DiscoverFlat Tooth Productions Presents:The High High Hopes Podcast
Flat Tooth Productions Presents:The High High Hopes Podcast

Flat Tooth Productions Presents:The High High Hopes Podcast

Author: Flattooth Productions

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This is a weekly podcast discussing current events, politics, and whatever else tickles our fancy. We are not suitable for all audiences as we don't censor ourselves or our views. Hopefully you find us entertaining. Please subscribe so you don't miss out on any of your weekly High High Hopes. Feel free to visit our website
12 Episodes
Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Today we talk about super Tuesday and where we are in the democratic primary race. We then discuss whether or not Joe Biden is the White Liberal Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. warned us about. Finally we acknowledge national women's day and its socialist origins. 
Hello Everybody, We have a morbid one for you today. Bernie sanders gets beat up in South Carolina by Joe Biden. The corona virus is coming for us all. Donald trump and Mike Pence are our only hopes. We extend Black History Month a day or two and give you a short tribute to Nina Simone. 
Hello again friends, It's sunday so you know that means another episode of the High High Hopes Podcast. Today we talk about the bloodbath that was the Nevada debate and subsequent caucus. It was a firefight. Apparently they don't like rats or snakes in that state. Trump gets all riled up about parasite winning best picture. And to close out the episode we hear from James Baldwin a lesser known but no less powerful black civil rights activist and author James Baldwin. As always come check out our website or email us at have a great week. 
Hello Friends, We are back with another episode of the High High Hopes Podcast. We start you off with an election update. Bernie wins Nevada and Bloomberg wants to stop and frisk America. Joaquin Phoenix wins best actor and uses his acceptance speech to Preach about going vegan. We close out with an old audio clip of a talk from Fred Hampton a black socialist activist who was assassinated in 1969. If you don't know who he is I highly recommend you read up on him as he was way ahead of his time with his ideas. As always you can reach out to us on facebook, instagram, twitter, or email. You can find links to all our social media sites as well as other places to stream on our website.
Hello ladies and Gentleman and welcome to the 9th Week of the podcast. Due to some technical difficulties we weren't able to get an episode out last week but rest assured this week we are back with our usual antics. Jenny returns as hopefully a permanent host for the high high hopes podcast. This week we discuss how bad the democrats screwed up Iowa. We talk about the pwnage mayor Pete took at the last debate. The democrats fail it removing trump from office via impeachment. And finally, we discuss who keeps letting all these brown people into my country. 
Hello ladies and gentlemen, We have a wild show for you today. We start off talking about the Pros and Cons of switching to a single payer system here in the U.S. We debunk a lot of the lies the corrupt insurance companies use to scare us into keeping them around. We then pivot to sex work and the legalization of prostitution. It gets wild so definitely put the kids off at school before you start up this one. As always we love hearing from you and we try to respond to all emails we get during the week. You can contact us at Or checkout our website for links to our social media and streaming platforms. 
Hello Everybody, today we have Bernie V. Warren: The ClapBack and we also take a look at the state of the democratic primary with 2 weeks to go to the Iowa Caucus. We are also starting a new segment called "Americas war on poor people." And finally we discuss the oscars a bit and make predictions on who is going to win best picture. We love to hear from you so feel free to hit us up on facebook, twitter, instagram, or email and let us know what you think or if you have some podcast ideas. 
 Hello Friends, Today we are talking about the fires that are currently turning Australia into ash. Also, New York has gone rogue and started releasing criminals free to roam the street. Somebody get me Snake Plissken. 
Hello again friends,  we are back with another episode of the high high hopes podcast. Today of course we have to talk about growing tensions with Iran, Julian Castro dropping out of the democratic primary race, aliens eating humans, and legalization of marijuana in the great state of Illinois. You are definitely going to want to listen to this one. As always we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at or hit us up on twitter @highhighhopes1. Useful Links: Opening Song: US/Iran History: Vegan Meme: 
Happy Veganuary

Happy Veganuary


Today's episode is a vegan heavy episode. We give you some tips on going vegan in the new year. We also discuss Trump's take on wind. He has a lot of hate for somebody so full of hot air. And lastly we discuss the ethics of using Tik Tok to promote your brand. As always shoot us an email or visit us at And subscribe to make sure you don't miss an episode.    Cowspiracy Website Earthlings Website (Not suitable for everyone)
Hey Friends,   For christmas we decided to upload our test podcast. The audio quality isn't up to snuff and we fumbled our way through a bit of it. There is still some great discussion here and some really funny bits. I think you guys will really enjoy it. Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus for the rest of us, and look out for our new years episode coming out next week. 
This is the first of a weekly podcast series discussing current events. Insightful and funny are both words. Check it out and let us know what you think. We'd love some feedback or topic discussions. Plus if we say something extra ignorant we know you want to give us an earful. We read all emails sent to Enjoy.