness and more. And if you’d like to work with Laurie 1-on-1, contact her at</p>

74. How Play Powers-Up Your New Identity (Part One)

Pretending, or the act of imaginative play and visualization, can serve as a powerful tool for shaping your desired identity, especially if you have spent years focusing on others and often neglected your own aspirations. Yes! Pretending and play are the "work" of self development for childhood and well beyond. If you’re skeptical, try this—just start with an open mind observing little ones on a playground … and listen up to this episode!Besides this podcast—I've got you covered with my lates...


73. What Comes After Hope to Thrive in Midlife-Plus?

Reinvention and moving into a better life, your best life at midlife-plus, begins with your aspiration—knowing what you want to go after. As told in my last episode, hope is a mainstay and foundational for transformation. It’s necessary to change life for the better because hope provides the initial motivation and belief that improvement is possible. Without hope, you might not see any reason to strive for something better or believe that change is attainable. But today, as promised, I reveal...


72. Is Hope a Strategy? You Bet!

Fresh-start Fall? Well, maybe this season you're stalled and just stuck. But today I’ve got hope for you … literally “hope.” “Hope is not an emotion; it's a belief that you have the ability to improve your circumstances", said Angela Duckworth, author of the best-selling book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverence. “When we feel that we have true agency,” she added, then “hope is the engine of resilience.” I’m explaining how hope—your hope—is a fundamental first step in the journey of re...


71. Fearless, Flapping Your Wings, or Flying?

Ah … those feelings: your dominant, real, authentic feelings … the ones we talked about in the last episode, no. 70. They are the clues to what’s going on with you, from elation to depression to confusion. I can’t think of a better example or time of year to talk about this, using what most of us have heard of as “the empty nest” syndrome. Your children flying the coop out of high school, to college or a place of their own and a new job of their own, or even moving cross country for hea...


70. Your Best Clues to Your Best Life

Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts—revealing them and changing them … well, that’s the magic key to reinvention at any age, says this life coach along with most of my colleagues. You’ve heard about unproductive thoughts over and over, but hearing it doesn’t make using the ‘’thoughts” keys easy. Thoughts can be pesky and elusive, and well worth capturing. But doing that isn’t necessarily the first, best step to launching your reinvention at midlife-plus. Today I talk briefly about meeting you where ...


69. Lasting Wellness & Weight Loss with Jen Hoyer (Part Two)

Mastering yourself, especially for wellness and weight loss, is possible! Certified health coach Jen Hoyer did it for herself, and now guides women on transformative journeys to lasting physical, mental, and emotional health. In Part One, hear Jen’s personal story of fulfillment, and discover techniques she's created to free you from self-limiting patterns. In Part Two, learn more about the doable specifics you can apply, centered around building habits and new identity. (Including her Atomic...


68. Lasting Wellness & Weight Loss with Jen Hoyer (Part One)

Mastering yourself, especially for wellness and weight loss, is possible! Certified health coach Jen Hoyer did it for herself, and now guides women on transformative journeys to lasting physical, mental, and emotional health. In Part One, hear Jen’s personal story of fulfillment, and discover techniques she's created to free you from self-limiting patterns. In Part Two, learn more about the doable specifics you can apply, centered around building habits and new identity. (Including her Atomic...


67. Not Motivated? Not to Worry!

If you're crazy tired of questions like, "If you could do anything what would it be?" and advice like, "Find your why, post it on notes all over your house ... even in your car," then take a deep breath, put up your feet and push play. This episode offers the opposite, and still supports your desire for life change. It's short and simple for summer listening and your own pace. Mentioned in this episode:Besides this podcast, I've got you covered with my latest self-start checklist, “3 Steps to...


66. Yoga “Sleep” Plus Awakening at Midlife+

“It’s said that one hour of Yoga Nidra can be as effective as three hours of regular sleep,” expert Susi Hately has said. And I can tell you now that a Google deep dive is not necessary to find the real benefits of yoga for all we need and want at midlife-plus. Stick your toe in the water with me here, for easy discovery of doable yoga renewal. Learn quickly what my shallow research dive reveals in riches for your second-act life.This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher.


65. Your Real Midlife-Plus Fitness with Susi Hately

No matter where you are: on the couch, coming off an injury, or stuck as a “lapsed” fitness buff, kinesiologist Susi Hately has unique answers. “I fundamentally believe that healing is possible,” she says. “People can get well again, no matter the condition.” This eminently qualified exercise physiologist, author, yoga therapist and teacher trainer (etc. etc!) has a lot to share about managing pain as needed and expanding our malleable bodies with effective baby steps. Learn about Yoga Nidra,...


64. Favorite Summer Episode: Barefoot Days and Fireflies ... Recalling The Good

Summer recollections are so good for overcoming the so often bad memories that easily crop up in our brains to shame and blame us. I talk often in this podcast about learning to pivot from these natural negative thoughts, and summers past are a calming, pleasant place to start. Especially because you can almost feel the recollections, from slapping bare feet on concrete to the juicy taste of watermelon to the pop and shimmer of fireworks in the nighttime skies. The favorite episode that follo...


63. Not Your Kids’ Trivia!

You first heard or experienced the answers to these questions back in the day! And if you can still recall them you get an A-plus in mental flexibility, recall, and just the fun of knowing you can tap into your brain first for answers instead of high-tailing it over to Google while listening. See if a 30-something can do that, you magnificent midlifer!This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher.


62. Enneagram Empowerment with Terrie Power

Your toolbox for building a splendid second act at midlife-plus has a self-awareness tool that is time-tested and exciting to explore. It’s the Enneagram, and once you know your unique number, clarity and confidence emerge. But, deciding that number on your own is a tricky business (ask me, I know). Today we have Enneagram expert and guide Terrie Power who understands the complexity and how to clarify it so that your best number comes up! Listen, learn, and enjoy.Terrie Power’s website:www.te...


61. Find Your Fortune in One-Liners

“Fortune cookies are a good idea,” said singer/songwriter Lisa Loeb. “If the message is positive, sharing it will put the recipient in a good mood. If it’s negative they’ll eat the cookie and forget it.” In today’s episode, less is more!Laurie Recommends:Chasing Cupcakes, by Elizabeth Benton: Besides this podcast—I've got you covered with my free checklist, 3 Steps to Self-Start Your Weight Loss. To get your free copy and start losing like a boss, just ask for it vi...


60. Procrastination Isn’t Permanent! Try an Easy End with Missy Hughes

If you’ve been procrastinating on how to end your procrastination, guess what? It’s easier to do than you think. Life coach and nutrition expert Missy Hughes emphasizes positivity in helping women overcome pesky procrastination with easy, doable steps. She shares how progressive actions to getting things done also boost overall well-being. Tune in and tap into Missy’s energy and joy for helping women use momentum and patience to start and finish what they really want to get done.Discover Miss...


59. Baby Boomers Keep Books Keepin’ On

You’ve seen a lot of changes in the name of progress, such as email and overnight shipping stamping out – so to speak – traditional mail use and delivery. Then there’s Uber and Lyft overtaking taxis and limos while offering new inclusive employment opportunities. How about air b and b’s, or food and grocery delivery at the stroke of a few keyboard strokes. Texting … TikTok … FaceTime and Facebook … Indeed and LinkedIn apps and online communities vs. pounding the pavement with printed resumes ...


58. Reimagine Retirement to Suit You, with Pat Casello-Maddox

If your image of retirement is learning or upping your golf game, finally taking that cross-country road trip, volunteering, dinner earlier and earlier in the day, or endless relaxation on a beach, tropical drink in hand—that’s likely a stereotype! And in the 2020s I can tell you, “This is not your mother’s retirement!” It’s all yours. Whether you have a strong vision or no vision at all for what will suit you best in these later, still-lively years, life coach Pat Maddox-Casello, owner of Da...


57. Your Questions = Your Answers for Life Change

Here’s the prequel for your transformation story! Whether you embark upon a new path from learning through this podcast, self-coaching or working with a life coach like me there’s a backstory that will set you up for an optimal journey. How do you tap into that without falling into the protective brain’s typical negative messages. Listen up to level up.P.S. Besides this podcast—I've got you covered with my free checklist, 3 Steps to Self-Start Your Weight Loss. To get your free copy and start...


56. Soar, Don’t Sacrifice, With the Power of Words

Words matter, you always hear me say it. And in today's world, more than ever you're bombarded by the words of others ... broadcast in the news, shared on social media, in lyrics you love and those you love to hate, on the job and at home—mostly without filters. And the protective brain's tendency to pile on thoughts of fear, warnings, shame and blame matter most of all to you ... until you learn to listen briefly in your head, pivot, and replace with encouraging, feel-good, vocabulary. Today...


55. A Favorite Episode: From Fat to Finish Line with Jen Roe

For an amazing real-life story, you can't beat the film "From Fat to Finish Line," produced and experienced by my guest Jen Roe. She and an undaunted team of 12 virtual strangers who lost nearly 100 pounds each and took up running individually, came together to run the Key West 200-mile, Ragnar Relay Race in 2014. Get the behind-the-scenes scoop and lots of great tips from Jen who now is a life coach in addition to providing training for new runners (and walkers) plus those looking to start a...


Polly Stanoch Rix

This is an excellent podcast!

10-04 Reply

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