First Class Counselors

Camp counselors have the most important job at summer camp. Period. A great camp staff will have kids wanting to come back to camp year after year. First Class Counsellors is here to make great camp staff. Each week, we’ll cover practical and accessible tips that will level up your camp counselor skills. Our two hosts, Oliver Gregan, Summer and Families Camp Director at YMCA Camp Jewell and Matt Honsberger from Go Camp Pro are excited to be able to provide this resource to camp counselors.

Let’s Get Real About Camp Staff Expectations - First Class Counselors #75

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: We need to be honest about how hard (and how great) it is to be a camp counselor! Join Oliver Gregan and Matt Wilfrid as they delve into the crucial aspects of starting a career as a camp counselor in part two of their series. The discussion highlights vital tips and expectations for new counselors, focusing on the importance of preparation, safety, an...


You've Got the Job!...Now What? - First Class Counselors #74

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Onboarding and Prioritization - What Sets Real First Class Counselors Apart!This episode of First Class Counselors is your guide to rocking the first step of your next summer at camp. Oliver and Matt break down essential skills for new and returning staff, covering everything from nailing the onboarding process to prioritizing your time and sta...


What to Expect When You're Expecting...Staff Training! - First Class Counselors #73

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Congratulations! You’re having a wild, wonderful bundle of CAMP!Staff training season is upon us (that is, if you’re listening to this episode in May) and while camp staff around the world are finishing up the school year, camp directors are putting the final touches on staff training. If you’ve never been, or are newer to staff training befor...


Stories that Shaped Us - First Class Counselors #72

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Gather ‘round the campfire for these funny, impactful and straight-up bizarre stories!Today is not a topic but a feel. A vibe if you will. We’ve been in camping for some time now and that means we have collected a few stories to share. Not a campfire story but just personal stories of our time as camp people. You might have run into an old camp friend and...


Generation A - Our Campers - First Class Counselors #71

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Generation-A are our campers - how can we effectively work with them at camp?Generation-A, or Gen-A are kids that are born between 2010 and 2024. Born the same year as the release of the iPad, most socially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the generation that is currently almost 100% of the summer camp population. It seems like the post-pandemic camper p...


Water Safety and Water Programs - First Class Counselors #70

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Water safety (and fun!) starts with Camp CounselorsMany camps sport a waterfront, a pool or even host a wet and wild Wednesday! Today we want to talk about programming at these water-based activities to make sure campers are safe and having a blast. You may be thinking “wait a minute, I’m not a lifeguard, so why should I listen? While you may not...


Are They A Terrible Staff Member...Or Is It Me? - First Class Counselors #69

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: You may not like them, you may not counsel like them, but that doesn’t mean they suck.It can happen to even the most First Class Counselor. For reasons that may seem perfectly valid and logical, a staff member gets it in their head that one of their co-workers is a terrible staff member. What ensues is drama, hurt feelings and escalations that can ta...


Wait...Is This a Cult? - Ceremonies and Traditions at Summer Camp - First Class Counselors #68

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Summer camp is culty - but in a good way, we swear!If you are new to summer camp and reading this, you may not get the whole “cult” angle. It’s a common joke amongst experienced camp staff and directors that camp is essentially a cult. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is how intentional we are with the ceremonies and traditions we ha...


Meet Your Camp Director - Part 1 - First Class Counselors #67

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Part 1 - What we got wrong…Just who is that person walking around with a clipboard all day? To most Camp Counselors, the Camp Director is a strange and mythical creature. They’re like a teacher…but completely different. They’re like a boss…but definitely not in the traditional sense. So who are they? In this first of a series of episodes, ...


How to Talk to Adults - First Class Counselors #66

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: You didn’t sign up to be a camp counsellor because you loved talking to adults…right?In the world of a camp counselor, there is no other part of the job that is simultaneously as short and as important as the interactions you have with the adults that find their way on site. Whether it’s parents, caregivers, alumni or your camp management, b...


Putting Campers First - Why It's Hard and Why It's Necessary - First Class Counselors #65

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - It’s not that you come second…well…it kind of is...Camp counselors are special. Not just because of all the incredible skills you learn and teach, but because it’s one of the only jobs that requires you to prioritize the health and experience of kids in your care - all day. This isn’t easy. It takes a special type of person to do the job. Peop...


Campers and Staff These Days (are we boomers?) - First Class Counselors #64

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: Welcome back! How was your summer?We’re so grateful to have you folks join us for another season of First Class Counselors. In this episode, Oliver and Matt share a bit about their summers, and what they’re thinking about going into the 2024 season. Topics: How would you describe your summer in 3 words?Share a favourite story from the s...


Interview Skills to Land the Camp Job of Your Dreams - First Class Counsellors #63

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - These interview skills will set you apart!It's the most wanted summer job in the world. Honestly, with the recent pay increases, workplace experience and the amazingness of camp it truly is a job people from around the world seek. So how do you stand out in your interview? Today we are going to cover the app...


Eat Like Royalty At Summer Camp - First Class Counselors #62

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - Camp food can suck but it doesn’t have to!In the hierarchy of things we love, food reigns supreme. But, let’s be honest, camp food can be…well camp food. Sometimes, it’s a step above high school lunch but also not as great as your typical college food hall. It serves the purpose of caloric intake and satisfying the picky eating of a 10-year-old w...


Intentional First Impressions with Campers - First Class Counselors #61

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - What to do the first time you’re alone with campers…It’s arguably the most stressful time in a camp counsellor’s life. It’s the first day of camp, the caregivers have just left and it’s now just you and the campers. As 10 sets of eyes stare in anticipation, it dawns on you that what you do and say next really matters. How you spend...


Games You Can Learn and Play in 60 Seconds - First Class Counselors #60

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - Have 60 seconds? Here are 8 awesome games you can play with campers!Do you need a minute? How about a short quick way to play a game that makes a “meh” moment a “Yay!” Moment. It’s episode 60, so we’re talking 60 seconds or less to play a game or add an element to make your moments the moments! To explain each game Matt and I have 60 second...


You and Your Phone at Summer Camp - First Class Counselors #59

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - No phone, no problem! Maybe?The modern world has always tried to make its way into camp. That’s because camp is meant to be a refuge from the world’s pressures. In the 90s and early 2000s, many camps even introduced coding. But the invention of the smartphone changed the story, not just for camp but the world. The connect...


How to (Kindly) Raise Gritty Campers - First Class Counselors #58

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: You don’t have to sacrifice care and support in order to promote grit!Perhaps you have heard of Angela Ducksworth’s book “Grit: the power of passion and perseverance” Or if you have been in the camp conference circuit awhile and the opportunity to listen to Dr. Deborah Gilboa speak about resilience. Or maybe you’ve h...


Our Biggest Baddest Blunders - First Class Counselors #57

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: It’s not if you’ll make a mistake…it’s when you’ll make one.We all make mistakes, but the best part about making them at camp is that you are in one of the most supportive work environments ever. Making mistakes is how you know that you’ve pushed your comfort zone, so if you’re lucky enough to make a bunch, you’re going to learn a bunch...


Taking Camp Home With You - First Class Counselors #56

Have some feedback? A topic suggestion? Text us! Find full show notes and links at: - Welcome to Season 5 of First Class Counselors!Summer is over and you have scrolled through your gallery a bunch remembering how much fun you had. Camp offered a lot - fun, food, friends. But it also taught you a lot and equip you for life after camp. As you unpack, we unpack all the ways you never truly leave summer camp behind. - Links fro...


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