Flipping Tables

151 Episodes
The final episode of Flipping Tables. Join Mike and Lyons for some reminiscing, their favorite episode titles, and a last minute foray into recklessly predicting the future.
The penultimate episode of Flipping Tables! Pebble is dead! Amazon Go wants to replace your teenager's job as a clerk! And Miyazaki has lost hope for humanity!
Netflix adds (some) offline playback. Last Of Us Part II revealed. And Final Fantasy XV might actually be good.
Assassin's Creed II was always terrible. Lyons experiences Daydream VR. And Google is brilliant at getting us to feed it's AI yet again with Quick, Draw!
Final Fantasy XV doesn't pique Lyons' interest. seems like a way better investment. And Apple releases a paper book for... reasons.
A little more Macbook Pro follow-up sneaks in before a reminder of some basic steps you can take to secure your online life.
Mike returns to share his thoughts on new Macbooks Pro, the Surface Studio, and why 'pro' shouldn't be interchangeable with 'difficult'. And can we be done with DST and timezones please?
Matt of Bits & Pieces guests to talk the Google Pixel, Microsoft Surface Studio, New Macbooks Pro, and live streaming pizza.
Will Twitter eventually just be bots talk to other bots about politics? And the Nintendo NX, now Nintendo Switch, was officially announced! Lyons hasn't been this excited with Nintendo in years!
Google Daydream VR. The Note 7 is officially legally dead. And is Dropbox screwing itself out of supremacy?
Lyons returns to talk Samsung Galaxy Note 7 woes, Spotify Malvertising, and the Made by Google event. His pre-ordered Pixel is of course, Quite Black.
David Lyons is STILL GONE. Mike's wife Shelby guest hosts as they discuss email etiquette, waterproof consumer expectations, whether Airpods are sexy, and the latest Hollywood reboot film, The Magnificent Seven.
David Lyons is STILL GONE. Mike's brother Justin hops on the show as they discuss iOS 10 papercuts, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and the merits of 'small' open world games. Also: Oliver Stone's Snowden film.
What happened to David Lyons? Mike is joined by guest host Marc Mueller as they discuss Internet of Things fragmentation, anti-paparazzi clothing, the future of gaming consoles, and the difference between reading and listening to an audiobook.
We had no interest in recapping the Apple Event, so instead we talked about the interesting parts; space age ceramics and the wireless future.
Canceled Lego Universe. WhatsApp sharing data with Facebook. And Lyons buys an Electric Vehicle.
No Man's Sky is an unusually fiery hype train crash. And the backspace nav controversy continues with a guest appearance by Matt of Bits & Pieces.
Everyone got the Microsoft Golden Key story wrong including us! Autonomous vehicles are coming (for your jobs). PowerShell comes to Linux. And Chrome no longer foolishly uses backspace for browser navigation. Rejoice!
Microsoft proves how dumb backdoors keys are, a 3DS game's trailer soundtrack reminds us of the ghosts of internet memes past, and Spotify shows us a mixed bag of gaming soundtracks that can be streamed. Also, is No Man's Sky a harbinger of gaming's procedurally generated future?
The nostalgia goggles are definitely on as we talk Sonic Mania and Nintendo Power. And can Microsoft make Surface as a Service along with Windows 10 as a Service?
Mike returns to talk SDCC and his undying love of attending conferences. Lyons finally gets to talk about Pokémon GO.
Matt of Bits & Pieces guests to talk about the permanence of internet storage, and the dream of Chromebooks connected to cloud services.
Susan of Eclectic Readers fame guests this week to talk with Lyons about all the things wrong with streaming and subscription media services.
Comcast does something nice? And Lyons is counting the seconds until he can move back to Android. Fingers crossed for a great 2016 Nexus.
Comcast end-of-life's Mike's very much alive modem. Email is a thing you can control, sort of. And Apple versus Spotify.
Comcast strikes again. And a deep discussion on perceived UX versus the functional reality. Also doors, doors, and more doors.
Mike and Lyons get Google Cardboard. Mike's mom tries VR for the first time. And Nintendo showed Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild at E3 complete with male Link, then made asses of themselves when asked about a female Link.
WWDC 2016 happened and we have lots of words to say about it.
Lyons got hurt and Mike bought a new bag. Microsoft shows customers how they feel about their autonomy with Windows 10 upgrade tricks. And VR was finally experienced in person.
Our subreddit for discussing episodes has launched so come chat! Could a phone be usable with a truly edge to edge screen? Pebble pivots to focus on fitness. And Mike sings Uncharted 4's praises.
Google I/O 2016 happened. Moar messaging apps, Google Home, and Android on ChromeOS. And somehow Lyons finds a way to still talk about his iPhone SE.
Lyons' iPhone SE arrived and the following is a recording of that event. The Good, The Bad, and if you're Mike; the Stockholm syndrome.
Lyons buys an iPhone SE (that hasn't arrived yet.) The shift from desktop to mobile has largely happened. And Mike shares insights on spec work inspired by CGP Grey's recent job ad. is texting in public, but is it worth doing? And Square Enix is finally learning that people will pay money for classic style JRPGs like Bravely Second and I Am Setsuna.
The Slacklash continues! Is threaded messaging enough to make Slack into a 'real' collaboration tool? And the radical plan to use a calendar and time marking system based on logic and not which ruler most recently invaded your country.
The trailer for Rogue One is out and looks really promising. Mike vents about Microsoft Office Updater updating with huge updates after it updates itself. And could Google make Swift a first-class language on Android?
They just don't make Final Fantasy like they used to. And if the future is APIs and the Internet of Things we should probably figure out some ground rules.
We're done reporting on Apple vs the FBI! Tons of followup about funding OSS. The Bash shell comes to Windows. And Miitomo is totally maybe the future of social networking but probably not.
The term 'holoportation' may never catch on but hopefully th technology does! Microsoft isn't just about hololense though, they also made an (accidentally) bigotted AI named Tay. And our spoilerific discussion of 'Batman v Superman'.
Instagram joins Twitter in embracing algorithmic timelines, Steve Wozniak admits the fabled garage of Apple's origins is a myth, and Napter's Sean Parker is back with an idea to bring theatrical release movies to home on release day, with support from Steven Spielberg, JJ Abrams and Peter Jackson. NOTE: We recorded this episode before the breaking news of the FBI's near total withdrawal from their All Writs Act order against Apple.
Maybe we're too hard on the Internet of Things. And maybe they still mostly suck and are kind of dumb. And home servers! Remember those? Some crazy people still use them. Like Lyons.
This probably won't be the last console generation but we're definitely in the home stretch. PS4 Remote Play is coming to PC and Mac. Xbox could be upgraded like a PC (but not really). And the Amazon Echo Dot, Tap, and reversing course on encryption. Twice.
Ads come to the Windows 10 lockscreen and Pocket, luckily some mobile games are doing ads right. And will AMP and Facebook Instant Articles destroy the web? Yeah probably not.
The great big Apple vs the FBI episode. This is an important topic and we give it the time it deserves.
Twitter went algorithm just like they said they wouldn't. Amazon releases AAA game engine Lumberyard for free. And the future of storytelling, movies, and videogames.
Twitter breaking the timeline is a bad thing for everyone (except advertisers.) Never fear though, Lyons solves the problem and he's giving the idea away for free!
We celebrate TWO YEARS of weekly Flipping Tables episodes by discussing how podcasting has changed - for us personally as well as a whole. Also: a rundown of intriguing new podcast tools aimed at making the medium more accessible to those interested in getting started.
Lyons tries to do Social Media right. Medium might not be the best place to write. And journaling apps, can they actually make your write more?
Lyons is back with followup on smart bras and conversational UIs. VR sure wants to be a thing, but it doesn't have a killer app even in gaming. Will Portal 3 be it?
Will conversational UIs displace search and traditional UI? Will you buy a smart bra? Also: why special guest host Shelby switched back from a Surface to a MacBook.
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