Fitter, Faster & Happier - The Female Runner Athlete's Podcast

I’m your host Indira, and welcome or welcome back to Fitter, Faster and Happier. If you want to perform better as an athlete, but also be your happiest, and most fulfilled self then this is the place for you! On this podcast I will be talking with a range of runners and experts to uncover the secrets to becoming your most successful, and happy runner self. Here hot, and controversial topics will be discussed , stories, tips, and knowledge I hope this podcast can help you become the best athlete version of yourself. Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy! #womensrunning #runner #athlete

S3-E11 || Jess Bailey || Why Setbacks Are Good - Making Challenges Learning Opportunities -

Fresh off an 18th place finish (2nd European) at the world U20 cross country championships, Jess Bailey is one of Britain's top junior talents and this episode sees her talk through her experience so far. Jess has competed on the world stage across Mountain Running, Track, and Cross Country, and despite still being at school studying for her A-Levels, she demonstrates an excellent mindset which she shares with us. Definitely lots to be learned from this episode, especially if you are an aspiring young athlete, so be sure to stay tuned to pick up some tips and find some motivation if you are currently suffering a running related setback. -------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to follow the podcast for updates and to send in your listener questions.


S3-E10 || Pippa Woolven || RED-S RED-S RED-S - Former Athlete and Project RED-S Founder

Pippa Woolven is a former GB athlete and the founder of Project RED-S In this episode she shares her experience of RED-S and how this led to the creation of Project RED-S. She shares her reflections upon the state of RED-S and the changes she has seen over the years, and the direction she hopes to see things move towards in future years. RED-S is a condition whereby energy intake does not support energy expenditure. It can affect people and athletes of all levels and abilities and can have serious short and long term consequences. So please be sure to seek the relevant medical and professional advice if you feel anything resonates with you. And check out the website @ Project RED-S for further information on all things RED-S #RED-S #Femaleathlete


S3-E9 || Phoebe Barker || Balancing Multiple Sports And Multiple Commitments ||

Phoebe Barker is an international runner, vet student at Cambridge University, and triathlete. In fact it was triathlon which brought her back to running, and running faster then ever, after a major injury led to her wanting to stop running. This episode sheds light on how to Phoebe balances her life and running, and achieves a lot of success within running off very few miles. She also shares a her struggles with iron levels and the journey to resolving this, which uncovered a coeliac diagnosis. Be sure to follow the podcast for feedback, guest questions, and more... #femalerunner #triathlete #athlete #anaemia #medstudent #vetstudent #coeliacathlete


S3-E8 || Innes FitzGerald || The Girl Behind The Talent - From Nothing to Everything-

Innes FitzGerald the one everyone is talking about as the next biggest super talent on the running stage. But who is she, where did she come from, and aside from bucket loads of natural talent what does she do to perform so well so consistently. This episode gives you a little bit of insight into Innes approach to training and racing and some of her background into and around the sport. She is definitely a very level headed individual, and has a very strong long term mindset. She has also made her mark as an advocate for the environment, demonstrating her commitment to her beliefs through her approach to travel and food, Be sure to leave your thoughts and follow the podcast on Instagram for more. Thanks to all the listeners who sent in questions! #innesfitzgerald #running #juniorrunner #europeanchampion #alevelathlete


S3-E7 || Dr Philip Hurst || Doping And Anti-Doping - Performance Enhancing and Enhancing Performance-

Everyone has heard of it, but does everyone really know what it is and what it can include? Todays guest is Dr Philip Hurst a Senior Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University, and a man who has worked on projects commissioned by the International Olympic Committee for The World Anti Doping Agency. THIS EPISODE CONTAINS A SCREEN SHARE SO BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SCREEN AT 31.23 for how to check drugs against WADA rules This episode will bring you up to speed ( but not with it;)) on all things doping and anti-doping. Including a deep dive into some serious sports psychology around the placebo effect and how this will be impacting you; where to check the legality of substances you are putting in your body; and the ins and outs of substance use and abuse. LINKS TUE GlobalDro Podcast via all socials and platforms and feedback from #doping #sportspyschology #placebo #running #athletics #womens


S3-E6 || Dr Richard Blagrove || Maximising Potential & Health - Physiology, Strength & Conditioning, And Bone Health -

How can you reach your maximum running potential? Do you know what is going on behind the scenes of your training, how your unique physiology is contributing to your running performance, and which areas you should focus on to see the most improvement? Well join Dr Richard Blagrove (Bsc(hons) MSc, PhD, SFHEA, PGCE, ASCC, CSCS) A highly qualified strength and conditioning coach, senior lecturer in Physiology, invited member of the Royal Osteoporosis Society, and author, on all things around running physiology, and bone health in female endurance athletes. Including talk around THE SUPER SHOES and what is really going on with these! Please feel free to send any enquires to Rich via email -------------------------------- Be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram for updates, guest requests, feedback, and more..... #RED-S #Female #Athlete #Runner #Physiology #bonehealth #endurancesport


S3-E5 || Isabelle Boffey || Behind Continued And Sustained Success

Having run the Olympic Qualifying time for the 800m, Isabelle Boffey talks us through her journey from extreme junior success to this point. She shares her reflections on the rationale behind her continued and sustained success in the sport. Issy, has continued to improve her 800m time every years for 11 of the 12 years she has been competing in it. So aside from the talent, what is her secret? But, she has not got here without her own fair share of challenges, and for her this includes dealing with the significant impacts her menstrual cycle has on her and performance. #womensrunning #running #periods #menstrualcycle #periodsinsport #800m #olympicqualifying


S3-E4 || Cole Gibbens || Content Creation - The Journey, The Life, The Reality-

Cole Gibbens @colerunning is a running YouTuber and content creator, as well as an athlete himself. With running content on the rise, increasing numbers of sponsors reaching out to athletes with social media and content presence, and content creation becoming a potential way for athletes to support themselves financially, it is definitely an area to discuss. Cole shares his journey to and as a content creator, including how he got started, what it is like, and his reflections and advice. Lots to take away from this, and lots of space for more female athletes and runners to create content so be inspired. Be sure to follow the podcast on Instagram for guest requests, questions, and feedback. #youtube #runningcontent #contentcreation #runningyoutube


S3-E3 || Samantha Harrison || From 0 To Pro - Non-Runner and Full Time Employee to Pro Athlete -

Ever thought its 'too late' or 'not realistic' to try something new, or take a chance on something? Well, sometimes trusting in the path life offers can go a long way, and you don't have to decide on the end goal before beginning your journey! Samantha Harrison is the 2023 UK ranked number 1 female runner over the 5k and 10k. She is a professional athlete sponsored by Adidas, and the craziest part. She only took up running 5 years ago. So how did this all happen, what motivated her towards this, and with Paris just around the corner where is she headed to next? ----------------------------- Samantha Harrison Instagram Samantha Harrison Power of 10 The Podcast on Instagram and for feedback


S3-E2 || Lynn McKenna || Time, Patience, & Talent - The Path To Success

Life after the vicious cycle of injury. Lynn McKenna, recently competed at the European Cross Country Championships repping the GB vest for the first time, and in her own words the experience is still ' yet to sink in'. Despite being a talented athlete Lynn struggled with years of major injuries, with no one able to find her a fix. In her case time was the healer, but reflecting back on her experience Lynn acknowledges that her approach to training and nutrition may have been contributing factors. Overtraining and undereating/ incorrect fuelling are common pitfalls for the driven female athletes, but Lynn shows and shares why and how these can be sub optimal on long term performance, and how you can change for the better. Aside from being an incredible athlete Lynn is a smart, ambitious individual, with aspirations to practice law. Lynn's story so far shows an inspiring journey of resilience and growth, and there is a lot to be learned from her. --------------------------------- Be sure to follow the podcast to stay up to date with the latest guests, info, results, and for thoughts and feedback! #femalerunner #RED-S #overtraining #success #athletelawyer #femaleathlete


S3-E1 || Georgia Bell || Sporting Success After 'Quitting' - If you had it once you can have it again, and in Georgia's case have it even better -

Starting 2024 with a world lead, world indoor qualifying time, and meeting record is ' now back to running' Georgia Bell. Georgia is a very talented runner and athlete, who after many years of junior success and some time out in the states decided to leave sport behind her taking up your regular 9 - 5. But clearly sport is back in her life. This inspiring episode highlights the longevity of talent and results of hard work and dedication. Georgia shares her journey from having quit running to running at an elite level. She shares her motivation to get back, how she made this journey, where becoming a World Champion in Duathlon fits in, and her current situation. Georgia has a great mindset and approach to training, which no doubt has played a role in her success, so there is a lot to be learned from her. -------------------------------------------- ⁠Georgia's Athletic Achievements (Power of 10)⁠ ⁠Georgia's @fortesport⁠ ⁠The podcast, on Instagram, feedback, and more...⁠ #worldchampion #duathlon #femalerunner #femaleathlete #1500m #athletics #running


S2-E17 || Katie Bingle || Training, Injuries, and ADHD - How these affect each other ?-

Do you have ADHD or are another neurodiverse condition? And are you also an athlete? Or do you work a full time job? And are you also an athlete? Or are you like Katie and do both? Katie Bingle, has run for Great Britain and continued to compete at a high level, whilst also entering the world of full time work. She shares her experience of moving through the cycle of injury and into full time work. She and me both also have ADHD and in this episode we discuss the ways in which ADHD impacts training and mindset, and Katie reflects upon the potential impact ADHD has had on training, eating, and competing. A lot to be learned from this episode, especially if the content resonates with you. As always it is important to note neither of us are medical professionals and only speak based on our own lived experiences. ADHD presents itself differently in all individuals and a range of different conditions and factors can result in the manifestation of certain ADHD symptoms despite ADHD not being the cause. If you feel you really related to some of these experiences check out ADHD UK - Homepage - ADHD UK And consult with your GP about further next steps, as only a qualified psychiatrist can diagnose. ---------------------------------------------- Be sure to follow the podcast @fitterfasterandhappier on Instagram for guest requests, questions, updates, and more. #adhd #femaleathlete #femalerunner #athleteadhd #neurodiversity #workingathlete


S2-E16 || Hannah Irwin || Beating Bone Injuries || Using Mental Strength to Build Physical Strength

Injuries - every runners worst nightmare. But are there things we can do to stay clear of them, what are the best ways of dealing with them when they come, and can you come back stronger? Well Northern Irish 10,000m and Half Marathon record holder, and Commonwealth Games 10,000m finalist Hannah Irwin shares her reflections on battling with injuries, specifically bone injuries, and how she didn't let having to DNF at the Commonwealth Games stop her from coming back to a season of PB's. Hannah reflects upon her running experience and how under fuelling affected her, and how she has since moved on to have major successes. Hannah is also the co host of Is Honesty Always the Best Policy Hannah's Instagram Athletics weekly Feature Be sure to follow the podcast on INSTAGRAM @fitterfasterhappier for guest request, feedback, and more! Please leave a rating if you have been enjoying the show, it really helps to bring you guys high quality guests.


S2-E15 || Olivia Mathias || Life and Training As A Pro Triathlete' - Wisdom from a Commonwealth Games and World Cup Medallist-'

So what does a Commonwealth Games and World Cup medallist do on their day to day? Olivia Mathias is a 2x U23 World Triathlon championships Silver medallist, Commonwealth Games Triathlon silver medallist, and Triathlon World Cup bronze medallist. As a professional triathlete with aspirations to compete in Tokyo, she provides us unique insight into her life. She shares the struggles, including her recent injury, the facts including her typical training week, and the best bits, around all things being a triathlete. A really great episode packed full of insight! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Olivia on Instagram Follow The Podcast on Instagram Support the podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for listening and all the best for the week ahead! #triathlon #femaletriathlete #femaleathlete #professionaltriathlete #oliviamathias


RED-S with Jake Smith New Years Bonus

First part of the New Years Bonus Trilogy - RED-S! This has been the number one area of interest on this podcast and so to bring the year to a close here area some further thoughts and reflections around the topic. In this episode RED-S advocate, Nike athlete, and Running with RED-S Podcast founder and host Jake Smith joins me to talk through his reflections on RED-S. wishing you the best for a forefilling and RED-S free 2024! ------------------------- Project RED-S by Pippa Woolven Running with RED-S Jake Liam Smith #RED-S #RunningwithRED-S


My 2023 Running Reflections Bonus New Years

My reflections on what makes for a happy and successful runner as a result of having spoken with a range of top athletes and experts through this podcast, and my own running experience. To be clear, I am in no way shape or form a qualified expert in anything sport or medical related. Any information I share in this episode purely reflects my own thoughts and reflections. Thanks so much for being part of the family this year! Hopefully you enjoy this episode :) All the best for 2024!


Christmas Special Featuring My Sister || Training & Christmas - Discuss -

Does the festive periods stress your inner athlete? There has been a fair bit of attention around the stress and anxiety the festive period can cause to training. In particular around training routines, sessions, and festive food. Being a festive stressor is definitely something I can say I have been a bit of a victim of in the past, but I have since moved on. So I thought I'd share this experience and journey in a little Christmas themed bonus episode. In this episode I sit down with my sister to talk around my experience of being an athlete and Christmas. I share my past mindset around the topics of training and food at Christmas and where I am now and my thoughts and reflections on it all. My sister brings in some runner outsider perspectives and her thoughts and reflections as someone very close to me. Big shout out to her for joining the pod today! Thanks to everyone who is part of the Fitter, Faster, and Happier community. I hope you all have a really lovely Christmas period! Something a bit different, but hopefully you were able to find some enjoyment or value in this! Long story short life is long so enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------- Link to the Article by Tom Craggs Harvard's Study on Happiness and Longevity (Key Points) Follow @fitterfasterhappier on Instagram to join the community, share your thoughts, and get guest updates...


S2 - E14 || Leanne Levitt || ' Defying Challenge & Redefining Success - Using Drive to Defeat Cancer - '

Everyone's knows you're meant to make lemonade when life throws you lemons - but how do you really do this? And how do you do this when you're an athlete? Leanne Levitt @leannelevittbiz is an ex GB Endurance athlete, who has survived a rare type of bone cancer, and continued moving from strength to strength as she takes on a new role as a business leader, and finds a new normal for training. This episode sheds light on how strength of mind and strength of character can be used to make it through the hard times, and emerge on top. Leanne is a highly driven, highly motivated, and highly inspirational person and athlete, and this episode will leave you feeling positive and inspired. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Leanne Levitt Bone Cancer Survivor Be sure to follow on Instagram @fitterfasterhappier Feedback Guest Requests Content and Bonuses Please leave a rating and review if you have been enjoying the podcast All the best for the week ahead! #bonecancersurvivor #cancersurvivor #athlete #femaleathlete #ironman #triathlon #femaletriathlete #inspiration #strongmindset


S2- E13 || Phoebe Gill || 60% Mental And 40% Physical - Reflections From The UK's fastest U17 1500m & 800m ist-

Phoebe Gill holds top spot when it comes to the 800m and 1500m, with multiple number 1's for the UK All Time rankings across U13 and U17 with a PB of 2.01.50 (800m), and 4.11.9 (1500m). So aside from a lot of talent, what does she attribute her success to? And what challenges has she faced, and how has she overcome them? A really insightful episode which discusses some key topics around athlete success, and finding the right balance between life and sport, and physical and mental training. If you ask Phoebe its ' 40% physical and 60% mental' so what does this mean? She might only be 16 but she has already got a great mindset with lots of valuable knowledge, perspective, and insight. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Be sure to follow @fitterfasterhappier on Instagram for updates, guest requests, feedback and more. Thanks to everyone who contributed questions for this episode - tried to cover as many as possible :) #1500m #800m #femaleathlete #RED-S #CommonwealthYouthGames #Athletesuccess #Mentalstrength


S2-E12 || Baz Moffat || The Female Athlete Health Crisis - Breasts, Pelvic Floors, RED-S And More

The female athlete health crisis – it is real! This episode brings to you: Pelvic floor, breasts and bras, the menstrual cycle all unique to being a woman in sport. We dive into some of the features unique to women, as well as the key topics of RED-S and body image. Baz Moffat from the Well HQ joins us today to offer some information, insight, and advice around some critical aspects of female health relevant to sport. Baz shares some of her own experiences from being a GB rower. Baz offers a refreshing and honest take on some of these over promoted and under discussed topics. No waffling around topics today, we dive straight in and get right into some of the more controversial and ‘taboo’ topics. This is an absolute must listen for any women and especially any women in sport! ----------------------------------------------------------- As mentioned in the episode- here are the links: About - The Well HQ : The Well HQ ( Squeezy: pelvic floor support app ( The Female Body Bible by Dr Emma Ross, Baz Moffat | Waterstones ------------------------------------------------------------------ @fitterfasterhappier on Instagram for updates, guest requests, feedback and more!


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