Fit & Unfiltered

Welcome to Fit & Unfiltered - a podcast that delivers no-BS, simple strategies (with a side of humor) to women wanting to achieve the body of their dreams while still living their best life. A combination of fitness, lifestyle, and banter, this punchy podcast is a must-listen for women who are fed up with having to choose between “enjoying life” or “sticking to a diet”. Co-hosts Jess & Melissa are sisters and best friends who know from personal experience just how damaging the yo-yo diet cycle can be. After years of struggling, they finally discovered the path to creating lasting results without the restriction or FOMO found in traditional diets. Their transformation was so fundamentally life-altering that they made it their mission to share their knowledge with as many women as possible. In each episode, they provide the tools and education women need to regain confidence, build a healthy lifestyle, and form a new identity they never thought possible. Get ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired to create a life you love, completely unfiltered.

172. The Diet Industry Is Manipulating You

If you're desperate to lose weight, get fit, or improve your health, you're probably looking for quick, easy fixes. But the faster you want results, the more vulnerable you are to being manipulated into choosing unsustainable plans. These quick fixes might help you reach your goals fast, but they're nearly impossible to maintain long term. Tune in to learn how to realize when you're being manipulated because you want quick results. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


171. It's Okay to be Selfish

Are you always the go-to person for friends and family, putting their needs before your own? If you're struggling to reach your goals, it might be because you're constantly putting yourself at the bottom of the list. In this episode, Jess talks about why keeping promises to yourself is the most important thing to do if you want to skyrocket your confidence and fast-track your results. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


170. Are The Basics Enough Or Should You Be More Extreme?

Today we're talking about the power of small steps and how they add up to big changes long term. If you're feeling like the small details of tracking your protein, drinking your water, or getting your steps in don't matter because they aren't intense enough, this episode is for you. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


169. Is Tracking Your Food 'Toxic Behavior'?

Lately, there's been a lot of talk on social media about how weighing and tracking your food is 'toxic behavior'. In this episode, Jess and Melissa explore this topic, break down the arguments, and share their thoughts on whether there’s any truth to it. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


168. Drop Your Excuses & Choose To Be Better

You can't keep complaining about NOT reaching your goals if you're constantly skipping the steps needed to get there. If you're serious, it's time to check if you're actually putting in the work. This episode is a great way to reflect on your recent actions and, if they're lacking, commit today to really stepping up your game. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


167. Stop Whining & Start Winning

We're back with another sports analogy (Melissa's fave) that's sure to hit home. In your health and wellness journey, are you the player who's 'head-down', focused on the game? Or are you getting distracted by the ref’s calls you can't control? This is great reminder to focus on your controllables and your attitude if you want to win the game. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


166. Overcome Overwhelm & Get Started On Your Goals

If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start on your health and wellness journey, you're not alone. In today's episode, we're breaking down how to take that first step and even offering some actionable tips on where to begin if you're feeling lost. Join us inside and let's do this together. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


165. What No One Tells You About Keeping Your Results

Today's topic is one that's usually overlooked: how to actually keep the results once you've reached your goals. The diet industry is saturated with quick fixes for losing weight. But what happens once you actually reach your target? What does it really take to maintain those results? Join us inside as we share the secret no one talks about for keeping your results long-term. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


164. Stop Settling For Less

Do your daily choices bring you closer to who you want to be, or push you further away? Every decision counts. If you're making decisions that are not aligned with your goals, do you truly want your goals as much as you say you do? This episode is filled with motivation and some tough love, reminding you that change is uncomfortable and challenging, but that the rewards are worth it. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


163. Your Complaining Is Costing You

Tough love warning! If you always find yourself complaining or feeling down or dwelling on the negatives in your life, listen in. This episode is an important reminder that change starts with you. Press play if you're ready to shift your mindset, refocus your energy, and start crushing your goals. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


162. Why Winners Always Win (Their #1 Secret)

The biggest obstacle to your success right now is probably your inability to embrace the mundane parts of your routine. With social media constantly tempting us with the next shiny object for a quick dopamine hit, it's easy to overlook the importance of simple, everyday wellness tasks. This episode is an important reminder to refocus on those boring (but essential) parts of your day, because, ultimately, those are what will drive the best results. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


161. Your Sacrifices Are Actually Opportunities

If you're not ready to make sacrifices for what you want now, you'll end up sacrificing for things you don't want later. Achieving big goals means you'll probably have to get out of your comfort zone and make better choices. In this episode, we explain why you should stop seeing these things as sacrifices, and how reframing them as opportunities will move you closer to your goals. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


160. Push Past Your Problems With One Simple Shift

If your problems have you feeling stuck—this episode is for you. We all have faced obstacles, but sometimes we let them become roadblocks. In today’s episode, we’re sharing a much-needed perspective shift that will help you navigate your problems more effectively, so you can start building momentum and crushing your goals. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


159. Is Your Self-Belief Blocking Your Success?

We're exploring how your self-perception and perceived limits might be capping your potential without you even knowing. If you have big goals that feel out of reach, you'll want to listen to this episode and learn how expanding your identity may be the key to achieving those elusive results. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


158. Break Through the 'Blah' to Get It Done

Today’s episode is all about making progress, even when you're not at your best. We all have those ‘blah’ days where motivation is low and everything feels a bit 'off'. We share how you can still push through your slump to get things done, and keep moving forward and making progress. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


157. The Secret Tactic Melissa Used to Lose 40LBS (And How You Can Do the Same)

In this episode, Melissa dives into the transformative power of visualization, focusing on her inspiring story of how she visualized her way to losing 40lbs. Melissa set clear goals for her health and fitness and kept her ideal outcome vividly in her mind, simplifying every decision and action she took daily towards her weight loss. Melissa discusses how having a clear, visual representation of your goals streamlines the path to achieving them. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, get fit, or achieve any other health milestone, this episode will show you just how effective visualization can be. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


156. Discipline Is the Greatest Form of Self-Love: Are You Practicing Discipline?

In this episode, Melissa explores why discipline is the truest form of self-love and more important than motivation for your health and wellness journey. She dives into the idea that sticking to your routine—even when you don't feel like it—can really change your life. Tune in to find out how making disciplined choices can help you reach your health goals and show yourself some love every day. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


155. Knowing When to Be a Leader, Even if You Don’t Feel Like You Are

In this episode, Melissa shares her and Rico's traumatic airplane turbulence story and how she had to step up to be the calm, cool, collected one to help calm Rico's anxiety. Tune in to hear how forcing herself to be the "leader" helped Melissa get through the rough flight and how you can do the same in your health and & fitness journey. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


154. The One Belief That Helped Rebecca Lose 50lbs & Beat an Autoimmune Illness

We're joined by Coach Taylor and her client, Rebecca, who lost 50lbs and 35 inches with The Ü Method. Rebecca's journey might hit close to home - from constantly comparing herself to other women and feeling inadequate, to the frustrating cycle of losing weight just to gain it back. Today, she shares how she finally found a plan that transformed more than her body, and how she finally began to believe in her own potential. Rebecca says it best... "When I realized I'm able to do hard things and that I deserve to see results, progress happened." CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


153. Why You're Already Further Along Than You Think

If you're not quite where you want to be yet—it's ok, because you're still better now than when you started. Maybe you're just getting into your wellness journey and it feels like it's taking forever to see progress. Or maybe you hit your goals and then slipped a bit. Whether you're starting or re-starting, you've got more wisdom and better strategies which automatically puts you ahead of where you were. This episode will give you some much-needed perspective and remind you of just how far you've come. CONNECT WITH JESS & MELISSA Join our FREE LUMINÜ Community: Get Started with 'The Burn & Build 8-Week Fat Loss Accelerator' inside The Üniversity: Download 'The Ü Method: Burn & Build Blueprint' get started for FREE: Text us with your questions: 917-810-3393 Check us out on Youtube: @luminu_official Follow us on IG: @luminu_offical Follow us on TikTok: @luminu_official


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