Fit Club for Dads

Fit Club For Dads is a podcast helping fathers become the fit, strong, and confident men they need to be for themselves and their families. Because being a dad whilst creating and maintaining peak physical and mental fitness ain’t easy! Join health & fitness coach Mitch Lowe as he gives you the tools and insights from himself and other fit dads to help you become the man you want to be.

The life you’re not changing is the life you’re choosing.

If you’re a father struggling in a particular area of your life or multiple areas…Maybe you’re not happy with your body, your appearance, your physical ability.Maybe you hate what you do for a living, or maybe it’s just monotonous and soul crushing boring.Maybe you don’t have a great relationship with your partner, a family member, or friend.Or maybe you have a problem with drugs or alcohol that’s seriously effecting your life.Regardless of what it is, if you don’t know how to begin to FREE YOURSELF from this struggle in your life, then this episode is for you.The only other thing I’m going to say is that:You’ve got one life brother, please for the love of god do not spend any more of it heading in a direction that makes you feel unhappy or depressed. If you want to start changing your circumstances, listen to this.


Are you afraid of change?

People say they’re afraid of change, but it’s not change that scares us, we love change. We are afraid of transition. We’re afraid of the space in between where we are and where we want to be.If you wanted to be a fit, lean, strong father. The idea of having that only sounds positive. We picture ourselves looking in the mirror, and liking what we see, we think about not being insecure about our bodies. We think about feeling attractive to our partners. We think about feeling confident in our own skin and the ability of our bodies to perform day to day. It’s only when we begin to think about everything we have to do to accomplish that do we start to doubt ourselves, because right now we can’t picture ourselves doing all of the things that that version of ourselves must do in order to have those results. The no man’s land between your current self, and the guy you want to be is what you’re afraid of. That space is filled with things you may have never done before, it’s probably filled with people that you’ve never met before, people who are much better than you are, and potential new judges of your current self. The hardest thing you’re going to have to do if you want to change the way your life looks is going to be the letting go of your current life. In all honesty there are people and things in your current life that you cannot take with you into the one you want, and that’s ok. It’s going to take some guts to leave them behind for the people and things that are waiting for you in your new life.


How Fear Literally Kills Men

If the title grabbed your attention then I hope you take the time to listen to this whole episode. This is potentially the most important episode to date when it comes to men’s health. Every year men die needlessly as the result of failing to get themselves checked up regularly by their doctor. As a group we’re more likely to allow our health to slide and ignore the potentially severe outcomes that come with this. When we have a problem we’re more likely to believe that it will just “go away by itself”. We’re more likely to withhold potentially life saving information from our doctors because we fear receiving a bad diagnosis.As men, fathers, leaders, and protectors, we’ve got to start prioritising our health and well-being, because if we’re not looking after ourselves (or worse still, we’re not around anymore…) then we cannot look after the people who look up to us.I want to see you live a long, happy, healthy, and prosperous life. If that’s what you want too, then please don’t neglect your annual check up or any immediate health concerns!


What is the best goal to have? - PART TWO

This is the sequel to episode 6 where we spoke about men needing a purpose in their life, characterised by the consistent setting and driving towards meaningful outcomes.Most people don’t sit down and clearly define their goals, and I tiny fraction of the people who have done this do it consistently and check in with their progress along the way… (Why are we not taught to do this from day 1?!).So consequently you may have listened to the first episode and be thinking “Well that’s great Mitch, but I don’t even know what I should be aiming at…”.If you’re even slightly feeling that way then 1) That’s totally fine, and 2) This means you didn’t make some generic bullshit goals that everyone makes like wanting to lose weight, and make more money (Not bad goals to have of course, but we should all aim to dig a little deeper than that.).Your goal should be something that matters to you, something you can easily justify, not just something that sounds good to you.And in this episode I discuss what I believe is the most important thing for any man to focus his time and energy on. The thing that forms the foundation for all the other success he wants to experience.


Do you have a purpose? (What it is, why you need one, how to set one) - PART ONE

This is the first part of a two part topic based on the idea that progress towards a desired outcome is a key part of creating a fulfilling and meaningful existence.As men and fathers it’s very easy to find ourselves living the same day on repeat as we allow our responsibilities to run our lives for us. Men in this situation tend to feel low on energy all the time, a lack of enthusiasm for life, and potentially a feeling of frustration that they can’t quite put their finger on.If that’s you then my question to you is:What goal are you currently working towards? And I mean really working towards… not just the stuff you say you want or would be nice to have. What are you striving for in your life right now?If you don’t have an answer for that question then this episode is for you.


Why do some dads climb mountains on Sundays?

If you’ve read the title and mountains aren’t your thing you might be thinking; “Because they’re idiots?”.If that’s the case just replace climbing mountains with a more relevant but equally challenging task for yourself.Today’s episode is simply a nod to all the dads out there who choose to push themselves when it isn’t asked or expected of them, but simple because they want to have a better understanding of their limits.If this isn’t you, then that is totally cool, but if you’re tuning in to this podcast then it’s probably because you’re a dad who wants to improve himself. If that’s the case then that actually makes you the perfect listener for this episode.Because today we’re going to be talking about the secret sauce that separates the small minority of fathers who seem to be able to be on top of their game physically and mentally despite all the challenges of fatherhood, from the vast majority of fathers who struggle to find the time and energy.


What would you want your kids to do?

I’ve been coaching fathers now for well over 3 years. I’ve met over 400 men, some of which had found themselves in that classic rut as a full time working father who was neglecting his own needs, to dads who were in dire need of a lifestyle change otherwise it was going to cost them their job, their family, or even their lives.As you can imagine the conversations can get quite heavy from time to time, and it’s always difficult hearing some of the situations some men find themselves in.At the end of the day one thing seemingly always remains to be true in my experience; they only person who can truly improve your situation and change your life is the man in the mirror.Knowing this there’s always one question I ask of any dad struggling to justify making the time for himself that he needs in order to address his own issues…That’s what today’s episode is all about.


The Ultimate Diet

Brother! I hope you’re excited, because I’m about to share with you the diet plan you’ve been waiting for. You are literally never going to need to question whether you’re on the right diet again after this…Or at least that’s what I would say if I was like 90% of the fitness industry trying to sell you a “miracle fix”.Truthfully diet is the trickiest part of the “getting fit and healthy” process. It takes the most time, effort, and trial and error before you find your own personal groove with it.And that’s what this episode is all about; finding your own personal “dieting groove”.


How to achieve mastery in anything

Achieving mastery in any field requires consistent action over a long period of time. You will know when you’ve become a master at something because you’ll be performing that action flawlessly with hardly any effort.You may think it takes a special kind of person to achieve mastery. You may think that it takes time and dedication that the average human simply doesn’t possess. As you’re reading this you may not realise it, but you are in fact already a master in at least a few actions.Don’t believe me?Well when was the last time you really had to focus on walking correctly? (excluding the night out that had you stumbling home at 2am, or the day after your first leg training session in a few weeks…)The point is you’ve been doing it every day of your life for years, you’re so good at it that you can put that action on autopilot whilst you go about your day.With a goal, a plan, and consistent and conscious effort this same level of experience can be accomplished in each of the areas of our lives that are most important to us.This episode is about knowing where you are in the process of mastering the key areas of your life currently.


Why I started coaching fathers

Hey guys, Coach Mitch here and welcome to the first ever episode of the Fit Club for Dads podcast! I’m super pumped to have you onboard for the journey, and I’m looking forward to hearing your responses and thoughts on the messages myself and some fit dads will be sharing on this podcast.As it’s the first episode I want to set the stage for what this podcast aims to deliver, and also tell you a bit about how a 26 year old PT from the Gold Coast with as much parenting experience as a wet paper bag came to coach over 400 fathers to help them become the fit, strong, and confident leaders of their families.


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