Fireside Farbrengen

Join Ben, Alden, and Rabbi Shmuly along with a special guest in their weekly discussions on the Jewish world.

Episode 23

In the final episode of Fireside Farbrengen with Ben and Alden as McGill students, we host special guest Jonah Fried to discuss the recent anti-Israel SSMU referendum and antisemitism on campus. Plus, Ben and Alden recap some of the highlights of their time at Chabad. This episode closes with thoughts about why the podcast was started and what we have learned from it over the past 3 years. 


Episode 22

In this week's Episode of Fireside Farbrengen, we give a recap of Chanukah, talk about what it means to live a Jewish life on campus, and discuss the auspicious day of Hey Teives. 


Episode 21

Fireside Farbrengen is back for the first time in a year! This special episode features discussions on the current state of McGill University, what has been happening at Chabad at McGill, and the significance of 19 Kislev to the Jewish world. 


Episode 20

In our last episode before we break for a little while, Fireside Farbrengen talks about the proposed Fall Reading Week, extended Winter Break, and McGill's plans for the Fall 2021 semester. Given that it is 10 Kislev, hear Rabbi Shmuly tell the story of the Mitteler Rebbe and his innovations to the Jewish world.


Episode 19

Rabbi Getzy Markowitz from the Family Store joins Fireside Farbrengen for some meaningful discussions. Plus, hear the guys' take on the new McGill sports team name and some great stories from Crown Heights!


Episode 18

Long-time Chabad attendee Michael Schwartz joins Fireside Farbrengen to tell us about what he's up to and how Chabad at McGill has changed over the past decade. You also won't want to miss our reflections on the life of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, and our discussion of the McGill Fight Club! 


Episode 17

This week, Fireside Farbrengen discusses some Jewish secrets of how to deal with whatever comes your way, and McGill's plan for next semester. Plus, hear about why Rabbi Shmuly's parents named him Shmuly!


Episode 16

Fireside Farbrengen is back and better than ever! Hear Ben, Alden, and Rabbi Shmuly weigh in on how they were able to have a meaningful Tishrei amid the pandemic. You also won't want to miss the story of Rabbi Shmuly's run-in with Suzanne Fortier, and a deep discussion about academic freedom. 


Episode 15

It's the episode we've all been waiting for as this year's co-president David Rosenblatt joins Fireside Farbrengen to tell some great jokes and stories. Plus, hear our take on the McGill's response to Quebec's back-to-school announcements in addition to the usual segments you love!


Episode 14

In this week's episode, Fireside Farbrengen welcomes former Chabad McGill President Shira Mattuck as our guest. Plus, hear about some interesting historical events, how shuls are beginning to open, and catch Ben and Alden's favourite niggun!


Episode 13

This week, Fireside Farbrengen discusses the current situation in the USA. We also chat about what Tikkun Olam really is, the biggest 'secret' in Judaism, and all the usual content you love.


Episode 12

Make sure to catch Fireside Farbrengen before Shavuos to get some great insights on the upcoming holliday. Plus, hear our discussion on Gzeyres Tach ve Tat, part 2 of the legendary Pesach in New Zealand story, a great niggun, and so much more!


Episode 11

Join Fireside Farbrengen for a brand new season! This week's episode features some classic stories from Rabbi Shmuly, a discussion on McGill's fall semester, and one of everyone's favourite niggunim. 


Episode 10

In our first live episode, we are joined by the head of Sinai Scholars, Rabbi Dubbi Rabinowitz, and Sinai Scholar alum Zack Billick! This episode was featured as a live broadcast on the Sinai Scholars Facebook page.


Episode 9

Former Chabad president Ben Grossman joins us as we schmooze about how to have a productive quarantine. Some great jokes and stories as always!


Episode 8

Recorded from 3 separate locations with 3 different l'chaims, the guys discuss the effect of the Covid-19 outbreak on Jewish life, as well as some significant Jewish historical events from this week.


Episode 7

Back from the break, Vancouver lawyer Rob Fashler joins Fireside Farbrengen for some great stories. This episode features our new segment, "This Week in Jewish History". Enjoy!


Episode 6

JSSA President Mettannah Jacobson discusses Jewish Studies at McGill! Plus, learn some information that you probably didn't know about the dark history of Valentine's Day for Jews.


Episode 5

Broadcasting from the Weiss residence, we are joined by extra-special guest Rashi Weiss who provides us with some behind the scenes information on how Chabad is run. Plus, hear a niggun sung by Rashi's grandfather!


Episode 4

The group discusses the Montreal City Council's failure to adopt the IHRA definition of Antisemitism, and special guest Sophie Sklar asks Rabbi Shmuly some great questions in honour of Yud Shvat.


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