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First Time Dads

Author: Reach Podcasts

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Two first time dads - Daily Mirror journalists Richard Innes and Steve Myall - discuss the joys, challenges and general lunacy of raising your first child and supporting a first-time mum… and ask some famous faces and qualified experts for advice along the way. Nominated in Best Podcast category at 2018 Online Media Awards.

73 Episodes
Brace yourself, people… we have some big news.Steve - one half of our First Time Dads duo - is moving to New York!What this means for the podcast is still… well, it's unclear. However, when you listen to this (borderline emotional) chat between Steve and Rich, bear in mind that this MIGHT be the last ever episode of our little podcast.The guys chat here as they always do. So, you get a lot of Steve explaining the complexities of moving your kids abroad, a lot of Rich bellowing unnecessarily and a lot of wistful chat about fatherhood.If you want more of this in the future - and you don't want this to be the end of First Time Dads - then let us know! You can find Steve on Twitter here, Rich's Twitter here, or you can email us on firsttimedads@trinitymirror.comHit us up with questions, complaints, queries or just general rants about parenthood. You've listened to plenty of ours, so it's about time we heard yours. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Everyone has a nightmare getting their kids to do as their told. EVERYONE. That's why we can guarantee every single one of you has, at some point, been desperate for any easy-to-implement strategy that can get your children to behave a little less monstrously. Enter Tom Phelan PhD, the clinical psychologist and author behind the 1-2-3 Magic technique. After our former guest Emily Oster raved about Tom's work and told us how she had used it to great effective on her own kids, we got the man himself on for a trans-Atlantic chat, to explain just how this magic works. You're welcome, folks. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This chat with Konnie Huq is… well, it's… it's a rollercoaster.You know Konnie. She presented Blue Peter for a decade. She's hosted loads of different TV shows. She's married to Black Mirror creator/genius Charlie Brooker (she co-wrote one particularly brilliant episode). She is mother to two boys. And she has now written a children's book, called Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World.As with most guests, Steve and Rich sat down to talk to her about various aspects of parenting - but the conversation very quickly turned into a chat about, well… EVERYTHING. Have a listen and you'll soon see what we mean. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Parents today are inundated with information and expert advice, often contradictory and invariably overwhelming. This results in anxiety, insecurity and stressed parenting that inevitably drives wedges between parents and children instead of the much-needed connection. Jennifer Day is a Parent Coach and Counsellor with more than twenty-five years of experience and she tells Rich and Steve how to reconnect with their innate wisdom and to trust their own parenting intuition. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Playground rules

Playground rules


What's the correct etiquette when another child pushes in front of yours on the slide at the playground or takes their bucket and spade in the sandpit?We've all been there. A weekend morning, kids driving you mad and you need to get out the house. Cue trip to the local playground. Next thing you know your nearest and dearest is at the top of the slide and there is an angry looking “big boy” pushing him out of the way.Do you intervene and tell the stranger he should wait his turn or do you let junior fight his own battles?Steve and Rich discuss how to play it as a parent in the playground without causing an upset. Typically the conversation starts to wander but this episode is a great listen. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
New mums and dads are bombarded with advice and tips on how to parent from the moment of conception. But does the advice on everything from breastfeeding to screen time limits stand up to scientific scrutiny? Emily Oster aims to make life a little easier by arming dads, and mums, with the data behind the advice to help them make better parenting decisions.Speaking to Steve and Rich from the USA, where she is an economist at Brown University, Emily reveals there is often no evidence for doing anything other than what feels natural.   For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bit dramatic, right? Sadly, according to the research Matt Farquharson has done, we now have indisputable proof that having kids will ensure your relationship will be properly, irredeemably f***ed. Matt - better known as Papa Pukka, the husband of Mother Pukka - joins Stave and Rich to explain how he built this (largely depressing) case for his new book and explains the differences between how men and women experience the joys of that marriage and parenthood. He also outlines the campaign he and wife are fighting to make sure flexible working is more widely available to dads across Britain. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Do you know what to do if you child starts choking? Do you think you know the best way to deal with a screaming kid who's just been sting by a bee?Chances are you probably THINK you do - but you might be wrong. For this episode, Steve and Rich invited Jenni Dunman, the founder of Daisy First Aid (who offer fun, fear-free classes to parents and carers), to come into the studio for a chat about to handle loads of common First Aid situations for kids. And as Rich quickly found out, the potentially life-saving advice isn't always what you would assume… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Alun Wyn Jones is a rugby legend. As Wales captain and HUGE second row forward (he's 6ft 5ins), a big part of the Grand Slam winner's job is physically overpowering other huge men. So, as father to two little girls, how does he switch from that tough guy persona to the big cuddly daddy he is at home? In this exclusive chat, Alun explains to Rich and Steve why making that switch isn't as difficult as it sounds - and outlines how being a dad can actually help you lead a dressing room of international rugby players… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We're back! Steve and Rich discuss their respective summers and come to the joint conclusion (just about) that it's only going to get more difficult as winter approaches. The guys also let you in on what's to come in this season of First Time Dads, with a whole host of interviews with celebrities and experts already in the bag. Enjoy!    For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We're on our holibobs

We're on our holibobs


Steve and Rich are having a little time off for the summer, but before they do here's a quick episode to tease some of the amazing guests lined up for the next season of the podcast. See you in September! For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Here on First Time Dads, we like talking to a) qualified experts who understand the science of parenting and b) new dads who often feel so clueless they want to scream. Dr Oscar Duke is both - which is why Rich and Steve were delighted to have him on the podcast. A GP and broadcaster you might have seen on telly, Oscar also recently became a father for the first time. In his new book 'How To Be A Dad', he combines his medical expertise with his fumbling attempts at parenthood, to answer loads of questions all dads ask themselves at some point. Prepare to find out why the cervix of a woman in labour is just like a bottle of wine… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Zoe Clark Coates and her husband Andy have personally faced the loss of five babies. Out of their experiences came a charity to offer support to thousands of grieving parents and relatives around the world each week. Zoe’s book The Baby Loss Guide provides a supportive and practical guide to walk people through their darkest days of suffering and gives them hope for the future. She joined Rich and Steve talk through the many questions those who encounter loss ask themselves and others. And to offer tips to prospective parents faced with heartbreaking events. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Ever worried about what your kid is watching on TV? Ever felt anxious about what harm you might be doing to your little one by letting them stare at the telly for any length of time? You are not alone. That's why we thought we'd talk to the people actually making the shows your child watches, to find out what they do to make sure they are not warping little minds. Nigel Clarke is a CBeebies presenter who has been working as a children’s TV presenter for more than 15 years - and he now hosts The Baby Club, a show for REALLY little ones on the channel. Nigel very kindly joined Steve and Rich for a First Time Dads grilling. Suffice to say, he had some very interesting revelations for the guys… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Potty training is a massive step for any kid - and for a stressed out dad, it can often feel like a step too far.The good news is that, if you do it in the right way, getting your kid out of nappies doesn't have to be quite as hectic as you might think. Steve (who has done it) and Rich (who is about to) asked Amanda Jenner, the UK's leading potty training expert, to explain the easiest way to potty train a child.And Amanda - who regularly goes on TV to talk about all things wees and poos and has a new book 'Potty Training Magic' out now - was not short of tips… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We're always being told that it's easier for dads to combine working and parenting these days. But is that actually the case?Apparently not.Han Son from - a former guest and friend of the show - returns to the podcast to tell Steve and Rich about some disturbing new research into the realities of fathers' working lives.If you've ever felt so stressed out about how your work impacts on your family time that you've considered switching jobs, this episode will quickly show that you are far from alone… For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Steve and Rich are joined by Esther Wojcicki, one of America’s leading parenting experts - and you can see why. Esther has raised three incredibly successful children (one of whom is the CEO of YouTube), so the guys see if she’s got any secrets to share. Spoiler: she does... For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hosts Steve and Rich dial up former Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth champion long jumper Greg Rutherford to chat about his biggest challenge yet - being a dad.They talk all things fatherhood, including his aim to not be one of *those* pushy sports day parents, why playing in a sandpit at the park is a nightmare when you're a famous long jumper... and why being an Olympic champ doesn't mean your body can cope with dadding! For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Becoming a first time dad is a life changing experience, but what's it like bringing home a new baby into your existing family? Rich has just become a dad for the second time to little Freddie. He'd been worried about the experience but when Steve called him up he had surprising news to reassure all second time dads to be.  For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It's very common to struggle with anxiety, feelings of isolation and mental health issues after having children. But talking to other parents and listening to others share their experiences has helped Steve and Rich.In this episode, Annie Belasco from the PANDAS Foundation offers some tips about how to cope when the nursery walls close in, following research by Little Freddie baby food brand revealing that 73% of parents admit struggling with mental health after becoming a parent for the first time. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (1)

Anup Mistry

Excellent podcast, has been reasurring and given some much needed confidence to a new first time dad

Jan 31st