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Fireside Chat with Dennis Prager

Author: PragerU

Subscribed: 3,917Played: 341,727


Dennis’s weekly thoughts and timeless wisdom by a crackling fire.

343 Episodes
Do you want your kids to be smart, successful, happy, or good? Not everyone will grow up to become a CEO, President of the United States, or win the World Series. What is most important when raising children in today’s climate? Plus, Dennis answers your questions about the UN, NATO, going through divorce as a young father, and why nearly everyone in Hollywood is on the left. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
During a commencement speech, an NFL kicker advocated Catholic doctrine at a Catholic school to a Catholic audience. Now, hundreds of thousands of Americans are petitioning to have him fired. What happened to “We agree to disagree”? Dennis shares his thoughts on Butker’s address, recent statements by the Pope, and the Founders’ intentions regarding freedom of speech and religion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Every single death in Gaza is attributable to Hamas, not Israel—just as every dead German was because of the Nazis and Hitler, and every dead Japanese was due to the fascist regime in Japan during WWII. In both cases, the day Germany and Japan surrendered, the bombing stopped. The same is true today. If Hamas surrendered, not one more bomb would be dropped. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The world does not lack brains. There are many smart people, but few are wise. College professors are often bright, well-read, and full of knowledge, yet most are fools, and they do a lot of damage. Wisdom is everything—we need it now more than ever, but how do we get it? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dennis was brought to Washington, D.C. to debate those who claim Israel is an apartheid state that is committing genocide. The left understands that if you say anything enough—no matter how crazy, absurd, or factually incorrect it may be—people will believe it. That is why they toss around terms like “racism,” “apartheid,” and “genocide” without any regard for their true meaning. The left is cheapening words, destroying language, and with it, truth itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this week's bittersweet episode, Dennis interviews the owner of “Megan’s Arm,” a longtime staple of the Fireside Chat, before she leaves California and starts a new chapter as a future homesteader and homeschooler on the other side of the country. Watch this heartwarming conversation, as Dennis and Megan take a trip down memory lane and share behind-the-scenes stories you won’t want to miss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Iran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel should make it clear who aims to commit genocide in the Middle East. Israel, unlike Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, seeks only to live in peace. For the sake of the survival of the human race, we must have moral clarity when it comes to the battle of good vs. evil. Plus, Dennis answers your questions on Mormonism, parenting, and whether we can have hope for the future. Sign the petition to condemn terrorism and stand with Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dennis just filmed another series with Jordan Peterson and The Daily Wire about the four gospels of the New Testament. What does Dennis—a religious Jew—have to say about Judeo-Christian values and the future of America? Plus, Dennis answers your questions about what stocks to invest in, Riley Gaines, and the radical trans agenda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
According to a high school teacher, a student’s statement that “only women menstruate” is merely an opinion. Why are we told to “follow the science” but then mandated to ignore basic biology? As common sense takes a backseat to subjectivity, we are witnessing the death of truth in our culture. What are the implications for society when everything—from gender to the Hamas attacks of October 7—is a matter of opinion? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why don’t people fight obvious evils? If you can’t tell that Hamas is as evil as the Nazis were, it is because you refuse to do so. It’s easy to identify evil decades after the atrocities of the Nazis, Stalin, and Mao. The trick is to call out evil while it’s happening. You have a moral obligation to do so. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How would you feel if your surgeon, pilot, or lawyer was an affirmative action hire? Society’s obsession with race and gender at the expense of merit is hurting us all. Dennis explores how this destructive policy is not only unfair but also erodes trust and competence in vital professions, where qualifications should matter most. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When asked about hell, Pope Francis recently said, “I like to think hell is empty. I hope it is.” Dennis disagrees. But why? Later, Dennis takes your questions about helping friends with mental health issues and the effects of social media on kids. Plus, we have a very exciting announcement: The Fireside Chat is now officially sponsored by members of PragerUnited—our monthly giving club. Support the Fireside Chat and join today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week, Dennis answers your questions. How do you choose a career path, not screw up a relationship, or tell a friend they’re being manipulated by the media? Plus, how did Dennis transform from being an unhappy child to a genuinely happy person? Don’t miss Dennis’s life advice for the next generation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How many people blame trauma for their issues in life? Everyone faces hardships, but you should never let your struggles define you—even if you become paralyzed from the neck down. The issue in life is not what happens to you; it’s how you react to it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dennis often tells us not to live in fear, but can fear ever be a good thing? In today’s society, a lack of healthy respect for authority has led to a terrifying rise in destructive and disrespectful behavior. According to the wisdom of the Bible, there are two important fears we should embrace. Can you guess what they are? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dennis shares his thoughts on surprisingly insightful lyrics by Taylor Swift, the “black national anthem” being sung at the Super Bowl, and what a parent should do with a defiant teen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
When a friend from New York City called Dennis in concern about a California storm, it raised questions about the media’s impact on our perception and behavior. As the media constantly tries to instill fear and make us panic, Dennis reminds us to trust our own eyes over blindly accepting what we’re told. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
United Airlines set an aggressive diversity goal for their pilot training academy: at least 50% will be women or people of color. Shouldn’t the only requirement be competence? As a frequent flyer, Dennis has never looked at a female pilot and wondered if she’s qualified to fly a plane. But as airlines prioritize DEI quotas over our safety, is there cause for concern? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The New England Patriots have their first black coach in the team’s history. While the owner said he doesn’t see color and picked “the best man” for the job, the new coach immediately contradicted him by saying, “If you don’t see color, you can’t see racism.” In an era where colorblindness is vilified, Dennis provides a much-needed perspective. After all, if the Nazis had been colorblind, there never would have been the Holocaust. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How do you act when no one is around? Does your behavior change if you think you’re being watched? The answer to these questions is one of the strongest arguments for why God is necessary. No matter what you believe about God’s existence, don’t miss Dennis’s rational, commonsense argument about God’s necessity. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (104)

Saba Shehzadi


Feb 5th


Mr. Prager, why haven't we utilized our first amendment right to petition a formal redress of grievances before our Congress?

Feb 6th

Aaron Stone (MD)

So the cia & fbi also infiltrated newsguard & also gives them tax$ to control the news to push the overton window as far left a possible. No politician should be voted into office unless they will actually stop this.

Dec 26th


Guys...when you're so obsessed with what's in other people's pants, it's because the problem is YOU. YOU'RE the perverts. Normal, sexually healthy people don't speak/behave like you do. Everyone thinks you're creepy and depraved because you're consumed by thoughts of pedophiles and "grooming" and are constantly talking about sexualized children. Healthy people don't do what you're doing. It's disturbing and bizarre. I know you guys think "the left" are the "groomers," but you're making a spectacle of yourselves and freaking everyone else out. STOP obsessing about children! Go see a therapist, for Pete's sake.

Dec 9th
Reply (1)


As an atheist with lots of atheist friends and loved ones, I can confidently assure all of you that we pay very little attention to what religious people do or don't do. As long as your not forcing your beliefs on everyone else, nobody cares. It's really weird and narcissistic how you guys just NEED to believe that everybody hates you, and that obsession has led you guys into some serious blunders lately. Revoking women's constitutionally protected right not to be some man's baby incubator, for example, was a really stupid move that is already coming back to haunt you. You can practice your backwards, bigoted religion in your own homes and churches, but you need to accept the fact that your beliefs are literally incompatible with modern life, and that everyone has seen how hypocritical and hateful Christians are and wants nothing to do with you. All everyone wants is for you conflicted people to mind your own business and leave everyone else alone. Why is that so hard to understand?

Dec 7th
Reply (20)

kidgamer stig

Dennis My 45 year old son claims to be an atheist. We raised him in the Lutheran faith. He was Baptized and confirmed. Then he went to college and left us for 12 years. No words to us and we did not have any knowledge of where to find him. He returned to us 11 years ago . But he continued to say he is an atheist. He also said he does not want to exist after this life. He has the love of money. And once again will not talk to his Dad and I . Which is due to an altercation whitch was due to behavior of my younger son and grandson his brother and nephew.. I have never known an atheist ever in my life. Until my son said he is.I am seeing so many unbelievable things in the world today. It is very sad for me. Has anyone told you they are having troubles similar to theses? Sheri Stigall

Oct 14th

Steven Verdoliva

I sculpt turds nearly every day. Apparently I missed my calling.😄😄

Sep 15th

Dave t

wrong episode!!! this is 236

May 13th

Carolyn D. Johnson

Amazing Content on this Playlist. I Like it. Thanks for sharing.

Apr 12th


I've always thought it was a good thing to raise fearful children

Nov 7th


was homeschooled my whole life. nothing could've prepared me for what's happening today .. only thing I can do is to reiterate the constitution to show how many of our problems stem from oligarchs in black robes "rulling" in repugnance of the constitution.

Sep 21st


Happy late bday Mr P

Aug 4th

Rebecca Ingram

Thank you Dennis.

Jul 23rd


Caucasian farmers telling their kids on classrooms THEY are racists??? Teaching them COMPLETE lies then for their future

Jul 3rd



Jul 3rd


Dennis, font waste your time w that idiot. theyre deaf

May 21st



May 21st

Irving Schmutz

Nikki Haley for president 2024! She is an Amazing human being!

May 21st



May 1st


Dennis, a conservative at heart, like me, is just reminded how sad times chsnge in wrong direction. Were raised BELIEVING itll get better w time. No, Jesus lets us know its part of the Story

May 1st
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