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The Get Your GOAL Podcast

Author: Pahla B

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You’re smart, you’re successful, and you’ve got your sh*t together, but you can’t seem to lose this menopausal weight. Your body isn’t the problem, it’s your brain. Join weight loss life coach Pahla B to unlock the mindset blocks that hold you back, so you can lose all the weight you want and keep it off forever.

245 Episodes
Of course you want to get consistent with your weight loss habits, but consistency feels SO hard, and right now you’re wondering if you should just throw in the towel. My friend, if you’re struggling with consistency, this episode is for you, because today I’m sharing three reasons why you can’t get consistent and exactly what to do about it.I know everybody and their weight loss coach tells you how you’ve gotta be consistent to reach your goals, and we all sort of acknowledge, like “Yeah, co...
So, you’re ready to lose weight for the last time by changing your mindset. But how exactly do you do that? And why does it work, when all the dieting you’ve been doing after menopause makes it feel like nothing will ever work again? In this episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing exactly how journaling helps you lose weight.It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of journaling. In fact, I consider myself a journaling coach, a journaling mentor, and even a journaling teacher.I think a l...
Of course you want faster weight loss results. We all do! But it already feels like you’re doing everything you can. Should you eat even less? Workout even more? My friend, you don’t need to do either one of those things, because I have a short list of two things you can do that’ll really move the needle on the scale.As I promised you last week, I’ve got another deep-dive Masterclass that I pulled up from the Pahla B archives. This one was called “Speed Up Your Results By Doing These Two Thin...
After a lifetime of hearing that you have to eat healthy or low calorie foods to lose weight, or you have to give up carbs or fats or desserts to lose the weight you want – well, overthinking menopausal women like you are understandably skeptical when my answer to the question of “Can you REALLY eat what you want and still lose weight?” is unequivocally “Yes, you can.”When I was preparing for this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I went back into the Pahla B archives to watch a Ma...
I know you’ve got ‘em, because everybody has “diet thoughts.” In your head, they make so much sense and they sound so true. But not only are these thoughts not true, they’re holding you back from losing all the weight you want. So today, we’re exploring four “diet thoughts” you can let go of right now.Letting go of your unhelpful thinking is a piece of the weight loss mindset puzzle that often gets overlooked. And I get it. I mean, it’s so much more pleasant to write affirmations to your...
Hands down, the most common question I get from women who are struggling to lose weight after menopause is, “Should I change my calories?” And the short answer is “Probably not.” But if you want to learn all about it, let’s dive in!You’ve been trying to lose weight for a while. Months. Maybe even years. And in spite of your best efforts, the scale is either staying the same or bouncing around within a couple of pounds.Every time you weigh yourself, you’re feeling frustrated and doubtful. At t...
It’s so frustrating to watch the constant up and down on the scale, isn’t it? You just want to lose weight consistently! Well, on today’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m spilling the tea, with three tips for consistent weight loss.It’s true that weight loss never moves in a direct, straight line down, but you can achieve a continuous, consistent downward trend over time. The key?Understanding the body-based inputs you have complete control over (calories, water, sleep schedule,...
I’ve worked with thousands of menopausal women over the years, and every single one of them has gotten stuck at some point on their weight loss journey. Thankfully, getting stuck isn’t random, nor is it permanent. Today, I’m sharing the universal places everybody struggles, so you can figure out which of these three things is keeping YOU stuck.I truly believe that the reason we human beings set goals for ourselves is to learn something deeper about our human experience. And the way we learn w...
Of course you want to be done dieting because who wants all that restriction and anxiety? But you’re also pretty sure you have to diet to lose weight after menopause. Thankfully, you don’t have to feel like you’re on a diet at all. So today, I’m sharing exactly WHY and HOW I stopped dieting, while I was losing weight for the last time in my 50s.Feeling like you’re on a diet is optional, and the truth of it is that you’re far more likely to be successful at losing weight and maintaining it for...
It’s not really a question of “if” you have weight loss mindset blocks (you do), it’s more about figuring out exactly which ones you have, so you can solve for them and get to your goal weight. On this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m diving into the top five weight loss mindset blocks to show you exactly how they’re stopping you and what you can do about it.When you have blind spots (aka, mindset blocks), you are constantly slowing yourself down. But knowledge is power, my fr...
There’s a lot of information out there about weight loss for menopausal women, and some of it is straight-up wrong. To help you separate fact from fiction, on this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, we’re debunking twelve of the biggest weight loss myths, plus of course I’ll share the real facts so you can lose all the weight you want and keep it off forever.Your body and your brain are always always always working together, so any weight loss advice that doesn’t address your mindse...
When you’re not losing weight it’s almost never because of your calories. And yet, that’s the conclusion we all jump to immediately, even though changing up your calories is more likely to slow you down than speed you up. On this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing three important things to do (that aren’t changing your calories) when you’re not losing weight.Weight loss is a long game, and it’s driven by three things, in this exact order: number one, believing that you c...
You’ve been working on losing weight for a while, but you’re still not seeing the results you want on the scale. It feels super frustrating to put in all this effort and not be making any progress. So, why aren’t you losing weight? And what can you do about it? On this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing four reasons why you’re not losing weight … yet.Before we get into it, make sure you really take the time to hear the last word in the title of this episode: yet. Wh...
You can’t really lose weight without dieting…can you? What if this so-called conventional wisdom isn’t very wise after all? What if you could lose all the weight you want and keep it off forever, without feeling like you’re on a diet at all? My friend, you can, and this episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast will tell you how.The fact is, you can DO all the things to lose weight – which is to say, creating belief in yourself and eating in a slight caloric deficit over time, while supporting you...
A couple of years ago, I lost weight for the last time. And while I was losing weight, I experienced three really big mindset shifts that forever changed the way I think about my body, my weight, and myself. So today, I’m sharing with you the three biggest mindset shifts I made to lose weight in my 50s.Mindset is basically just another word for belief or beliefs. Which is basically just another way of saying a thought or collection of thoughts that you’ve been practicing subconsciously and ma...
Wanna speed up your weight loss results? Of course you do. Then my friend, one of the first things you need to look at is what you’re currently doing (or in this case, NOT doing) that’s slowing you down. On this week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing five things you’re NOT doing that are slowing down your weight loss results.I get asked a lot about what to DO for weight loss – which makes sense, because I’m a weight loss coach! And of course I have a super simple framework c...
Sometimes you feel really prepared to start your weight loss journey, and sometimes you’re pretty sure you need to do more research, and it’s off to Google you go. But this constant back and forth isn’t really helping you lose weight. So today I’m sharing three signs that you are ready to lose weight for good.If you’ve been wondering about whether or not you’re ready to lose weight, wonder no more, my friend. Here are three simple-to-spot signs that prove it’s time to lose weight for the last...
You’ve been wanting to lose weight for a while now, but there’s a part of you that feels really foolish about going on another diet in your 50s. I mean, how vain is that? It’s not like you’re going to go running around in a bikini at this age. But on the other hand, you’ve always wanted to be a woman of a “certain age” who looks and feels her best. One of those women whose whole essence oozes calm confidence and self-assurance. Maybe you could rock a bikini.Ugh! But maybe you should just...
You’ve gained and lost weight before, maybe even dozens of times, and you’re sick of it. You’re ready to be done with this dieting nonsense forever. But how does that even work? How do you lose weight for the last time? Like THIS.On this week’s episode, I’m going to lay out how to lose weight for the last time in a step-by-step list, but let me also point out the overarching theme – the one key takeaway that, if it’s the only thing you remember from this podcast, it’ll still send you in the r...
It’s been a long day, and your coworkers got on every single one of your nerves, including your last one. You’re super stressed out and you’ve got a deadline to meet, but… it’s like you can’t even stop yourself from heading to the pantry and stuffing your face. You know you’re eating your feelings, and you’re really ready to stop doing it, but how? My friend, like THIS.This week’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast is super practical, with step-by-step instructions that’ll help youMake peac...
Comments (1)

Jan Garduno

I need that message today! Failing does not mean that I am a failure!

Apr 25th